*Legion Activity*

    • Foilir just nods at the noise and makes a shooing motion. *

    Keep movin and stay yer tongue…

    • Displays the acquired skills of a long married husband who can tune out the noise from a nagging mate, and just nods smiles and makes the shoo-ing motion *

    <d>Nag, nag nag.....</d>

  • Telli over hears Foilir as he spits out his sour disposition.

    "Cause yuh kin Telli gonna letcha gits away wid callings us Legion Bandits once....once kin...."

    Telli holds up a stumpy finger looking equally displeased with the recent Legion bashing coming their way.

    "Next time yuh calls us da sames dems bandits... Telli gonna punch all yer teef out and make Telli a necklace..."

    With those words she waddles off with the Legionaries being expedited out of Norwick.

    "Funny how loud mouff kin a Telli's neva at da gate defendings its when Telli and da oder Legionaires is....or out huntings dems Drow dats keeps threatenings Norwicks... Funny dat huh."

    Telli nudges another Legionnaire as they walk out of town

    "Buh yuh juss listen ta his gums flaps... mebbe should boder us more if weren't from some blow hard eh...."

    Telli grins wryly waddling out on the expedition for more wood and ore.

  • @e56819f965=Green:

    General Lyte, passing through Norwick with some Legioniers, notes the sour old windbag lazing about, and hears his unneccesary, evil spirited comments in times when cooperation is needed. She inercepts his filthy coin deftly, batting it quickly away as if it might be diseased.

    "Talk about scraping the very bottom of an apple barrel for the rottonest of help. Quantity over quality indeed! Norwick must be sadly desperate in these troubled times."

    *She proceeds off with the troops, away from the leperous looking old troublemaker. *

    • Raises a brow at the cheap parlor trick by the elf and wonders when she learned how to read minds or dwarven as he didn't share his thoughts with anyone. *

    "Feel free teh go back to Jiyyd… Ooooh right... Yeh somewhat of a vagrant dese days.. Quality leadership in action!"

    Mock salutes her

    "But me would advise yeh against bringin trouble to THIS town... Yeh are as much a band of brigands in me eyes as what yeh call bandits in deh pass.."

    • With that he motions to the militia guards to help expedite them out of town *

    "Help dese folk move along afore we are all displaced for some tomfoolery they do in the woods... Who knows who dey piss off for wood anna ore. "

  • _When asked about his view on the Legion's business, Yngdír simply states that "opinions are dangerous things to have" at times adding that "our Blueberry has many opinions…" when directed to Darius' comments on recruitment, and goes about his business.

    In the Legion Pass, Yngdír has allowed the labourers a days rest after some of the most extensive work on the upcoming fortifications, some of the most ardent decide to continue working, but take shorter shifts and longer breaks - he seems content with the quality of work, and is seen talking with the Legion's officers._

  • General Lyte, passing through Norwick with some Legioniers, notes the sour old windbag lazing about, and hears his unneccesary, evil spirited comments in times when cooperation is needed. She inercepts his filthy coin deftly, batting it quickly away as if it might be diseased.

    "Talk about scraping the very bottom of an apple barrel for the rottonest of help. Quantity over quality indeed! Norwick must be sadly desperate in these troubled times."

    *She proceeds off with the troops, away from the leperous looking old troublemaker. *

    • Foilir watches the various resources get dragged from the woods in the south, through the town and up to the pass in the North.

    Slowly tugging his beard he grunts disapproval loudly. His views on the Legion and how their actions effect others is no secret.

    He expression does start to change from a frown to a full blown laugh at the comment about "quality over quantity".

    He flips the comment maker a coin as a tip for brightening his mood. *

  • Ofthen Seen at Norwick gate,travler the road between Peltarch and Norwick or simply listening to people in the commons in Peltarch,Darius "dodger"the latest recruit of the legion gives class of small lores about nature once a week at the Dancing Mermaid inn freely.

    For those who'd say the legion is having hard time recruiting he'd answer simply"that's beacause they seek quality over number".

  • ((The Legion pass is east of the bridge, not west. :oops: ))

  • Peltarch Defenders by contrast to the variety of other groups that seem to be in the Pass of late, remain conspiculously absent, even from the northern end of the Pass where before the War they often patrolled. Rumours suggest that due to the city having difficulty with paying its men, recruitment to restore the heavily depleted force is proving difficult for the new elven General.

  • From time to time, more often than not, Yngdír is out and about the Legion pass - walking from one end to the other ensuring that the work is progressing and aiding where he can. Whenever things seem to relax, he calls on the labouring Legionnairs to work harder, build it stronger - and to get it done quicker.

  • *Wagon loads of wood and ore from the south escorted by strong Legion forces are said to be winding their way north towards the Legion Tower up the Legion Pass west of the eastlander occupied bridge and road. As they move along the tree-lined route, they pass various legion checkpoints, with security seeming very tight.

    The checkpoints are not visible from the main road, and it's obvious to anyone walking this woodsy pass that the Legion is doing what it can to remain out of sight and mind of the eastlander bandits, at least, for now.*

  • Word has it the Oscuran forces that have already been patrolling the same area (though a forest separates them)seem somewhat surprised by the sudden surgence of Legion troops nearby. Seems they asked the Legion to do this ages ago and were turned down.

    (( to clarify, Oscura is not patrolling the Legion pass or crossing into Legion tower borders))