Official Pardon Granted


    Whereas the Magistrate, after careful review of the Laws of Peltarch, has stated that the present state of Martial Law is illegal,

    And whereas, therefore, the present Military Government of Peltarch has de facto but not legal control of the city,

    And whereas Kaster Lavindo, appointed General of the Defenders by the Senate and People of Peltarch, continues to assert both civil and military control over the city,


    That General Lavindo, in recognition of his past service, shall receive a full Senatorial Pardon immediately for his actions taken in defense of the city,

    Further, that he will resume his rightful position as General of the Defenders and continue to faithfully execute his duties in service to the Senate and People of Peltarch and in accordance with the Law.


    Signed and Sealed.

    Magistrate Shannon D'Arneau
    Senator Mariston Thel
    Senator Roland Brynmor

  • From the balcony of Senator Brynmor's apartment high above the commons, two figures in shiny armor, each holding a glass of fine whisky, look down in surprise on the angry mobs.

    Roland shakes his head, chuckling softly at Mariston's comments.

    "Didn't you hear? Good faith is the new bad faith. You need to get with the times."


  • ::Mariston is heard to comment:: Odd such reactions to what was meant to be an act of good faith, that unlike in our past where some have accused the city of being blinded by the rule of law with no compassion this act is interpreted as an attack. I wouldst hath though first and foremost twouldst hath been called into question regarding the long standing friendship of some of those involved and the general. Tis quite the change…

  • In the civic district the nobles of Peltarch see the notices with mixed views. Members of house Ashald and Snydder both seem to chide it with humerous scorn, while those of house D’Arneau stating support for the kindness under the law that is being shown. Members of the Fisher family point out returning power to a Senate that's not even near quorum to legally do anything, while those of house Daedalus complain that in a time of rebuilding and restoration such petty squabbles of noble ego hurt the cities heart. The Brynmors generally chuckle and shake thier head, wondering what Roland will get into next. The Universally though, those with sons and daughters within the military or guard seem to show no desire to condemn the stance of Martial Law.

    In the commerce and dock there is a much different reaction. Public support seems clearly in favor of the popular General who is looked at as a man that saved the city, rooted out a cult, and uprooted a traitor senator. In the docks especially, pages of the Senators and Magistrate are shouted down as mobs of people grow in support of the "Peltarch's Savior". The guards appear soon, dispursing the mob but also letting the pages know that any further stunts like this will see them in jail for disturbing the peace.