Kaster's Last Stand

  • _The defending forces of Peltarch have been driven back into the Citadel after fierce, vicious fighting that raged for days, first at the gates and then in the streets.

    The city might have held longer had it not been for the undead eastlanders sweeping in from the docks, flanking the defenders… the obviously supernatural wave of ill luck that slew both defender and attacker alike... the legions of High Hold attacking from the west....

    General Lavindo and General Ash continue to urge defiance, holding out in the citadel. Some say they're preparing to abandon the city and flee to exile in Damara to seek aid there.

    Other point at the truly staggering death toll and the rumors that Jiyyd and Fort Ormpur were wiped out by some sort of superweapon, and wager that Peltarch has N'Jast on the rpes if they can just keep the armatures at bay._

  • Myeil Dralomar, who had been bolstering the city's defenses, has not been seen since the fall of the Civic district, though there are no signs of a corpse

  • A tiny pixie surveys the condition of the city from high above while under one of it's invisibility spells, she seems to be observing the condition of the infrastructure of various buildings, namely the senate apartments, the library and the prison. She does a pass of the docks and civic district as well to see if there are still civilians within the city. After she is done the pixie flies off to the south

    ((can a dm elaborate on the details above for me, thankies))