The Bustling City

  • Those closely involved with the day to day interactions in Peltarch and spend much time in the city has noticed something over the past few years…

    A Boom.

    With the defeat of Sharn and the road east of Jiyyd less dangerous, Peltarch has been returning to prominence as a trading crossroads within the North. Trade caravans unable to afford massive boat rides over the pirate infested Sea of Fallen Stars, but looking to avoid traveling through the ever dangerous Giantspire Mountains or demon infested Rawlins, have been crossing through the Jewel of the Icelace.

    Caravans and tradesmen coming from Vaasa, Damara and Impiltur to the west and Rashemen, Thay, and the eastern parts of the Great Dale and Thesk routinely pass through...generally stopping to sell or buy goods...and put to use the local shipping companies.

    Because of this increase in trade the cities population has been swelling. A large demihuman population has been growing in the dock district; primarily elves and dwarves but halflings mixed into the group. It seems an increase in humans, throughout the city, has also been occurring.

    It appears a time of prosperity previously unfound in the Jewel may be on the horizon.

  • // posted in the wrong spot :roll:

  • From time to time a lone dark clad figure can be seen overlooking the traders. Most of the time he justs watches, though he often browses what the traders sell. He seems very interested in magical items and trinkets and often asks the traders if they carry any… "out of the ordonary" with them. When asked what he is doing there he smiles and tells he is representing the Cerulean Knights, though he is mainly there to keep an eye at the bustle and make sure no "dangerous" items are being transported through the city. As that could put the city and inhabitants at peril. To those that know of him it seems he is more satisfying his own curiosity then actually doing any work.

  • Ever a visible element in the Docks district, the black and gold-clad crew of the Black Sails Trading Company seem unusually active of late, seemingly eager to secure themselves a slice of this golden age of trade cake. There is a renewed bustle of activity in and around the warehouse owned by the shipping company, security appearing tightened. The Sails petite black-haired Lt Sabre Seesaw makes her usual rounds in the area, inviting any prospective clients to meet with her at the Lucky Ferret Inn if they wish "reliable, professional an' if need be discreet shippin' o' wares great an' small."