Whispers at the Fire

  • A bearish looking man with the red cloak of the Militia was seen coming up to the fireplace, spotting the stone, and walking off roaring with laughter and saying something about buying a certain painterly elf a casket of wine

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur and his Dire Boar enter in Norwick and heads to Gimlis store, he sells what ever he had to sell and then heads to the camp fire to sit for a while. As he sits he notices the drawing on the rocks surface

    Huh ? looks at the drawing looking rather curious about it

  • As the sun rose over the main part of town, the folk passing by the campfire noticed a strange sight…. on one of the rocks by the campfire was a crude painting of what looked like a Half-Orc and a Boar sleeping together.... The Halfer had his arm around the Boar and a smile on his hideous face....


  • Z is seen wandering around the town of Norwick and the surounding areas. The normally pleasant crafter and farmer has a slightly worried look on his face. 😞

  • ::A conversation is overheard between Lieutenant Vinland and Advisor Arcane Holimion::

    I've ordered the Northern guards to only allow those of the Camp access to town if they check their weapons at the gate and to keep a sharp eye out for those of the camp and followers of Hoar
    All available personnel are now ordered to the Northern gates and build site. They have strict orders to dispatch runners should an event occur.

  • Rumors spread that a priest bearing the symbol and colors of Mystra attempted to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the recent whirlwind of terrors perpetrated by a certain group of Half-Orcs. The efforts were met with either open hostility or completely ignored. Some less savory individuals start taking bets on how long it will be before steel is drawn over the matter.

  • ICC

    Rummor has it that Reilash the so called Mytra faithfull, was seen in the company of a group of 5 Iron Chain Clan half-orcs on a hunting trip.
    Some might even say that he tried to establish some kind of frienship with this group of vicious warriors but the half-orcs didnt seem interrested, despite Reilash numerouse attempts.
    Some Mystra follower some might say…..

  • Rumours run rampant in Norwick that the Hoarans, the children of the Eastlanders, are now attacking people who try to bypass the bridge by passing around it. They attacked Myeil for trying to go around, then when Aramuil, Maythor and Hen appeared on the scene they attacked them without provocation.

  • Caelian has a pack on, and seems to be looking around Norwick for anybody he knows… not seeing anyone, he posts a note near the fire, for anyone to find, then walks out of town to the east.

    I have had a lot on my mind recently… and I just need some time to think about things. I am going on a small trip in the forests out east... back the way I came. I need to remember what it is like to be a simple woodsman once again. Whoever reads this, I will see you on my return.

    Caelian Thunderhawke

  • ICC

    A rummor that quickly spreads about town tells of a goblin intruder that sneacked past the guards and went straight to the center of Norwick. There he placed an explosive charge that after detonation killed a female commoner witht he blast. The goblin was soon after captured by Attentus and questioned about his mission. Few hours late Commander Devlin and militia guard Kresah arrived and after killing the gobling that was trying to escape, took his corpse to the militia barracks. Few minuts after the goblin death everyone gathred around next to Gemly and discussed about what were the goblins intentions

  • As Caelian walks back from the Glen, and into Norwick, he seems much more at peace then he was recently… anyone sitting at the fire and conversating with him can see the occasional smile, and he doesn't seem angry like he has been... he does seem to have something on his mind, but he is not dwelling upon it.....

  • ICC

    *An hour or so after Ara´Hur enter Dwins office, he comes out, as usual smoking a cigar. He motions to the twu huge halfers that were guarding the door and they start following him.
    At the exact moment Arak leaves Dwins office, a group of Iron Chain Clan Half-Orcs was returning from a patrol and another group of fresh ICC halfers was about to substitute the returning one.

    Arak´Hur holds up his right fist and lets go a loud roar

    O> komm on boyz, our job´s done here !!

    Any commoner or citizens with orcish language knoledge eard what Arak´hur said, others that dont know the language would only ear a loud miz of roars and grunts

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur enters Norwick escolted as usual by two huge halfers. They head to Dwins Office, Arak´hur enters and the two half-orcs guard the door

    // 👋 Dwin, check your PM box please! 😄

  • As Caelian is released from jail, he walks out of militia HQ, looking straight ahead, not talking to anybody… He mumbles something underneath his breath, walking past the fire, All that can be heard is.....

    "Law is….. just makes things difficult...... Those damned....... they'll get theirs...."

    Although not much of a sentence, this is all that is said loud enough to be heard…

  • Hushed conversation around the campfire turns to a pile of goblin bodies found in the old ruins. Rumors place the count differently each time, claiming dozens, and even as much as a hundred, and higher. One fact that all the descriptions agree on is that the bodies were cut to ribbons, with hideous burn marks, some resembling the letter 'R', and a symbol carved beneath it. Who or what committed the act is widely disputed.

  • ICC

    • rummors has it that one crazy priest was trying to pick a fight with the Iron Chain Clan half-Orcs. Its said that this crazy cleric of Mystra tried every dirty trick in the book to make the ICC half-orcs loose their temper and attack him. He failed miserably. The Fact is that Davos one of the senior norwick guards showed up, took everyone in and event tought a lesson to one of the scouts recruit by putting him into is rightfull place. Fee hours after, everyone was seen leaving the Norwick barracks after a letturing from Davos. Anyone could have seen that the ICC Half-orcs were true exem+ple of discipline even when said priest of Mystra tried to intimidate, insult and threaten deh lifes of the Iron Chain Clan half-Orcs, their leader Arak´Hur was competent enought to refreign and make his brothers endure some of the foulest insults*

  • Caelian walks through Norwick and stares blankly at the halfers as he passes… He seems to be much less talkative than he used to be. Anyone who looks close enough can notice the beginnings of a large scar on his left forearm... but nobody can tell what it is, or what caused it without getting closer to him.

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur enters Norwick escolted by two huge half-orcs, he heads to Chancellor Dwin office. Arak´Hur looks serious and under his arms he brings a Dossier. As he heads to Dwins office he looks at commander Devlin and at Scout Elliliam that is next to him. The two huge halfers stop at the offices door, turn their backs at the door and remain there each of them at one side of the door facing the street, while Arak´Hur knocks at the door and enters

    (( 👋 Hey Dwin! please check you PM box please. thanks!
    Also Kudos to Elliliam and Devlin im having a blast RPing this out with you two 😄

  • Legion

    _Benji struts around Norwick with an exquisite sparkling glowing purple cloak draped over his shoulders.

    He seems much easier to see when he wears it._

  • ICC

    Dolinar arrives at the Grapevine Inn and soon got word about a elven woman which goes by the name Yana looking for him. The barmaid who told Dolinar about it had no clue what Yana might want from him. Dolinar told the barmaid that he is a citizen of Peltarch and can often been seen at the campfire near Pelt's westgate or in Norwick when he is about to visit the dwarven hold.