Leathertail's Log

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 133

    Sabre Seasaw. Sammy Seabourne. My Captain. Another name when we're alone. The rolling gait of her walk, the way her hair sticks out after she takes her helmet off, the low voice. Her little tantrums. Her grinning for all the world like an eight year old girl draped in my jacket. The feel of her fingers running through my hair when I let her braid it. How wide and lonely those blue green oceans of eyes looked, right before she gripped me to her…

    I won't get to enjoy any of it for much longer, I think. Pavel and she have had the worst split yet...but all it ever is is some little game he plays. He says he's had enough, and walks off so she'll chase after him, agree to whatever he wants when he deigns to come back. He's done exactly that so far, and asked of her exactly what I told Taria I thought he would. So predictable. All violence and tantrums. But she loves him, and me... She doesn't. I know that. Everyone tells me I love her, but I don't think it matters what it's called, or maybe even is, in the end. I'll be what I can be to her, help her as best I'm able.

    And then she'll go back to him.

    I know what Mercy said, but...I don't think she's right this time. The Lady bless the one-legged barnacle though. Her affection is oddly delivered, but I'm grateful for it.

    Sierra started making eyes at some druid. I told her to go on and be with him, figure he'd be better for her. If her love is what love really is, I hope she understands a bit more why I avoided it. Love shouldn't be something you can fall into and out of at the drop of a hat. Or maybe it should, really. Make things easier on us all.

    I'm starting to feel so sick of smiling all the time.

    Bad day.

    Tucked into the book's pages on this entry is a small sheet of paper, heavily wrinkled as if it has been over handled, bearing a short message in a different, neat hand: "To your question of before: because you are you (and the heart knows no reason)."

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 120

    Gods, finally I got a night alone with the Captain again. We successfully tested Mercy and Taria's "doomsday device", in a truly magnificent explosion of N'Jastian ammo piles from the walls of Peltarch, and were in a, to put it lightly, good mood. Nothing's changed with her…I'm drowning while I'm on fire, I feel drunk but as if I'm seeing everything clearer than before. I needed that. Really, really, needed that.

    I'm a bit saddened to think that that room may be just so much more rubble by this point. I hope we can find another.

    And now...there's Sierra. She battles common sense daily to be with me. We've had more than a few tumbles by now, she's written me songs, she says she wants me just as I am and won't take no for an answer. It's hard to ward off someone who doesn't care what you say or do, and is simply set on being with you. Honestly, she's said she doesn't care about me being with other women, doesn't care that I don't love her...I've tried to warn her, but she won't hear it. I do like her, and being around her...but a woman who's said she loves me unnerves me. Particularly one who scrutinizes me as much as she does. She even talked to the Captain about me (and she knows about our continuing relationship).

    People seem to mistake not wanting to talk about the past much for a personal love of mystery. The past is just that, behind me, and for the most part I'm content to let it stay there. Sometimes, with my Captain...I'll talk about it. Little bits. She doesn't push. She lets it come if it's to come, and if not, it's left to lie.

    Still, Sierra is a charming half-elf lass. Funny, enthusiastic. Pretty voice. And at this point I can't dispute the illogic of attraction, or even love, or the futility in fighting it. I'll give her what I can. And I'm sorry it isn't more. I am. Just not sorry enough to change.

    Good day.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 111

    It's been a bit since I wrote in here…events became too busy for a while. Things have reached an equilibrium since I returned to the crew; many people's initial reaction was to beat me to a pulp, Jack being the first. I let her, didn't try to fight back. Her reasoning was that I was tearing the crew apart, which I was, partially. I don't see how all the blame rested on me as clearly as she did, however. Drelan then proceeded to hit me, as well as the Captain, once. Violence seems to be the only motivator he has. Pavel was the latest and, perhaps last to lay into me. There wasn't much point in fighting back with him either, better to just smile and take it. I've seen what he can do to things unarmed, I wouldn't stand a chance in his style of fight. He was doing it for his own personal pride, I can only imagine.

    The Captain, I made my peace with on my own...though it wasn't the peace I was expecting. Things went poorly in my absence, it seems. She missed me, she said. Feels something for me. Again, we left it at that. Plenty of others want to name it, but that doesn't seem necessary, right now. She cares...and so do I. We're still together in whatever way we were before...Though never getting her alone for a night is wearing thin. Whatever else I feel for her, however deep it runs now, part of it is a very insistent need for touch. To see her eyes go dark and dangerous.

