Brick comes from a long line of blood lusting battle hungry villains of old grungy wonnaba Orcs who where only half an orc. When Brick was born he gave out that vibe of "Hi i look like a cuddly bunny" so his parents tried desperately to change him, they made him fight, made him kill, and made him do things he never wanted to do. When he became his full size he sized his father, even taller by one foot. But it was only 1 more foot of fuzzy bunnyness. When they knew they could not change him his parents tried to kill him. But is was to no avail, he defended himself, 3 on 1, 4 on 1, until he was driven, out, but he was not driven out empty handed, he got his fathers axe, he lost it on his trip to narfell but he is out to find it and he will, one day, it is said it had magical power, weather it still does, its a different story.
// just something i decided to do
login: The-Tiger
Char name: Brick
Reviewed, XP pending
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