Norwicks Town Directory (Updated: 12 Oct 2007)
A List is placed outside the barracks to let the townsfolk know who the town officials, militia, and scouts are.
D'CameronAdvisor to the Chancellor
N/AAdvisor Arcane
Salin Ashald (MCP)Ambassador
Unen (Kwynar)Counselor in Charge of Fight Night and Other Activities
Guards (Red Cloaks)
Commander: N/A
Lieutenant: Ryker Corvis (Unholycalls)
Guard: Elyl Wefnaren (TheWandering1)
Guard: Zacho Diams (Applecitron)
Guard: Laura (mcp.993)
Commander: Thalassa Meynolt
Lieutenant: N/A
Sentinel: N/A
Watcher: N/A
Scout Recruit: Korrin Silverleaf
Updated to the best of my ability
///Can we get an update on this, please?
((updated 10/12/2007 - Dwin))