    She held on to my coat for me. I missed it, I think...it feels good, having it back on. She wore it while I was away.

    For now though, I've got a drunk bard sleeping in my lap. Fully clothed, oddly enough. Her name is Sierra (light brown hair, pretty, drawl). She was looking for some slightly more substantial comfort, but she got too drunk, too fast. I like her, she seems nice, and her lack of malicious intent can be a bit of a nice change sometimes. She was actually worried, truly concerned about whether she was a good person or not. Admittedly, she was getting steadily drunker as she poured out her worries, but still...I don't know when the last time was that I knew someone like that, personally. She's also insane, apparently, judging by some of her recent actions. But right now, she sleeps, and I suppose I will too once I've finished off her half a bottle of whiskey.

    This isn't how I imagined it all to work out. Maybe we can hold on to some things after all. Maybe.

    Good day.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 110

    Was stupid. Made a mistake. Not really possible to hold on to anything. Everything passes, no point in getting attached: items, circumstances, people…all moves on around you. Should have learned that before.

    Know it now.

    Good day.

    _Now I do as I please, and I lie through my teeth
    Someone might get hurt, but it won't be me
    She'll probably feel cheap, but I'll just feel free
    And a little bit empty

    No it isn't so hard to get close to me
    There'll be no arguments, we'll always agree
    And I'll try and be kind, but I'll ask you to leave
    We'll both take it easy

    If you stay too long inside my memory
    I will trap you in a song tied to a melody
    And I'll keep you there so you can't bother me

    -Bright Eyes, Take It Easy (Love Nothing)_

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The writing on this page is far messier than Luke's usual hand, looking as if the quill were shaking in the writer's grasp. The page is also not denoted or dated like the others.

    I hate him. I hate him so badly.

    I wish I'd met her first.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 100

    I can't decide whether Pavel's very cagey, just simple, or a mix of the two. The Captain's got her own plan for how to deal with him. It's not the one I'd like best, but I'll manage it. I do know I've struck something deeper in Pavel though…and it turns out in the end he's like all the others. He gets jealous, just like any other man would. That makes me almost feel better. But I want her skin on mine. The whispers in the dark after.

    She could at least not tease me so much. Or maybe she's trying to be reassuring. I've never been so focused on the brushing of fingertips before.

    Then there's Taria. She's not so bad as I first thought. She can be downright nice, even. Miss Jack's got her off men and booze for some test of faith, so it's fun to tease her: a touch here, a kiss there, and she can't do a thing about it. I like her well enough, but I think I like the control as well. She wants something else from me even more though. Tenderness. Holding her, a kiss that doesn't ask for anything beyond it. I told her I could give her that. Just not to expect anything more from it. One woman crawling her way inside my chest's bad enough.

    Then there's Miss Jack. We were talking about the coming war, and she said she'd just leave, to ride it out in Oscura, or head back to Hoarsgate. She offered to have me come back to Hoarsgate with her; wander around with her, swim with her mentor's sharks. This is the second such offer she's made to me. I'm not really sure what her attachment to me is based on, or of what kind it is. Perhaps we've all got a soft spot for someone.

    I'd rather not drive her away. She told me I was in denial, that the Sails were my friends, that I was part of the crew in all but name. That when it came down to it, if my chance came to betray them all for my own gain appeared, that I wouldn't take it.

    We'll see.

    Good day.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 78

    Stuck between the pages in the book by this entry is a piece of paper, with a bit of handwriting on it that is clearly different from Luke's, reading "Unfair winds…because fair is no fun." Underneath is a small, lurid sketch of a dark-haired girl and fair-haired boy getting quite intimate.

    The Captain's returned. I find myself very glad…I missed her. I wanted her here with me. I don't think I've felt like this for anyone since a lifetime ago. Passing affections, yes. This is new though. The smiles, the secret looks she threw me even when on Pavel's arm. Seeing in her eyes the same look I know is in mine when I look at her.

    And now Pavel finds he has a problem. He apologized to me, saying he had been arrogant. He's also told me he was originally planning on leaving the Captain on his trip, but his death screwed it up, as she accompanied him. Lastly, he's now told me to leave her alone, put her out of my mind, that now he won't be going.

