Postings in the various Inns and Taverns of Peltarch

  • Faithful of Lathander

    I seek to gather us together to discuss our faith and it's aims in the region. Leave word at the Temple of the Triad for me if your faith is as mine and perhaps we shall find means to once again have Lathander's name of the lips of the many.

    In His Light,

    Alberon Obarskyr
    Knight-Errant of the Order of the Aster, Knight of the Order of the Divine Shield, and Devoted Servant of Lathander

  • Sir Obarskyr,

    I do not know if you are aware but Brother Aelthas of Selune has recently informed me that a shrine to Lathander will be included in the temple complex in the docks district. Construction is to begin soon. Are there any relics of your faith in your clergy's possession that can be used to consecrate the altar? If not do you know of any legends of crusaders for your faith to the region that might have fallen in service and have yet to be recovered?

    We also need relics to Selune, Mystra, Tymora, and Valkur.

    I look forward to speaking with you in greater detail concerning this matter.

    Maiden Shade of Selune
    Orphange, Docts District

  • ICC

    A dwarf in bright yellow and red robes with the symbol of Lathander embroidered on it enters the temple of the triad and leaves a note for Alberon.
    _Good day Sir Alberon

    I had word that you seek to gather our brothers and sisters to discuss our faith and especially the current circumstances as well as how we could archieve that the name of The Morninglord is spoken by many once again.

    Should you determine a date for the gathering please send word to Norwick or the dwarven hold to inform me and I will gladly attend to the meeting.

    In the dawn beauty reigns and the way is clearer.
    Dilinus Gest monk of the order of sun souls, guardsman of Norwick's militia._

  • Sergeant of the Guard, Yana, leaves word that she can be freely contacted either in the docks districts, the Mermaid, or the Grapevine Inn in Norwick, which she routinely visits.