Lord Tealeaf's Rabble-Rousing

  • ICC

    _Parsley, dressed in his immaculate battle plate as usual, takes a stand on the platform in the bazaar. He seems to have a few hins around him that came from Silver Valley.

    "Hear me, people of Peltarch! Whether you be hin, gnome, dwarf, elf, human or any race, really, I would like you to know that I, Parsley Tealeaf, am running for Senate! If you vote me into such a grand position, I will promise medical services to the impoverished, as well as food and warm clothes to all in need!"

    At this point, a hin with a wounded arm steps up onto the podium, where Parsley chants and heals the wound.

    "I will bring peace Peltarch has not known for some years, for I am the Counselor of Foreign Relations with the Silver Valley and have multiple contacts in foreign lands! Perhaps bringing us exotic items and spices from merchants, which will lead Peltarch to an improved economy!"

    "For years, the paladins and other such noble human families have held a majority of the Senate, and I admit, they have done an admiral job so far! However, I believe I, Parsley Tealeaf, can match the job they've done, and perhaps even exceed their modest skills!"

    "People of Peltarch, I am well aware that I have not the combat skills, nor the tactical skills of my rivals in this election, but I will tell you this: I am many years senior to most of them, and apart from Kaster Lavindo, I believe I have the most experience. One's skill with a blade has little to do with the Senate, it is one's skill with words that truly matters."

    "Now remember, people of Peltarch! I am Parsley Tealeaf, and do you have any questions?!"_

  • _Adrian steps up on the platform and lays a hand on Parsley's shoulder.
    "Ah, this has not been an easy decision for mister Parsley, and I deeply respect his wisdom in this. We will accomplish more together than apart, afterall. And as my advisor, mister Parsley will remain unburdened with the administration that goes with the Senate to continue to serve all people here in the city as a healer, and perhaps to organise those unaffiliated healers in the city into a new group.

    Also, he will be able to represent the Silver Valley, and those hins and gnomes living in the city, at my side. This may be a city of human origin, but those of other races should not be forgotten. Together with mister Parsley I will be able to serve you, good people, better than ever before.

    Thank you._

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    _Parsley takes to the stand for the last time, and with a sad smile, he speaks clearly.

    "To those who have supported me, I apologize for this, but I am hereby announcing my end in this election. Due to lack of financial aid, I cannot afford to pay for more events and support my family. I encourage my followers to look towards my peer, Adrian Petrarch, and give him the support you gave to me. I am truly sorry for this change in events, but it was bound to happen sooner or later. I will remain to advise Sir Adrian, but I am no longer a candidate. Sir Adrian, have you anything to say on the matter?"_

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    _When asked about his goddess and the clinic's patrons, he replies,

    "I follow Sheela Peryroyl, the Green Sister. As for the clinic, it would be volunteer work, so the workers would be clergy of any benign patrons."_

  • Several people at the rally inquire which deity is Parsley's patron, and what faith the priests he intends to run this clinic would be. Most people seem relieved that he does not have an aggressive policy towards the Eastlanders.

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    _A second rally was held on the platform in the Bazaar. Parsley is accompanied by Gurtrude and Theaon Thorn.

    "My name is Parsley Tealeaf, and I'm running for Peltarch Senate. As you may know, the war has caused Peltarch much grief. Refugees are a commonplace and the economy has taken a great blow. The road south is infested with gnolls, and the bridge is now charging a toll."

    "However, if I, Parsley Tealeaf, am elected into the Senate, I will increase foreign trade. New spices and exotic items will make way into port here. In turn, these new goods will encourage trade with the southern towns, creating a better relations policy."

    "In addition to this, I would like to move all the refugees off the streets. Perhaps raise funds to create a few places of shelter until they can get back on their feet. The Legion has also kindly agreed to escort refugees to the south safely, free of charge." He motions to Theaon.

    "Given enough time, I'm certain that these acts would restore Peltarch to it's former glory, perhaps even beyond that. Hail the Icelace! I'm Parsley Tealeaf, any questions?"

    Gurtrude: "what'z 'boutz the eastlanderrz?"

    Parsley: "Thus far they have expanded to the bridge and now require a toll to cross. However, Peltarch cannot afford another war so soon. If the Eastlanders become more aggressive or raise the toll because of the increased trade, I will try to negotiate with them using words, not warfare."

    Gurtrude: "what'z 'boutz piratez?"

    Parsley: "The Wavebreakers are an excellent naval source, and I trust they will ward off pirates from our shores."

    Gurtrude: "what'z 'boutz the healerz peoplez?"

    Parsley: "If elected, I will attempt to fund a small clinic that citizens could use, free of charge. The clinic would cure minor cuts and abrasions in addition to common illnesses."_

  • Calen is seen with a smile on his face as he listens to Parsley and his answers

  • That is all thank you.

    Symone turns to leave and looks at the faces of everyone around too read there reactions to the statement.

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    "If I believe I am doing an unfit job of Senator, of course I will give up my position. I will also resign it if a majority of my voters do not approve of how I use it. Antthing else?"

  • Symone nods

    Very well, if you are certain, then I will hold you to your promise, should you be elected.

    as he turns to leave he stops and then turns back for one final question

    oh, perhaps as a gesture of good faith. To set our minds at ease, should you be unable of keeping your promises you have made, will you voluntarily resign your position? I believe this will give the voters more confidence that your words are not just that.

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    "The promises I make I am certain I can keep if I am elected. As for the wounded fellow, his pain was dulled before he came up here. His suffering was not prolonged, I just wished to prove I can do what I say I can. As for his wound, I never asked. Any others?"

  • Symone present as usual at public speeches steps forward with his questions

    Was it necessary to have that wounded individual wait for treatment in order to be made a public display? And was his arm wounded accidentally or by some other means?

    Do you believe it is a good idea to make promises when you cannot know if it is even possible to deliver on them?

    That is all for now thank you.