    I can't walk away from her. Nor do I find myself wanting to, anymore. Pavel seems unable to make up his mind about anything, and I won't throw the Captain away because of him. There's a softness about her I can see even more clearly now. I want to see it more. I want it to see it disappear when she claws at me and come back when I'm holding her at the end. To take her up to the Nest on a clear night.

    It's new. But I want it.

    Good day.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 71

    The Captain and I have reached an agreement, setting terms. Things became tense for a short while. Well, tenser. Eventually she found me on the rooftop, and…cards were laid on the table. Still probably not our full hands, but why bother getting hung up on definitions anyhow? It will last as long as it's going to last. And we'll ride the waves until then. I should heed Jack, but I can't. This will have to be as it is.

    She does. Not like for him. But she does.

    Pavel's going off on a trip now, and the Captain's decided to go with him. I agree with John that it's a pretty piss poor time for either of them to go off, the Captain especially, but I'm not the one to decide such a thing. Too many things are starting to happen now...Jack said she could feel a storm coming. Something big.

    I wonder if it's broken yet. And if it hasn't, whether we'll be able to ride it out when it does. Looking ahead's not for me, so whatever tomorrow may be, today (tonight) was a

    Good day.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 67

    Pavel died today.

    We were out hunting ogres: him, myself, the Captain, Mercy, Ugor, and Seth. We'd gotten through the cave and out into the hills. After wandering through for a while, dispatching a good number of ogres, we saw something I'd never seen before on a hill ahead of us. It was humanoid, but froglike. Pavel said he'd try to chat with it. And it killed him.

    We killed it soon after that, but the Captain was inconsolable. Near useless, just hugging Pavel's body. I told Ugor to grab the body, and Seth to grab his things, then dragged the Captain up myself to get us out of there as quickly as possible. Seth got us through the caves with a spell.

    When we got back to Peltarch, Sabre returned to cradling Pavel's body, refusing to let Mercy raise him. Eventually I got her back to the warehouse in Oscura. She's sleeping in her bunk now behind me, and we'll be going to the healer's when she wakes up. She asked me to watch over her and Pavel's body, make sure Mercy didn't try anything funny.

    Pavel lied to me.

    He said it wasn't me that was causing the problem. The Captain said it was our relationship that hurt him, that he'd told her so. He said I was just like any other of her flings…she said I wasn't...that that was the problem. She also made it clear that I don't come in first. I wish I knew why I was still sitting here, then.

    I'm beginning to remember why I was happy when my mother died.

    Bad day.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 65

    Elyane of Istishia isn't entirely gone, as I'd hoped. She's somehow gotten in with the higher ups of Peltarch, most notably the recently supposedly dead General Lavindo. The part of her plan we heard also sounded horribly similiar to what I read from a book salvaged from the kobold caves recently. She needs to be stopped, if I or the Sails can stop it. We need the Icelace.

    But, that affair aside, the Captain. Still. She asked me how this need could get worse every time we heeded it, and I didn't have any answer for her aside from "it does". And gods, it does. She cares too, there's no doubt for me anymore; when I was feelin' down the other day, she started moping around, thinking it was all her fault. I told her it wasn't, of course, and it wasn't, not really. She asked me, all quiet, whether she was still my captain…I'm not sure exactly what was being asked underneath that, but I said yes. How she smiled.

    She even set aside more than just a night together for us. I stayed in bed for a bit after she left, so I can't be sure, but I don't think I could have done much in the way of walking after. Pavel said he doesn't have a problem with us sleeping together, again. And I believe him. Just not sure if I believe he isn't troubled by us spending time together in general. He didn't give an explanation when I said he'd been spending more time on his own, instead just shrugging. That seems to be his favored response.

    These entries are becoming much longer than they used to be. Life's not quite so simple as it once was, I suppose. The spiders from Norwick may be reaching the foothills through burrowing. War's closing in on the south. If I had any sense left, I'd catch the next boat out of here, maybe with Miss Jack like she said. But I don't think I can. Not yet.

    Good day.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 62

    Proof that from the very peak of optimism a day can quickly descend into one of the worst in a long while. Not as bad as dying, maybe, but it rates a close second.

