Whispers at the Fire

  • In the early morning hours, the Chancellor (noticeably lacking his gold cloaked guards) can be seen taking long walks with a hooded dwarf, pointing out landmarks, making what one would assume are plans for defensive positions. The two keep mostly to themselves and retreat to the Great Hall by the time most farm workers and other Norwickians start their daily routines.

  • Kresha is looking for Colonel Desario. It seems there is a matter regarding gold and other items from her fall to be cleared up.

  • There are small talks about that new elven lass who joied the militia as a recruit.She was wearing some very revealing clotes when she followed Comander Devlin in the barracks and came out dressed in black leather from head to toes.

    One of Farmer says he spoke to her before and that her name is Firdrya and she is one gorgeous lass.
    An other say that she was seen coming back from a small expedition into some crypt.

  • ICC

    *A Large force of Goblins attacked Norwick. It all began when a goblin assasin sneaked up in Norwick and tried to kill a citizen that was standing next to the crafters hall entry door. He was quickly downed by a group of citizens that were sitting by the fire talking with a small patrol party composed of 3 Half-orcs, members of the feared half orc clan named… The Iron Chain Clan.

    Their leader, Arak´Hur, saw this attemp of murdurer and lead the other two half-orcs, Argath Drob and Gruul korgak to a patrol. Followin the party of half orcs, a bigger group composed of the citizens that were sitting by the fire headed south aswell.

    A big battle against an insurgent hord of Goblins happened next to the south gate, 2 or 3 members of the goup of the city vigilantes, were knocked unconscious by the goblins, but non of them were kidnaped, mainly thanks to the group of Half orcs that fought off the invading force of goblins.

    After the battle was done, the 2 group returned to Norwick, to boast about their dids in battle.

  • Rando is seen guarding the south gate looking to the south with the expression "come and try your luck". Rando does not seem his cheerful self.

  • Jerrick oversees, pointing out which trees not to touch, presuming there are any Treants in any oak trees nearby, or any "inhabited" trees, which he relocates the critters from.

  • Yngdír helps out with his Legionnaire comrades, loading the wagons and helping to cut the trees. Realizing the importance of the bonfires however, he leaves the trimmed branches as kindling and fuel.

  • *A Legion party with wagons and axes shows up in a timely manner to assist Norwick's removal of trees in front of Norwick's south gates, at the invitation of Colonel Devlin.

    The party is polite, and thanks any Norwick officials around for the trees, and assists in taking them down, before stacking them in their wagons and departing.*

  • _The Chancellor is seen much more often in the area of the Dwarven Hold. Some say that he might now have a private residence within the hallowed halls.

    One one such visit, he exits with half a dozen or so of the legendary warriors called "Moradin's Hammers." The group travels north to the Northern Gates where the Hammers firmly plant their feet and resume the guard duty that started back in the days before the N'Jast conflict.

    The Chancellor leaves some ale (apparently he recently received some excellent stock) and bids them Vergadain's Luck in their duty._

  • Word has it that a Drow assassin tried to kill Rando in the middle of the town near the fire… Chase was given, but the Drow covered its retreat with the mean of a medium sized Goblin force that attacked at the same time

  • An order goes out from the Militia commander to cut down and burn some of the trees near the Southern gates to open up the field of view, and deter any surprise attack from the Drow. When the Commander is asked what to do about the diseased looking animals, he tells people to kill them and throw their carcasses into the field bonfires to prevent the further spread of disease.

  • As of late, many animals in the Rawlins have come out looking terribly diseased. It isn't just one disease however, each animal seems to have it's own kind of disease.

  • rumors speak of a heated confrontation between the Chancellor and a handful of mages, including an elven wizardess who seemed to be their leader. The encounter continued until dusk, when the elf mage and Chancellor shook hands and seemed to part on good terms.

  • Dwin makes a rare announcement himself from the center of town. He is flanked on either side by two angry looking gold-cloaked guards who keep constant watch over the crowd.

    Friends and Neighbors!

    I am sure you have heard that there is a battle brewing to the north, between the Romani-eastlanders and an otherwise unknown group.

    I want to make it clear to EVERYONE that the Realm of Norwick takes no part in this violence. Should any residents of norwick choose to invlve themselves in this fight, then you will NOT be re-admitted to our gates.

    This goes for everyone… whether you are a farmer looking for excitement... Or the Head-mistress of a Magical Keep... We do not condone this violence, and you will not be allowed to return here should you make this foolish decision.

    I would recommend that anyone having business in the Pass or in Peltarch travel by the Norwick River--or better yet, delay your travel if possible.

    While I got yer attention, I know that theres also rumors of drow sneakin around at night. We're investigating this and our able-bodied Militia are prepared for any such threat.

    Any questions?

  • ICC

    A dwarf in simple robes arrives in Norwick after hearing about the recent rumor at the fire he moves to the Grapevine Inn to settle his horse and leave the town center northwards.

  • Yngdír hears such rumours, he's spending a lot of time in Norwick to help fend off the Drow. It is said that when he heard of the mobilization he quietly left the Grapevine Inn and travelled the north-road in some haste.

  • Rumors of a large militant group setting up just north of the bridge in the Nars pass spread slowly into Narfell. They can be overheard in the local taverns that the bandits will finally get what's coming to them.

  • ICC


    The Cigar smokin halfer orc, known as Arak´Hur, Leader of the Iron Chain Clan aproaches Dwin´s Office with a business brief case under his right arm, he is escolted by twu huge heavily armored and armed , snarling halfers. (The halfers enter Norwick holding no weapon)
    He enters, but the two huge halfers stay outside at the door step, one on each side of the door

    // Dwin, check your PM box please 😄

    *Few hours after Arak´Hur entered Dwins office, he can be seen leaving it with a pleased face expression. The two huge half orcs that were escolting dont follow him back to the ICC cave….instead, they head to Old Norwick ruins and start patroling that area.
    Half a day after, a big group of heavily armored and armed Half-Orcs start patroling the areas around New Norwick. Ahead of this group of vivious warriors, Arak´Hur can be seen leading them and shouting :

    "Kills dem undeads, bats rats and deh gobbos!! If find Drow… kill it first an´ ask questions later!!

    the group of halfers roars wildly and head to Old Norwick ruins to start their patrols

  • *Devlin and Rando were seen talking about defences in around the south gate. They discussed taking back the tree line so there was a long clear killing ground, placement of artillery, guard positions and other like issues that would go with defending a position when attacked.

    To those looking on a great many details were being discussed and a clear plan was being drawn up. It would seem Norwick was being put on a war footing*

  • Legion

    When are we going to get to meet the lucky man anyways?