"Fayde Jurnul"
Sloppily written on the front of the book is 'Fayde Jurnul'.
Upon the first page of the book, written in poor handwriting is the following:
"Ronan just give book. Say rite thing think."
The period is followed by neatly done patterns of swirls and diamond patterns, and under it is a drawing of Dietrick.
"Hin tell Fayde Dietrik want hurt fer hurt cuzin. Dietrik and cuzin try hurt grag, and" Ink scribbles mark out half a word. "I try help Grag, stop cuzin shoot Grag with majik. Now Dietrik hate Fayde. Confuze. Wy Dietrik hurt Grag? Wy hate I? Fayde not hate Dietrik. Hin tell I Dietrik tell peepl shoot Fayde. Grag tell Fayde good fer help. Not undrstand why Dietrik hate."
Underneath are more circular and diamond patterns around drawings of Calen and Taria.
"Fayde miss mother and father. Want see aginn. Tell father Fayde is pravit now, same Calen."