    Started off nice enough, ending up cuddled next to the Captain at a table in the Ferret, just getting ready for a good session together, when Pavel shows up. And of course, priorities were made immediately clear. I told her to go on with him, as she obviously wanted to. It stings, a bit, I think. I've never really felt jealous before.

    I don't think I'm entirely alone in it though. She said that Pavel had been spending a lot of time on his own lately. Maybe he's not so calm as he acts. He asked me if I loved her, the other day…I said no...he told me not to lie to myself.

    Did I?

    Anyhow...I left them to it, the Captain saying she'd catch up to me later. So, went off to watch the stars, and end up seeing these men in black and red loading up crates by the water in the foothills. Talking about their ill-gotten cargo, and how a ship's coming in soon to pick it up. I dashed off to the Ferret, where I find Drelan, this other Sail, Taria (Idiot girl, plain, afraid of Mercy), and the Captain and Pavel. I tell them about the ship, saying we ought to go, how we can get the cargo and maybe the ship itself. At that point Taria tried to hit me, and Drelan saw fit to start blathering on. Meanwhile, the ship and the cargo slipped through our fingers. And Drelan pointed the blame at me, for not informing them in the correct manner.

    Not feeling particularly charitable right now. Heading off to get drunk.

    Bad day.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 60

    Died. Not nearly died, not injured. Dead. Spirit has shuffled on out of the mortal body and realm dead. I'd never felt anything like that before.

    I'd rather never have to again.

    Luckily I was brought back, though that wasn't entirely pleasant either. But at least I'm alive. There's too much to stick around for yet for me to be dead.

    The Captain, I'm trying not to think about too hard. She helped comfort me…defended me...I'm completely lost around her, and thinking about it too much will only get me in deeper. I provide her an escape. Comfort. Maybe more, I don't know. The way those blue-green eyes fix on me sometimes. On my eyes.

    Stop thinking about it. Enjoy it while it lasts, and stop telling her so much in the meantime...it's those damn eyes of hers that get me. Not the arse, not the breasts. Maybe a little bit of that small smile she gives. Not that the rest of the body hurts...


    New subject. Upcoming treasure hunt and dragon hunt.

    Bad day?

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 54

    The shipwreck was an interesting trip. Finally got to be out on a boat again, if only for a little while, and swim. There was plenty of treasure to be had, Tymora be praised, and only some troublesome ghosts who stood in the way of claiming it. That was a good time, but all the real interest in my life lately seems to be coming from the people in the Sails.

    I've been drinking with Jack a few times lately. She was good company mostly: friendly, joking, and she got naked when she lost our drinking game, as agreed. That was a highlight. I can't remember all of it that clearly but I'm fairly certain she was straddling me (still clothed) at some point. We talked about a few things too. She got a bit deep, talking about sailing away together. Also, she seems to have this trick where her eyes flash al green and she's suddenly sober. Not sure how she does it. Interesting girl.

    Mercy. Becoming rather fond of the filthy troglodyte, I think. Alluded to something about Sabre's previous lovers, so I asked her out for a drink to get more information. She seems downright friendly to me, in a threat-filled, crude way, once I've got her alone. Learned a bit more than I expected. She was born in Jiyyd, and she had two sisters. Also, she seems to like to ask deep questions too (Priestess thing?), wanting to know if I had any dreams. Didn't even make fun of me when I told her about the ones where I could fly. But once I finally asked about Sabre, and she seemed plenty smug I did, she replied quite cryptically, asking me what I thought about it. I said I figured I was the latest in a long line. To which she merely said "Is that what you think…". She said most people get driven off by the strangeness of the situation with Pavel, but then she fixed me with this appraising look, saying I'd just have to wait and see how it turned out.

    Sabre. And Pavel. Think I might be causing some sort of unrest between them. They're talking about me, that much is obvious. Not only did Pavel tell Jack to "kiss my ear" to convince me of something, but I actually ran into the two discussing me. It's strange...Pavel has told me to "keep up the good work" with the captain numerous times, but yesterday he also said he wasn't encouraging us to sleep together, but he wouldn't stand in our way. I've got nothing against Pavel (I think), but I can't quite feel comfortable groping the captain around him.

