Euro Evil?
How many of the Evil herd are in a European timezone?
Both my gf and my work will get very cross if I try to stay up and attend events underground past midnight GMT on a weekday.Reckon there's a chance of getting some evil folks together at other times, to keep the background presence of moral flexibility up there?
Some of the ICC halfers are Euro, Arak´Hur, Grak, Vugar, Ur-Shak :twisted:
Ur-Shak is True Nasty.
Ninriel, she is evil though not pure black evil, but rather shades-of-gray evil. Priestess of Velsharoon that has some doubts about her faith.
Could use some encouragement to do evil things
Jeezabel is an evil priestress of Shar her base is Oscura..
Isendir is on euro times mostly….. And I think his alignment and behavior will be fitting...
Isendir Darkriver, Hunter and follower of Malar
… I usually am available during Euro hours...
Although, being chaotic in nature, Elissa isn't likely to trust others.
I just created an evil rogue hin. I'm +800 gmt i think…
I'm Euro and I play Aishi. He's wicked. :twisted:
I'm Euro. But then Sci knew that.
Worth stating it in case others didn't though.So Kerrith (nars zealot) the dangerously psychotic barbarian shaman, and Erevaine, the urbane proponent of genocide for all races but Elves, can and are often around then.
I'm evil! I mean my character is, no, I mean Tigaro Jermorai is, but don't think he'll mob up with any of Fuarch's characters! they are way to chaotic from what he has seen!
FUArch is hardly evil in nature, more of an angry rebel if anything
..I count me and my characters rather evil, and play during euro times, I don't play good characters.
(( I'm such a badass ))
I have a neutral character I can play during the euro evening. He's not evil, but at least he's slightly darker than my usual fire relaxers. Yeah, I'm a pussy.