Whispers at the Fire

  • Caelian walks through Norwick and stares blankly at the halfers as he passes… He seems to be much less talkative than he used to be. Anyone who looks close enough can notice the beginnings of a large scar on his left forearm... but nobody can tell what it is, or what caused it without getting closer to him.

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur enters Norwick escolted by two huge half-orcs, he heads to Chancellor Dwin office. Arak´Hur looks serious and under his arms he brings a Dossier. As he heads to Dwins office he looks at commander Devlin and at Scout Elliliam that is next to him. The two huge halfers stop at the offices door, turn their backs at the door and remain there each of them at one side of the door facing the street, while Arak´Hur knocks at the door and enters

    (( 👋 Hey Dwin! please check you PM box please. thanks!
    Also Kudos to Elliliam and Devlin im having a blast RPing this out with you two 😄

  • Legion

    _Benji struts around Norwick with an exquisite sparkling glowing purple cloak draped over his shoulders.

    He seems much easier to see when he wears it._

  • ICC

    Dolinar arrives at the Grapevine Inn and soon got word about a elven woman which goes by the name Yana looking for him. The barmaid who told Dolinar about it had no clue what Yana might want from him. Dolinar told the barmaid that he is a citizen of Peltarch and can often been seen at the campfire near Pelt's westgate or in Norwick when he is about to visit the dwarven hold.

  • A young elven lass going by the name of "Yana" has been asking around Norwick for a fellow named "Dolinar"

  • _He is directed to venture behind the Grapevine Inn, where Maya is seen teaching two students, a young boy and a woman, in various martial skills. The boy is assaulting a wooden post with youthful glee, and the woman is making unpracticed attacks with a large, straight blade.

    Maya looks up when the man approaches._

    (PM me!)

  • Over the next day, a warrior wearing the dark green heraldry of Peltarch arrives in town, finally doffing his helm to carry underarm. He is seen asking after Maya with a rather determined look in his eyes and outright refuses to discuss his business with anyone else, saying only the town champion will suffice.

  • Regarding the slain necromancer, a young woman in black and gold seems to have mentioned it once or twice nearby, and it was by all appearances her rapier that pierced the throat of the very surprised necromancer, mid-chant.

    She seemed pleased at being the one to finish him off, but aggravated at being unable to save the fellow who was being sacrificed.

  • ((I believe it's not his char KULL the one in the group, but his char Arak`Hur..as his signature points out ^^ ))

    As of late, an unexpert magician has been seen riding a lot around the rawlins woods, seems to be practicing her riding

  • Legion

    *Mayty has been looking for Kull - or any member of the clan for that matter.(

    ((She is trying to sell an "Orcish Mask" helm. it's a figher only helm that can cast daze once per day. If you or any of yur boys are interested in it try to catch me IG. I'm in the Australian time zone, so hooking up may be hard… hence the pm.))

  • ICC

    groups os Iron chain Clan half-orcs can be seen day after day, night after night, patroling the woods around the pond. Each time a group shifts the replaced group of halfers can be seen entering norwick with their armors, shields and wepons covered in blood and gore. They seem not to be disturbed by that, in fact they consider it a sign of their battle skills

  • Rumors spread about a necromancer that was living in the Norwick's graveyard's crypts before he met death in the hands of some aventurers

  • _The strawberry-coated hawkeye and Peltarchian gastrognome Perriwig P. Doubleday apparently used his recent "big-game hunting trip" to the Rawlinswood to foil what he describes as a "nefarious goblinoid plot to embezzle and otherwise illicitly acquire head gear, hats and other noddle-warming garments…"

    According to the enthusing gnome, a whole goblinoid crime syndicate was implicated, but he and his "faithful squire", the halfling Raul, put an end to the whole murky scheme. To those admirers clamouring for more information - or more probably, to those bored bystanders he addresses his comments to - Perriwig has promised to send a blow by blow account to the Narfell Post for the wider public's interest and edification..._

  • A new hin is to be seen in Norwick, he spends much time at the fire warming his little hands and looking curiosly at adventurers

  • ICC

    *Iron Chain Clan half-orcs, lead by their leader Arak´Hur, were about to go on one of theirs daily patrol when Norwicks Militia Commander Devlin Desario and new recruit named Brakrum, intercepted them by the lake having a little chat with a dodgy ladd that goes about by the name Vick. They all went to rawlinswood far-east and patroled the interior of a goblin and vermin infested cave. They fought hords of goblins and their sort, but made it back together safe and sound, with their bags packed with what they took from the goblins that fell at their feet, and some ore also. Norwicks commander Devlin Desario was abble to see by himself that the coins paid to these group of half-orcs is well spent *

  • _The Chancellor makes regular visits to the wall construction in the pass, often asking questions of the workers or even lending a hand when needed.

    Now that the light has returned and the fear has left the region, the progress has picked up as has the motivation of the workers to complete it._

  • ICC

    A group of mercenaries left Norwick early one morning, grim determination on their faces. However, after two days in the woods, they returned with a bugbear head and a few necklaces the claim to be heirlooms. They spread the word that the Silverbane Sellswords are up for hire. And they always get their mark.

  • ICC

    Groups of Iron Chain Clan halfers can be seen entering Norwick to replace others that are returning from a night of patrol in the woods.
    The group beeing replaced can be seen entering norwick from the south gate, showing evidence of beeing involved in skirmishes with whatever lurks behind the trees and bushes at the cover of the dark night

  • _After being sustained for almost the duration of the war, the teleportation circle atop the eastern hill in Norwick has finally lost the magical glimmer that surrounded the circle. As the night passes on, a long wispy sigh ripples across the breezing wind, as if someone had lost a great weight from their shoulders.

    On the following morning, the teleportation circle on the hill is no more. The runes have faded and the chalked circle has broken and blown away. The gentle presence that was felt when approaching near to the circle has now gone, to where, noone knows._

  • Lets just drop it all… they lost their homes, and we are lucky enough to have room for some of their folks. Cant blame them fer bein a bit bitter.

    I cant say I'd be all that polite if I was in their boots either.

    Dwin nods at his own folks

    We got enough work to do rebuildin, replantin, and finishin' off that fool Ostromog. Lets keep focused and not get distracted.