    As for the captain, who is now a captain in the Sails too, not just mine, I strongly feel I should get the hells away from her. She muddles me. Gets me to talk, still gives me these looks. I think there's more than just lust in those pretty eyes of hers during those glances, too. Beginning to wonder if I'm somehow different from all her other flings. I picked the wrong girl to mess with. Or maybe she picked me. I don't know.

    She's not the most beautiful girl I've ever been with. But I'll be damned if she's not the most attractive. I can't leave it be, and don't really want to anyhow. Mercy, perhaps unsurprisingly from what I'm starting to learn of her, seems to have been right. I may just have to see this one through.

    As for now, the Captain wore me out. I need to sleep some more. So despite the tension, at the moment I can't help but feel it was a

    Good day.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 46

    Exhausted. Good exhausted, but exhausted. I'm not entirely certain what I'm trying to get from Sabre anymore, but we give an awful lot to each other. It hurts sometimes, but I can't walk away from it. Maybe we are just lovers, but sometimes I catch her giving me these looks. I can't really read them. No idea. Sometimes I catch myself as unsure what my own face looks like around her for that matter.

    At least our relationship's clear enough when Pavel's there. He's first in her affections, no question. Then once he's gone it's all about teasing me. Maybe I'm gaining on second…this is becoming a very odd experience for me all the way around. Things were altogether easier when I was just on a boat, never stopping for more than a few days.

    Speaking of, I may be back on the water quite soon, as the Captain has gotten a boat to investigate a shipwreck, though John-o's apparently in charge once we're there. As for John, maybe I misread him, at least partially. Or maybe it's just his girl Sarah's influence. Either way, he seems softer. Ayndur also has a girl, he wasn't lying. I've no idea how he and Donnie (Beautiful, blond, elven of course since it's Ayndur) make it work, and apparently they do have their share of fights, one of which I think I was able to cause, but they still seem to be together.

    Met another elven lass for that matter recently. Brynn (Not as willowy as her kin, especially where it counts, likes to stare, lots of piercings) is interesting enough, though she isn't exactly friendly. Stating quite clearly that she's probably going to kill her only friend paints an interesting impression of her. Cry for help, or maybe just cold.

    Good day.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 41

    Learned quite a few interesting things today. It turns out Mercy's downright chatty once she's in her cups, even a bit…friendly. Quite the font of information on the Black Sails, in between mild threats, crude jokes, and the padding around for details about myself and the Captain. Found out lots about Sabre, and Drelan, some about Pavel. She even admitted to feeling affection for the first and last of those three. I stopped actually drinking halfway through my second bottle of course, the better to gather information.

    In the meanwhile, I've been given a new job. Selling some wares for commission for the Sails...need to find a few sturdy crew members to test them out first though. And then there's the Captain herself, who the last sentence is crossed out Sabre seems this is also crossed out.

    More later.

    Good day.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    _Giselle was, of course, rather unsure of the exact right way to raise a child, but she found a profound attachment to the small, oddly-proportioned being she had created. His fat little limbs fascinated her as they waved around, she was amused by the way his pale fluff of hair would stick up, and felt something melt in her when he would go quiet, and just stare at her with large, deep blue eyes. And though he squalled occasionally, she discovered he could almost always be calmed, if it were a clear night, by taking him outside. She did her best.

    Luke grew slowly. Giselle didn’t mind it, really. The longer he stayed a child, the longer it would take him to turn into one of the men who frequented these islands. Giselle actually found herself thankful to the man who had been his father, for giving Luke the heritage of a longer childhood. Even though his elven blood slowed the process, however, he still grew. By inches, by pounds, he grew._

    ~18 years ago~

    _By the time Luke was five, he looked three. He toddled around the small room Giselle now permanently rented, not being allowed outside on his own. His mother knew exactly the character of the men that were out there, and shuddered to think of what could be done to her son. Sometimes it was necessary for her to leave, and personally tend to affairs that let her maintain her tenuous grip on the measure of power she had attained. On these occasions Luke was locked into the windowless room, Giselle not trusting the word of a five year old over his curiosity. She was right, too; Luke would have scampered off as fast as his little legs would take him had he had the chance. As things went, however, he could not get out, and the only item of interest in the room was the chest.

