::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::
A red haired man in brown half plate and black cloak approaches the defenders at the foothills outside Peltarch, introduces himself as Khay Drakanan, paladin of Lathander and asks them about the situation of the Defenders and the possibility of becoming a recruit.
A small group of adventures can be seen entering the town speaking about mad paladins and mad orcs babbling together in a kobolds cave…
// holy crap HI Man!
Rumors have spread about the former Captain of the Far Scouts, Aghila Than'hys, beeing back to the region of Narfell after a long absence. He has been seen around in the city asking about the current situation of the region and searching for old friends.
//Hello again, for those who still remember me!
Once again, goblins have been spotted in the foothills, their forces fought off by the city's own Magistrate D'Arneau, Defender Sargeant Aelthas Benthur and Cerulean Knights Lycka and Mordechai. There is talk of a mysterious pillar appearing at the same time, and one of the party's disappearance in relation to this. Nevertheless, all five participants can be spotted around the city in the following days, appearing safe and sound.
_Odd incidents of various crates and barrels containing either nothing or simple merchant goods being lit on fire or simply blown away have been occuring.
All that seems to be known is that there is a mage on the loose doing this, but no one is quite sure why._
A party of partially burnt Black Sails, hauling bags of ogre loot to the market, can be overheard speculating whether or not a certain Gondar lout has left his mark on the neighbouring kobold tribes. The words "firecracker surprise" are mentioned, possibly explaining the scorched state of the group.
A beggar who some folks may recognise has been weeping inconsolably at the ruins of the tower west of Peltarch.
Following news of some sort of scandal at the Bardic College, Sierra is later seen carrying the kobold back out of the city, to the hills where pressumably she found it.
A somewhat familiar face around Peltarch Sarah'linae along with the very familiar face of Sierra the far scout, Stronghawk the strange, but not entirely upleasant barbarian and Gert the fighter were seen following a bard out into the foothills along with some of the common people. The majority of the group departing the commons seemed entirely entranced by the bard's song. Some day or so later the weary group and the commoners return looking beaten, but alive. Sierra was seen carrying a kobold off with her.
_A small gaggle of gnomes hobble towards the market after an adventurous day in the foothills of Peltarch, bearing an omnious warning to all their kindred: the Gnome Hunters still plague the area, as vicious and hateful as ever in their persuit of the destruction of all gnomekind. The latest one encountered is reported to be most cunning and vile, according to pale-nosed scholar Caramella Bestefaren. This Hunter did not attack openly, but instead slyly targetted the most vital part of a gnome's anatomy, namely the stomach! Caramella, along with gastrognome Perriwig P. Doubleday, both profess to crippling intestinal pain after the meeting, barely able to keep even the smallest of pies or pastries down their respective gullets.
In far robuster spirits, Garl Glittergold's shiniest and sweetest Jewel, ms Gilda Haven, can be seen caring for her two friends. She cheerfully mentions the Great Adventure with Actual Treasure
that the group partook in previously, defeating both kobolds and a group of invading goblins in the Scalesinger's cave. A peculiar dancing goblin mage is spoken of, along with the words "spontaneous combustion" and "crotch blaster". Prudent gentlemen of the Jewel might do well to steer clear of ms Bestefaren, whenever she is seen waving an emerald-tipped wand about.._
Said building (which hasn't been Leti's Market for years now) has been locked up and quiet for a few weeks now.
Said building, which has been quiet for quite some time now, no longer appears to be locked up.
A remnant renegade looting band is deemed responsible for the recent explosion to the west of the city that took out the western outer gates and the western guard tower, though some innovative adventurers managed to set the raiders' explosives off slightly early and take out a number of them in the blast. Their gold-hungry leader, Sergeant Hakeswell, is reported to have managed to yet again escape his well deserved demise, and is likely still hiding out in the foothills.
Travelers headed westwards into the foothills are still warned to be extremely wary of being ambushed by Hakeswell and his looters, who will likely remain a threat until somebody finally kills him or Lord Gor orders him to return to Highhold.
_As the days after the invasion and subsequent retaking of the city pass further into the distance, the docks has more or less returned to being a hub of activity, with ships routinely docking at the few remaining piers, unloading supplies and then setting sail again with little to no fanfare
Although these ships are primarily civilian, defender detatchments can be seen on deck. In Sergeant Benthur's stead, The defender private recognizable as Edgar Lewis appears to be in charge of the shipping as well as the safeguarding of the cargo. The small defender detatchment is rarely seen in the city for long, due to the high need for supplies._
_After being sustained for almost the duration of the war, the teleportation circle within the defender headquarters has finally lost the magical glimmer that surrounded the circle. As the night passes on, a long wispy sigh ripples across the breezing wind, as if someone had lost a great weight from their shoulders.
On the following morning, the teleportation circle within the command building is no more. The runes have faded and the chalked circle has broken and blown away. The gentle presence that was felt when approaching near to the circle has now gone, to where, noone knows._
A young woman is seen looking around for both Senator Mariston and Lady Anna Siglerson. She seems to be quite familiar with the two.
_When commented about the matter, John explains how he tried to hand it over to one knight of Milil, so he could get it destroyed - but the cheap knight did not bother giving him measly hundred golds as a reward. Gone are the days of selfless paladins…
He adds, that the sword can still be found at the marketplace, sold by Perin. With price tag of 600._
_It seems that some will profiteer from misery no matter how bad things are, as word spreads trough the network of remaining bards of how John of the Black Sails was trying to sell a corrupted cyricist weapon in the middle of the commons, instead of handing it over to the temple of Tyr to be properly destroyed!
Tsk tsk. Those scoundrels will never learn._
The commons is now a more pleasant place now that the mighty peltarch sun controlling artifact (sundial) is back in place.
Retrieved from the kobolds, after some folk say an evil ritual was stopped by two warriors, one of Torm, Beren another slinger accompanying them and Senathe a wanderer from the nars and the gypsy camp.
Rumour persists of a reward for their efforts, some place the value of the sundial as priceless, perhaps these adventurers live like kings now, or perhaps they did it out of the love of the city.
Apparently while the tattooed elf know as Ting to some and Tiain to others, while involved in retaking the Mermaid itself, took a bolt clean through the neck and was dead before she hit the floor. There is speculation that she was not, or perhaps would not be raised because she has not been seen about since.