Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • _Tavern folk speak of a few Temple lay servants climbing to the top of a house in the Residential District carrying a pouch and then drawing from it a stone which shone brightly as day. This particular house had been the roosting spot for a good number of ravens but after the bright stone is placed, they seem to at the very least keep their distance from the house… but then so do many of the townsfolk, as the stone glows brightly day and night.

    Knights of the Cerulean Star are often frequent visitors to this particular residence._

  • Several days in a row Sarah is seen moping around the Mermaid. Rumor spreads that she asked some people to spread a message, but its reciever either didn't get it or doesn't seem to be showing up. Finally one early morning the young and heavily pregnant woman is seen getting onto her horse and heading south. The inn keep knows nothing about it beyond that she paid for her room for the next 6 months.

  • Jay, for the most part, says the words with a dull tone, and with an unenthused look. Not exactly putting excitement into the teachings. Usually, he motions at Luke and claims that "he knows the answer" when a child asks a question. When Luke forces him to answer, he does so as vaguely as possible… which likely just prompts more questions from the kids..

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Luke wears a rather forced smile throughout the ordeal, looking especially forced when the precocious tykes seem inclined to ask question, after question, after question. This is exacerbated by his rather obvious fumblings with the unfamiliar religious material, often falling back on looking to Jay and pleasantly saying "why don't ya tell'em?" when stumped, or saying, after an awkward pause that it was a "Tyrran miracle". His grasp of Peltarch's laws however is surprisingly extensive, which he tells rather more enthusiastically, certain laws sometimes being accompanied by somewhat relevant, colorful personal accounts of his experiences with them.

  • _For the past week, an odd sight is seen in the docks district. It seems the orphans are having days out to sit by the water and listen to two men, Luke and Jay, well known in the docks as members or associates of the Black Sails, talk about the laws of the city and the tenets of Tyr himself.

    Although the children seem to utterly enjoy the two new men teaching them such a valuable lesson as they ask lots and lots and lots of questions. The sailors who gather around to watch the sight seem to find it more amusing, pointing fingers at the two men and whispering, then breaking out in laughter.

    Many a toast is heard in the taverns around the docks after the first day, going out to the honorable and law abiding Black Sails and their Tyrran dockhands._

  • Bespectacled scholar Ms Caramella Bestefaren, while always happy to accompany the fashion-acute Mr Doubleday on any endeavour, recently appears to have suffered something of a blow to her ocular abilities. While inspecting a possibly magical telescope at the commons, a bright light burst forth, blinding the avid researcher. Ordered by the city's Magistrate D'Arneau to take the investigative object elsewhere, Luke C. Leathertail and a bubbly hin in a bright golden plate lead the stumbling gnome off towards the foothills.

  • …Rumour has it that gallant gnomish citizen, Perriwig P. Doubleday has been appointed - or at least, informs those nearby that he has been named as - Chief Dressmaker to the City Hall, charged by Senator Brynmor to oversee the creation of some simply fabulous water-proof adornments to brighten up the grey stone face of civic Peltarch. The gnome - no doubt accompanied by the lemon-flavoured variant Caramella Bestefaren - is apparently asking about for skilled craftspeople to assist him in his colourful endeavour. At present, the gastrognome is said to be favouring a lilac, burgundy and lime green "melange"...

  • Rumours have begun that a blood-feud is brewing within the city walls. One family of means has already suffered a death. Talk is of an ancient curse, perhaps even some mystical disease carried by ravens.

  • ICC

    Word has it a battered mercenary has returned to the port city and is locked in a room at the Mermaid, trying to sleep off his aches and pains. Those who witnessed him say he was in such bad condition, it wouldn't be a suprise if he spent another few days in his room.

  • Some travellers report seeing kobolds dead from strange disease, in the swamps they inhabit now.

  • Rumours begin to spread that Taria, the infamous Umberlant priestess was found dead in her cell, apparantly having been stabbed twice with one wound over her heart and another up through her throat. The body was later confirmed as being Taria by the city undertaker.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Word spreads, particularly in the taverns in the dock district, that a Damaran ship has been raiding vessels on the Icelace. The sailors Luke Leathertail and Jay either uncovered the pirates, or both discovered the villains destroyed their ship entirely, depending on who the tale is heard from.

  • Rumours linger about that the adventurer and Peltarch Defender Melanie Stern gave birth to a healthy girl in the Temple of Tyr.