    The chest, which contained what few worldly possessions Giselle had, was large and wooden. The shape of it was rectangular, and actually contained much more empty space than items. Luke was sure of this. He had spent hour after hour looking at it, rapping on it, and dreaming of what was inside it. It was locked as tightly as the door, though Luke had tried his best to open it, wrenching and pushing at the lid with his small arms and hands until he collapsed on the floor, panting and exhausted. His mother knew to keep the key on herself.

    One rainy day on which Giselle was off seeing to the hiring of some new muscle was different than the others Luke had spent in the room. This time, the inevitable happened. Giselle slipped up. She had been in a hurry, and not checked to make sure she still had the key to the chest stored within the usual hidden pocket sewed into her petticoats. By some mischief, it had slipped out, to fall forgotten underneath the bed. Almost attuned to the room by this time, Luke quickly located the one abnormality in his perambulation of the small cell, scooping up the key and immediately trying it on the door.

    The door remained closed, and so he turned his attention to the chest. His hand reached out to the lock, key gripped tightly, and paused. His mother wouldn’t be pleased, and she could be back at any moment. Especially if she realized the key was gone. The second thought, after a moment’s consideration, spurred Luke’s hand on, pushing the key into the lock, which pushed the tumblers into place with a small, ominous, click.

    Luke stared at the chest a moment longer, almost afraid of what could be inside. But he was not to be denied this discovery. His trembling hands reached out and, with a monumental effort, pushed on the lid. It went slowly up, creaking loudly, as Luke grunted and strained. But Luke was small, and the chest lid large. He went up on his tip toes, trying to push it the rest of the way, his tiny stomach, still pudgy with baby fat, pushing against the lower portion of the chest.

    A moment’s unbalance was all it took. Luke went up too high, or perhaps leaned too far forward, but either way he tumbled head over heels into the trunk, which snapped shut immediately. Luke immediately panicked, jostling a few clinking items in the chest as he thumped at the lid. When that didn’t work, he screamed, and he cried until his body was wracked with great heaving sobs. He thought that maybe his mother wouldn’t know he was locked in, or hear him, and he would starve to death. Or worse, she would know he was in there, and leave him in as punishment. To Giselle’s credit she would never have done such a thing, nor was she entirely capable of punishing Luke much at all. The large tears leaking out of deep, dark blue eyes almost always did her in. Luke was not of an extremely rational age yet, though.

    Trembling with fear now, he sank down to the chest’s hard, wooden floor; or would have, had there not been a barrier. With shaking hands, he reached out to feel this lining. It was smooth, slightly wrinkled in spots. It also seemed to cover the entire bottom of the chest. Probing, Luke found he could turn it over, and that there was an opening in it. Miserable, but mildly gladdened at having some tactile comfort in his new, he was sure, home, he crawled inside, drawing it around him. Its smell was musty, and tinged with what he knew to be one of the kinds of drinks served downstairs from his room. Unhappy, but momentarily comforted, Luke nestled in deeper, closing his eyes against the darkness of the chest’s inside.

    Giselle experienced a bit of panic herself when she returned, an hour later, to find her son gone from the room. But, due to the benefit of a few years of wisdom on her side, and much experience with situations where one had to remain calm, she did exactly that. She realized that the door had still be locked upon her return, meaning no one could have entered. A quick glance also showed the key to the chest lying in front of the container, having fallen from it when it snapped shut. After a quick glance under the bed and the rumpled covers, Giselle leaned down and, picking up the key, opened the chest.

    Luke lay there, a small lump curled up in his father’s jacket, asleep._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 35

    Damn. Sabre's more than I expected. Not sure if I've ever been with a girl quite as, intense, let's say, as her. Still scratched and bruised from our last bout in the Mermaid, but if she asked me there again, or wherever else, don't think I'd be able to say no. It's getting worse. She's dangerous, gets me off guard afterwards once we're all muzzy. But hells, does it feel good.

    And the whole Pavel giving me the proverbial pat on the shoulder still seems slightly unnerving for a person who's seen a wide range of reactions from the original lover, none of them congratulatory, whatever they say their relationship is like. Not sure what he meant by that comment on her ability to choose either. I don't think it was an offhand compliment though.

    Mercy said I might be suited to selling something the Sails are keeping in their warehouse. We'll see. Might be good to find something else to focus on.

