A Joint Gala (PC Defender, Guard and Specific Invites ONLY)

  • _The entire Amethyst Festhall is rented out for a day, the red carpet is rolled out, and valets in formal military attire man the doors. From within the aroma of food with a hint of wine emanates. It's readily apparent that while this is a formal military occasion, and that food and wine are being served, nothing overly extravagant is taking place: niceties without gluttony.

    A joint gala between the Defenders, Guard, Clayton Nightwind, and Calen Ashwynd is being held…_

    (Per Caoimh's permission. Corresponding threads will go here….)

  • Cerulean Knight Lycka attends the gala alongside her husband Aelthas, socializing freely and spiritedly as is her wont, yet seems prone to listen rather than make any comment of a political nature herself. If music is provided, she's quick to drag Aelthas up unto the dancefloor, and if not, she discreetly approaches the arrangers and offers to play something suitable herself, for what gala is complete without music to give it soul?

  • The middle aged guard private, Annie Quickspear, just smiles at the speeches, not really commenting them… although during Clayton's speech she does appear more interested. She doesn't stay the full duration of the evening however - she seems eager to return to the streets, to guard her city.

  • //OOC - Ditto about removing if this is to late:

    Calens Speech Highlites

    _The western wall and tower will be rebuilt. Mariston has ordered it and wether I am elected or not it will be done. The city has gone far to long with its defense down and all of you have been paying the price.

    With a new Senate elected and in place the questions of wages and the distribution of them should not be an issue any longer. Everyone deserves protection, To include all of you! pointing out to the Defenders and Guards

    With information gathered from both the Defenders and the guards there can be a schedule made up to assist with the problems in the Docks until more troops can be screened and trained.

    Just as with the Unions that have found me to be worthy of their support. I ask that you join me as we come together and work together to build and train, to watch and secure, and to always stand tall together as we face these challenges and make them a thing of the past.

    Thank you_

  • Highlights from Clayton's speech at the gala.

    (OOC:If too late because of election day just delete or disregard. Thanks)

    Honor those who fought and died in the war.

    Assure those in attendance that the fallen will not be forgotten

    Pledge to create a monument to stand for those who fell by commissioning the design of a monument to be placed highest point within the city so that fallen will be honored for eternity.

    Offer tax breaks, affordable housing to the families of those that fell during the war.
    “They sacrificed themselves so that their families could live in safety and the government of Peltarch will make sure that they did not die in vain.”

    A “Walk of Honor” established near the civic center, using the Stone Masons Guild, each brick in this cobblestone path will have the name of a fallen warrior that gave his life to protect Peltarch.

    Assure the guards that a better equipped militia is on its way. “You can’t build a house without a hammer; you can’t guard a city without quality weapons and armor.”

    Extensive evaluation of the city’s defenses will be a high priority, building additional walls or making the city defenses more viable will be given top considerations. (If not done already

    A Peltarch safe from external aggression and crimes within the walls itself is a must.

  • Raúl is just to be seen leaning at a pilar, sometimes also at the wall of the hall, looking around and yawning from time to time. He talks a bit with the people he knows but refuses to talk about politics

  • _The guards and defenders, though more typically their officers, are keen to chat with the candidates and each other about the current issues and challenges they have of late. Of concern for the Defenders are their still unfortunately reduced numbers despite recruitment efforts, a recent attempted raid by Orcs which damaged the still unrepaired western gates further and the ever pressing issue of backpay; several units have yet to receive last month's pay due to a lack of gold in the City treasury.

    As for the Guard, they are concerned with the increasing problem of unruly gangs in the Docks District, which requires more and more constables to be reassigned there from the other two districts, resulting in more reports of theft or other minor misdemeanors in those districts than usual. Some members of the Guard are also complaining of their pay being late again._

  • Aelthas stands quietly against a wall in the back, his eyes scanning over the room and people, sipping his milk and only offering small nods to whoever walks by unless they start up a conversation with him.

  • _Yana walks in, dressed in her re-dyed silks, looking somewhat apprehensive at meeting all the “important people” in the guard and defenders. Although she is talkative with those she already knows, she tends to be the wall flower most of the time. Nonetheless, she does her best to be friendly and sociable.

    She partakes of the various dishes, but stays away from the alcoholic drinks, and politely refuses any that are offered to her.

    Prior to going, Yana pays particular attention to the duty roster, to make sure she is not going during her shift at the docks. Having all the guards and defenders at one place and one time is a recipe for disaster._

  • Clayton arrives on time with his brother Nial at his side as always. He makes the rounds greeting friends cordially as well as introducing himself to those that he has not met.

  • Calen looks around and greets his friends and those that he has not met yet, the conversations range from issues with orcs in the west to the new renovations in the mermaid. He listens to the concerns of the guards and the Defenders and takes notes until seeing Shannon arrive

  • (Forum event because we can't coordinate everyone being IG. Post ICly, darn you!)

  • (Is this a forum event, or an in-game event? If in-game, what day and time?)