Wesley Hardin's Campaign

  • An elderly man turns away after a sharp bark of laughter. mutters as he walks off Aye fergit the past they say and focus on the future and what profits may be reaped from this cities people…..aye, politics * a sour chuckle and he dissapears into the crowd*

  • Magistrate D'Arneau claps in support for Hardin, in the background, after his speech is finished…

  • A man appears, as if from thin air or perhaps the crowd, from behind the dwarf. A slight smile on his face as he leans upon a cane, his silken blue shirt giving off a soft light.

    Aye, I know what I'd want in a leader. Actually, I know the opposite of what I'd want in a leader.

    I'd want someone that would think of what's best for the people he serves first, not how he can best profit from it.

    I'd want someone that would be honest with his citizens, not someone that'd smile to your face while sending two thugs to rough you up later.

    I'd want someone that see's a threat and something that is evil and fights it rather than invites it in to eat.

    I'd want someone that is a good and honest man, caring more about lives than profits.

    I'd want a man like Wesley Hardin. A man that loves Peltarch and its people, that would strive to work for them. Who would sell his food stores to the people of THIS CITY, not for a profit, but simply to cover costs, because he realizes…unlike some Seafarers and Dwarves apparently...that there is more to life than how much Coin and Power you can get.

    If the seafarers care so much for Norwick let them go run for Mayor there, but for Peltarch the guild of choice should be the one of history, the one smiled upon by the King Fisher himself, the Wavebreakers...and who better to represent them than their Captain. There's no finer man in this city, nor one that has given more through so many ways, than Wesley Hardin. And there's no better choice for Senate.

  • After careful consideration Symone goes to ask his question.

    It seems that you are comparing yourself with one of the other candidates, yet there are 14 other candidates. Why do you single out your seafarer counterpart? Is it because he is your closest competitor being in the same line of work?

    Apart from that, I am curious to know just how you will use your commerce skills to the betterment of the city as a senator?

  • Ah to sit back and cower while a neighbour is in need truely the act of cowardice and low moral fibre aye, well said that dwarf. What sort of coward wouldst do such whence a neighbour faced such aggression, it gladdens mine heart that our brave defenders aided Jiyyd and those of Jiyyd aided our fair city in its time of need.

  • Seems to me that no one from N'Jast is runnin fer office… not sure why it matters what they did…

    Now, as he pulls his cloaks hood further over his face I aint from here so my opinions don't matter much. I do know that a leader that is willing to take chances to help those in need is one I'd vote for instead of one that might have sat back and cowered when he was needed.

  • ::Mariston watches with interest only when the back and forth begins does he speak::

    Mayhaps the food aided those whom fled to Norwick, yet it left the city desperately short of food, one wouldst wonder why an army bent on a short siege wouldst sign a non-aggression pact with a smaller town, allow displaced refugees to go there…then filled with kindness they allow grain to leave the very place they seek to place under siege. Indeed an act of charity….

  • Symone Au'Etaine mingles among the crowd during the speech and during the feasting afterwards, he listens to the comments and whispers of the people while running the speech through his head while considering a few questions to make of the candidate.

  • The Dwarf smirks condescendingly at the obviously under-educated commoner that replied.

    Nuthin's really free, lad.

  • "That is true, but they did continue to sell for profit. If it was truly an act of charity, they would have offered the food for free."

  • An old armored dwarf in the back of the crowd mumbles "…profit or not, his "competition" saved the lives of many starving Jiyyd refugees... the same Jiyyd that held off N'Jast from your walls... how quick these people ferget..."

  • Melanie Stern is seen at the rally, wearing the gold and silver robes of her order. She's accompanied by her young daughter.

    Though she has her hands full keeping her energetic child under control, Melanie does her best to listen to Hardin's speech. When the stew comes out, she collects bowls for them both and joins the mingling.