Noxnoctis.formidonis / Roondall Thallinus
I spent time with him on an event and could tell that hes not new to roleplay as he kept his own verry well and his character is quite interesting as well as nice ooc. I nominate Noxnoctis.formidonis player of Roondall Thallinus for a C-token.
Token Authorized - congrats
Nox, ping the DM channel IG to get a token, if a DM doesn't catch you first.
Yep, toss my vote into the hat. Very good RP, even though he plays a dwarf
Just like to re-enforce my vote for Noxnoctis; his roleplaying as Brunor has become exceptional and he is very understandable when it comes to dealing with a situation requiring a fair amount of OOC to sort IC actions out.
another good player i ran into other daygives another thumbs up
He's got my vote. He plays his dwarf (Brunor) well, while sticking to character 99.9% of the time. He is polite OOC, as KingCreeper has said.
I've been RPing with this guy for a while, a lot of fun IC - very polite OOC. Plus, Dwarves right! Gets my vote. :lol:
I thought he did for some reason.
Oh well!
He doesn't have one yet! Votes!