Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • The Stonemasons Guild finally has gotten around to beginning the much needed repair work on the Western Walls, and the Western Gatehouse, much to the approval of the residents of the Commerce District. The dwarves of the Guild have also been seen flattening out an area of land west of the walls, where the old western Watchtower used to stand prior to its destruction at the hands of Sergeant Hakeswell of Highhold. Perhaps they will be attempting to rebuild it…though what the Orcs have to say about that is another story...

  • {Caric Snowgriffin is seen carrying the coprse of Holi Frezner to the temple of the Triade leaving a hefty sum to the temple in case her soul will's to return.The tall northman is seen sheading tears and praying in silence}.

  • It seems that once again the Elven bard, Elidur Ginen finds himself behind bars. Rumours suggest that after a furious mage-battle, he fled for sanctuary in Lacey's shop. What exactly happened in there is known only to Lacey, her guards, Nure Same and Elidur Ginen - but apparently Elidur was dragged by the neck from the shop out to the residential district.

    It didn't take long before he was dragged back to the Commons by his arm and stuffed into his all-to-familiar surround. Coincedentally, the Human who had been acting violently against Elidur appears to have gotten off with not so much as a warning!

  • _The docks errupted into a full blow riot in the early hours. Seedier types and those living in the tent city beat guards unconscious and set the Harvest Union's building on fire. Attempts to stop the blaze or gas the troublemakers were hampered by a mysterious wizard.

    As the Union Hall exploded the ring leader whipped the vagrants up by saying this was only the beginning.

    A few guards and union workers were dragged to saftey by Guardians and adventuring types before the explosion but any inside perished. Other hid out and barricaded themselves in nearby Inns and taverns.

    Some were arrested and carted off to the goal for questioning._

  • Silmiel an elven priestess of Sharess is seen helping the poors,feeding them dressing them listening,curing diseases healing wounds.She some times weared the robe of the sisterhood though most ofthen was dress in an impressive priestlt robe

  • _The 'moonies' and Sisterhood continue to supply food to the needy from the crumbling orphanage in the docks district. An Ilmateri is also seen at the location on occasion. The quality and regularity of the food continue to improve.

    All the women ask in return is that people give thanks to the gods and have hope._

  • ICC

    A tall, dark skinned man dressed in wolf furs seems to be spending a lot of time in the Bardic College's public library. Which is odd, because it doesn't appear that he can read much more than his name…

  • Rumor has it that the bard college has been up to intersting things of late. It is said that a group was seen fleeing the bard college after seeing what one described as quite horrific. It is unclear of what happened as the random babbles from the group range from hot pokers to men kissing.

  • _A distinctly battered - and birdpoo stained - Perriwig P. Doubleday returns to Peltarch, arm in arm with his badminton partner Caramella, his usual chirpiness replaced with sore squawks of complaint. After a nice sit down, a cup of tea, perhaps a plate of buns, some cucumber sandwiches, the soup course, a side of veal, six oysters, duck pate with oatcakes, a light lemony palate cleansing sorbet, half a bottle of fenberry wine, a bumper of punch, a fruity creamy meringue and a slice of chocolate cake - the gastrognome finally proves fit enough to disclose to a disinterested public the gnomish travails which beset he and the high-hatted Ms Bestefaren.

    Reportedly, the small merry band - including the penny-pinching Waukeenar halfling Katernin - ventured into the Giantspire caves, where hulking, sweatsome and odorous ogres dwell. Dispatching the beastly behemoths, the gnomes encountered the Birdlord of Peltarch. Ostensibly some sort of feather-frenzied druid, this Sparrow in Chief gathered about him flocks of meanspirited pecksome flappers, including the stone-leering cockatrice and the dire penguin! While the former was perhaps more threatening, the latter proved more splendid, Perriwig swearing blind that the three right-sized adventurers absolutely, positively saw one of the penguins take to its stubby wings, and fly through the air!

    Discerning critics will be apt to regard this as another gnomish tall tale. Nevertheless, the exquisitely coutured cultural dynamo insists on the ornithological truth of the story…_

  • {Few Defrent adventurers have reported bandit activity in the pass very close to the legion's tower.Most will say that the bandits were dressed in gypsies leathers.}

  • _Rumor that lizard men have been ambushing passerbys on the way to peltarch!

    Unrelated to this is the recent upswing in people speaking of increase bandit activity further south_

  • {the Young lass known as Kaenna Drake sister of the late Guardsman Axel drake who was killed by drow while defending Norwick is ofthen seen helping new commers earn their fighting skills,she spent time in the commons when not fighting to meet new people and study others.Rumors are that she in fact could be a squire to Sir Shannon being a young paladin of Tyr}

  • _Curious happenings..
    Beams of light shot from the sky one dreary afternoon, striking down at the orc-occupied plains west of the city. Only moments after the barrage ended, a battered young man with seeming giant strength carried two corpses and a whole load of gear into the city, and to the temple of Tyr, joined by a young woman on the way there. Some time later, the two corpses had been returned to life, and the four left the temple again.

    The young man himself, called Hammerhand, seems utterly convinced that the beams of light came from Tempus himself._

  • @e56805cc7e:

    Rumor has it that a tree in Peltarch is giving out bottles of boo boo begone among other sweet delights. Rumors also go that of those that have witness said tree shrug it off as no more than a cheap palor trick others however, believe it is a magical tree full of warm fuzzyness

  • While plenty of people in the Docks are happy to avail of a free meal for the day, none of the residents of the Tent City do so, in fact most of them have a string of vulgarities for anybody even trying to talk to them.

  • _Persistant rumours claim that the latest monsters to magically appear at the Peltarch commons were not hook horrors, spiders, umberhulks or some other manner of underdark beast, but something more unbelievable still: bunnies. Not just that, but terrifying PINK bunnies, the size of DOGS, with great big, gnashing teeth, twitchy ears and mad, glowing pink eyes of DOOM!

    Whether or not these rumours are actually believed by anyone or if the patrons speaking of it are simply dismissed as drunks or madmen is another story altogether._

  • Several beautiful young ladies of the Sisterhood of the Crimson Glove were seen departing to the west of town, returning several hours later with a big cauldron of soup. They then proceeded to head over to the docks, and the Tent City in particular, serving out food to all the hungry who came to them.

    Word is passed around that this might become a regular occurance.

  • Several adventurers tell stories in the taverns of having found a dark tunnel leading to a mysterious cave full of undead in the western fields. They tell tale of undead and four sarcophagi they found empty.

  • Rumor has it that of late more and more folks have been conversing around the commons of finding wealth from new employment. They say source of said wealth is somtimes identified as Alexi Shivarn

  • Rumor has it that the blond priestess of Umberlee was seen kissing Locrian in the Mermaid a few weeks back. If asked, she completely denies it and mutters something about drowning the poor Lathanderite.