    Good day.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 31

    Sabre Seasaw. The woman knows how to wind me up, I'll give her that. Taught me all sort of reasons with her hands today why long jackets are a good idea for regular wear. I've had girls take the lead with me, but the good Captain is more dragging me along in her wake. And it turns out she's after exactly what I am: A bit of a romp, with nothing more or less expected from it. Why can't all women be like this?

    I find myself feeling a bit affectionate for her even. I was glad she got her eye fixed, and not just because they're a very pretty shade of blue-green. I blame it on all the lead up to actually getting her alone, however.
    Almost did, but Mercy interrupted…might make an exception to my rule on revenge, but the sea creature actually seems to like me a bit better for having discovered the Captain and I, so I may let it lie.

    Beginning to see the bits of her that are not fully evident at first as well. Her anger, like when Mercy farked up her eye, and sometimes even a smidge of tenderness. Hells, I think she might give a little bit of a damn about my person as well even.

    That's fine, of course. Nothing wrong with liking the person you're sleeping with. Just not wise to love them, in particular when those people are two who've no interest in love. Though apparently she's already found it with Pavel (Nice fella, likes ripping the organs out of things with his bare fists). Takes me off the hook.

    Good day.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 28

    Writing this during first official stay in the lovely cells of Peltarch. Cheers, and let's hope I never end up here again. A tenday's light though, and I can't complain of lack of good company. Pity she didn't want to have a go, though.

    Helped the Sails investigate an apparently very wealthy and very suspicious cargo on the Duskseeker. Sabre walked straight into the hold, having seduced the drunk sailor on watch. All was roses and daffodils until Jacky Boy showed up, having been slighted earlier because he preferred the threat of betrayal to just keeping his mouth shut. Thank you, Jacky Boy, you'll get yours eventually.

    He alerted the Guard, and dragged some fellow I didn't know along to watch. I was hanging around outside the ship with John (new Sails recruit, solid, dark haired, sneaky, and scum), Mercy (also Sails, Umberlant priestess, most horrid dwarf I've ever met, makes Horbag look like a dreamboat), and Jack (Newest Sails recruit, short, very pretty, also an Umberlant priestess), when the guards showed up led by Gerard Fortesque.

    Had seen him work before, and the results were messy, as they were this time. Tried to bluff him, then delay him, then alert Sabre, all of which ended in my face mashed to a pulp as I took an unepected nap on the pier. Shouldn't have bothered. But a captain in jail doesn't get to sail a boat with her crew. Jack got herself blackened too, though John was fairly quick to comfort her. I was forcefully healed by the sadistic wench after a much longer wait, then dragged off to the courthouse by Fortesque with Jack and Sabre.

    Was offered to get off free for selling out Sabre, but figured there wasn't too much evidence against me, and that the Sails would reward me for my silence (which they have). Put on the good, military sailor act and got off light, along with Jack, which is why we're currently sharing a cell. She's nice. Which is odd for a servant of the Bitch Queen, but I don't mind.

    Sabre got off free with a fine. Sabre. I look forward to the repaying of that favor. And to getting my jacket back. Couldn't trust the guards with it. This is the first time I've been without it since…damn, since I was five.
    Only thing I miss as much as the coat's the stars. I'll be out soon enough though, and I'll have both again. Considered getting some revenge against John (who stole the credit for me getting Jack to Sabre) and Mercy (for savaging me while I was down), but like I told Jack (whose real name's Jacia, she says): vendettas empty coffers, not fill them.

    Not much to do here, which is why I've written so much this time. Suppose I'll chat up Miss Jack some more. And wait to get my coat and my sky back.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Entry 26

    Met another girl, Sabre (short, thin until just below the waist, dark haired). Maddening. Not sure how much of her attention is interest and how much is a love of torturing me. Don't trust her. Which is strangely alluring. Has refreshing views on fidelity and life. Refuse to beg for it though. Think there's some part she's keeping back.

    She's also a captain in the Black Sails. Possible future employer.

    Tower was empty. Unsure what to do with that bit now. Haven't seen Ayndur for a while. Or Goldie for that matter.

    No sign of Paxy. Pity. No sign of her brothers either. Not sure how good that is. Wish I could talk to her more.

    Damn Sabre.

    Good day.