Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories
_Slow rumors begin to seep out through reports of some Legion scouts and those few who are brave enough to sneak close to the old camp. None have seen anything themselves, but it seems that every watch group set out by the old camp seems to have one story on their lips, spoken about in hushed tones. Though the stories always differ as to purpose they all seem to be around one theme. Jonathan was seen entering Cera's old tree with a young child, and exited hours later with a box that he immediately left to parts unknown with.
Theories abound about what was in the box. Some as simple as him wanting to clean out the tree to make room for new growth. Some that he's adopted the child and is claiming the tree as his new home. A few make note the box had to have contained some kind of powerful artifact left behind by the tree's previous owners and that it would be used soon.
Either way, as confusing as the stories may be, it certainly does seem interesting._
*One of the last remaining true gali strides into the camp, presenting his oath whenever he is stopped, heads down into the communial tree and gathers up his belongings. As he strides out of the camp, he nods to all the Hoarans. When he is out of arrow range he sits and straps on his armour which has changed to black and blue, colours of the Leigon and heads up to Peltarch.
A few muddy Hoarans who work near the bridge have been grumbling lately about sticky-fingered fey who've been grabbing gold pieces out of the toll barrels and dropping the coins into the river. The slick little faeries are lightning fast and impossible to catch.
A naked guy can be seen waving his hands about and chanting sometimes for hours until it begins to snow near bridge. What in the world he's doing or why he finds it so entertaining is anyone's guess. Rumor has it he even briefly having a spat with Rass over temporary use of the top of her cave.
_Curious signs of an intruder have been seen early in the mornings around the camp.
Boxes have been left open and tree branches broken have been broken. Some camp dwellers even claim to have smelled dead fish._
A man in dark leathers is rumored to move about the camp tending to any injuries of those willing to accept his aid. Though using herbs and bandages unless the injuries require more in which other means are used usualy resulting in him coughing a lot after treating the person in question.
One day near the central fires Johnathan speaks to Sarah. She smiles and nods in response. Not long there after the young woman is seen heading south into the spider woods. Climbing gear and rope slung over her shoulders. She pauses to look back at the camp briefly before moving south resolutely
two field dressed deer are left near Johnathan's tent with a note by long time camp resident Sarah'linae. What she wrote is anyone's guess, but judging from the grumbling coming from the family's cave it has Tala in a mood. The old wives tongues wag saying it is about a boy. What else could cause mother and daughter to fight?
Shady seems to be in a particularly good mood of late, humming contentedly to herself, and greeting her customers with a smile
_Will spends an afternoon at the forge making a few small things, then packs up his tools and heads home just before dark.
Shortly after, he speaks briefly with Ther and leaves the camp afoot wearing dark-colored light clothing and a black cloak rather than his green and gold armor.
It is midmorning before he returns, heading directly home again._
Quietly and without much fuss, the tall blonde warrioress Ragnhild leaves the camp with a moderately sized pack strapped to her back, heading north and not returning. Her tent is neatly swept and tidied, all remaining belongings boxed up as if for prolonged storage and her weapons collection missing entirely. The bed however, is made with fresh sheets and soft furs, a small note fastened to the cover with a pin. On it, a stick-figure blonde hugs a far shorter brunette, what may be a large black cat sitting next to them. A heart-shaped red line encloses all figures, and though the drawing is quite lacking in artistry, the warmth of the message still shines through.
lol thought that myself
(edit: fixed
Jonathan simply smiles in the face of Celebring's anger
giving him a friendly pat on the backoops…. sorry honey. It's fixed. that's what I get for typig so fast!
Celebring approaches Johnathan as he's moving in, a few brief words are exchanged, Celebring seems angry.
Several of the older women fret and frown as they watch Jonathan whistling while he moves into Jonni's old tent
…..barely in the grave he is....
<g>Fark me. Do I look like I'm from Norwick?
A battered Benji spouts off a few more gnomish obscenities before stomping away from the locked gate.</g>
In the midst of the tragedy of Jonni's death, rumour on a small, but happier note has it that Lycka has given birth to two healthy, if somewhat prematurely born twin girls, Nica and Siri. Mother and babies are currently recovering at home, while Aelthas and Ragnhild fuss and fret over the three. What Jonni junior thinks of it all is harder to tell, as the blonde little boy still seems partial to smacking things with his toy sword, rather than utter complete and coherent sentences.
Cherry, when she is in Camp, can be seen with her own three rug rats in tow. Now ranging between 1 and 4 years old, they are more than a handful. She stays with her grandmother for the extra hand in looking after things.
hhowever, when Lycka returns, Cherry can often be seen over eithe rhelping look after Lycka or offering babysitting.
The lavender-haired girl seems rather on edge and watchful in the few moments she has to herself.
For several months now, familiar faces have once more been seen around the camp a lot more frequently, as Aelthas, Lycka and their little son have returned for what at first seemed an extended vacation. Camp gossips soon found out the real reason behind the stay however. Lycka's pale and weary face in combination with excessive fussing and protectiveness from both Ragnhild and Aelthas hinted at what later became apparant, as the young bard's belly once more started to bulge. This second pregnancy seems to have been a difficult one for Lycka, with both Jeni and a tribal healer often called upon, and Lycka herself remaining in bed for long periods. Wider even than her first time around, the time for birth can't be far off, and already Ragnhild and Aelthas can be seen pacing around in anxious waiting.