High Profile Book Launch at City Hall
_Criers and messengers spread word across the City that the famous gnomish Historian and author, Fistus Mixander, the Gnome who Knows has completed his latest work, "The Life and Times of Delvin Gelon", which he began not long after the tragic assassination of the beloved Elder Senator. The book serves as an authoritative biography of the man from his youth right up to his death, and interest in it is already high as the late Senator was always a central figure in the city, particularly due to his humble origins in the Docks district, which are also recounted in the book.
The Launch of the book will take place at City Hall within a tenday, with a selection of high profile guests rumoured to be invited. All candidates for the Senate have been issued invitations, as well as the Magistrates, Senators Thel and Ashald, Guild Leaders, nobles and friends and relatives of the late Senator. Naturally the author himself will also be there to give a short presentation introducing the book and adding it to the Peltarch City Library alongside his other popular volumes (such as the History of Peltarch or the Legend of the Fisher King)._
((This event is open to all, though anybody showing up looking scruffy can expect not to be allowed in. It will also be a good chance for PC candidates to schmooze important figures in the City and gain vital Guild/Noble support if they have yet to already do so. The event will take place at approximately 11pm GMT tomorrow, Saturday the 14th))
//So bummed that I missed it!
(( It was a lot of fun.
//Er O.o looks at Telli :? . I am checkin too
LOL forgot to put the little lines
I is time conversion illiterate. what time is that PST?
Err… smirks... you just lost my vote potential Senator...LEARN TIME! Smacks with a newspaper and gets out the time card conversion charts....
Its gonna be a busy week.
I is time conversion illiterate. what time is that PST?
3pm I believe
I is time conversion illiterate. what time is that PST?
// Going to be tough for me to make it before 1am GMT, but I will try my best.
((won't make it due to being abducted to a valentine's party by a band of squeeling finnish girls.
Or maybe that's just me squeeling.))