A Paladin in the Docks

  • Sir Alberon Obarskyr, a recently promoted Knight of the Order of the Divine Shield, has been dedicating much of his free time to helping any in the Docks district that have need. He heals, cures disease, and uses a portion of his income to help where ever it is needed. He does so freely but does take the time to first tell those that might listen about Lathander, then the Order.

    //If a DM would like, I intend to begin dedicating 20% of my PC's income (as opposed to the typical 10% tithe) to charitable efforts in the docks district. I can either give this gold directly to a DM or simply begin trashing it. Please let me know which would be preferable. Thanks.

  • ICC

    Rumors speak about burly orcblood loitering around with a club. Rumor also claim that few beggar's joy of possessing such extra gold is very short lived

  • While the paladin can still be seen aiding those in need in the docks, the elf is curiously absent. Alberon himself begins speaking of the soup kitchen and how he plans to try to directly assist them, in turn letting people know of it.

  • A Man in Old Norwick colors, cloak, and garb can be seen seemingly camped at the docks, looking for the elf, and the paladin of rumor.


  • Lately, a thin and quiet elf woman seems to be working for the paladin, assisting with pretty much anything

  • Legion

    Marty peers out through the entrance of her tent and grins

    Gota love paladins.

  • it seems that a young paladin of Ilmater has been handing out almost every penny he owns to the poor of the docks, much more subtlety that the shining Lathandarite however.

  • Aelthas, wandering the docks in his Defender armor approaches Alberon and pulls him aside for a quiet talk.

    //I'll try an catch you ig soon

  • ((Feel free to trash it, and I'll take it into account, cheers.))