Jiyyd Rumors

  • Eight white and gold armored men, baring a red stag banner upon their chest, were said to have arrived at the gates of Jiyyd a day ago along with a number of sails. However, they were promptly seen heading back north, with Theaon of the Legion and Aramuil of Norwick standing at the gate between them. Some say they were more invaders, come to raid the town. Others say it was help sent from Peltarch that the two spurned away. Either way, they were not seen near Jiyyd after that point

  • _*Legion folks and others are seen clopping hastily away east, out of town, towards the far Eastern Outpost.

    Farmers come in, toting sacks of taters, telling tall tales of towering tramping troops tenting just east of town, with foreign banners fluttering ominously close to beloved little Jiyyd.

    Apparently there are talks going on. Maybe they are here to buy pumpkins, but, maybe not.*_

  • Legion

    A small pile of hay sits on a hill near the Legion's eastern outpost.

    It occasionally wiggles and curses in gnomish.

  • *One morning, General Lyte of the Legion is seen jogging with a group of Jiyyd's young adults who arent employed harvesting apples or engaged in other needed activities.

    Many are carrying black and blue scrollcases, and it seems there is some sort of game, or race being held, with the youngsters vying to see who can pass the scrollcase the quickest to a teammate, and race the other runners.

    It is noted that all the young folk are wearing a purple sash, which holds an emblem of a plow, with the word "Jiyyd" printed below it.

    The General is wearing a similar purple armband on her right arm, and while the others are clearly having fun, she watches the proceedings with a somber, searching gaze.*

  • *With the passing of the comet, giant flare, flying wagon of arms, or whatever it might have been, General Lyte is out and about, seeing to the hauling of several covered wagons of something out east and west of Jiyyd.

    Renewed chopping sounds come from the Legion hall, and wise matrons who have lived long in Jiyyd begin buying extra stocks of cheese and bread and water jugs and tobacco for the expected trouble.*

  • @3c23e8878f=Tigrelily:

    blood can be seen in odd places within the jiyyd crafting hall. Some is caked on the ceiling above the circular saw, some on the floor beneath. Remanent of skin and bone like fragments here and there. It does however looks as though someone ATTEMPTED to clean up the mess, but for the most part it was done sloppy. If Sonja's asked what happened he might reply simply…"The Dwarf" before going back to his regular duties.

    Z is heard bellowing, "What the hell…?!!!" from the Jiyyd crafting hall. A short time later, he exits the hall and he doesn't look too happy... :x

  • Some Legion soldiers under the supervision of General Lyte can be seen kindly lending a helping hand to a shorthanded farmer who lives out in the east farmlands, transporting bales of hay about.

  • blood can be seen in odd places within the jiyyd crafting hall. Some is caked on the ceiling above the circular saw, some on the floor beneath. Remanent of skin and bone like fragments here and there. It does however looks as though someone ATTEMPTED to clean up the mess, but for the most part it was done sloppy. If Sonja's asked what happened he might reply simply…"The Dwarf" before going back to his regular duties.

  • People in and around Jiyyd hear ocassional explosions from the eastern road. Rumor has it a man clad from head to toe in silver and brown can be seen digging, and detonating kegs. Word spreads of a hidden treasure buried beneath Jiyyd's eastern farmlands, and this Narsman intends to be the first to unearth it.

  • *General's Lyte and Theaon are seen with their arms around an aged man in robes who appears one afternoon outside of Jiyyd.

    Rumors abound that this is the heroic Legion mage Abner, who was much responsible for Jiyyd's survival during the Great White Dragon War some years back, having given his life multiple times, in this great time of turmoil.

    Thought long dead, it is obviously a joyous occasion for the Legion, and cheers and hearty toasts are heard from the confines of the lumbering Royal Troff Legion Hall.*

  • Just prior to dusk, it is rumored Telli was seen dragging a bound bugbear atop her mount Mr Porky. She was swift to drag him to the barracks and soon a group of adventurers entered town in her pursuit.

  • @1d63da153c=Lagermane:

    _To the bafflement, amazement, amusement, and alarm of the citizenry, Just'ene goes on a three-day drunk.

    Afterwards she seems quiet, testy, and if anything more rigid and brittle than before._

    With the recent rumors circulating Jiyyd and Norwick of Just'ene's encounter with Gemli, Telli looks for Just'ene to find out what exactly happend involving her kin.

  • _To the bafflement, amazement, amusement, and alarm of the citizenry, Just'ene goes on a three-day drunk.

    Afterwards she seems quiet, testy, and if anything more rigid and brittle than before._

  • Telli's been seen lugging lengths of rope behind her as well in the days to follow

  • *Townsfolk around Jiyyd watch quietly as a massive, shiny, steel circular cap is rolled out of the legion hall with the help of horses and a dozen Legioniers. It is s-s-s-low-ly rolled up to the old well near the center of town, and lowered into place with much hoisting and muscle, and six heavy chains, attached to it's perimeter, and stretched out as this steel cap is pegged securely down.

    Jiyyd's populace have seen this before, during the War of the White Dragon, and all know the signs of trouble on the horizon.

    Meanwhile, troops with axes and saws can be seen led around by General Lyte or Sgt. Telli, off east or west at various times, and returning with lots of oak. They disappear into the legion hall with their loads, and much sawing and hacking can be heard around the old Legion Hall.*

  • Out in the plains and in the dead of night, a muffled boom is heard. A rush of dust spills out of the entrance to the old ruined tower, followed only seconds later by a small procession of large, hulking figures carrying heavy sacks. They head away from the tower and disappear into the night.

    //edit: doh, kull beat me to it shakes a fist

  • ICC

    Some might say that in the cover of the night, few days ago, a large group of about 8 halforcs were seen leaving Jyiid hauling big boxes, rummors has it that they were heading somewhere to the plains. If those witness dont know better they might even say that they were mooving….

  • ICC


    _Dietrick doesn't seem affected in the least , rather he simply says in sarcastic tone…

    "Says a lil' whelp who wun dare to stand in front of me blade..... Say right-size are weak and weaker? Come have un' duel with Dietrick if ya dare and we'd see if ya kin even last two rounds....."_

    Har har, pout and stomp yar petty feet as much ya want punyling. All whut it does, it reminds Grak what sound comes from rusty old hinge when its squaking in the wind. Harh Harh Harh.

    Ya shoulds scurry back into yar valley and pray yar punyling gods that hobbos not find ya. If ya bes lucky, yar natural skills in hiding and running aways are enough to keep ya off from chains. Har har

  • The Halfling Defence League




    _Bards and common folks speak by the fires and inns of Ostertag the Coward!…

    ...When Dietrick hears of the dishonorable and despicable act Ostromog does he became quite angry and insults Ostromog, commenting on his cowardice and spitting at his name._

    Grak is relaxing at Jiiyd campfire, snickering at Dietrick commenting

    Har har! Silly shorty, sulk and pout all ya wants. Soon shorty gots ability to pout fer dem Ostromog-curr directly. Grak has heard that Ostromog is coming fer this town with great number of troops.

    Whut Grak has also heard, is that dem forces outnumber ya shorties with everything; height, cunning, numbers, strength, weapon reach and size of feet. Har har har. Only thing, they get second place is hiding, stealing and sniveling. That bes best yar kind does.

    Days are over fer yar little valley, soon it will be called slave-pen-valley filled with yar kind, in chains… Harh Harh. Perhaps Grak should enlist to hold the whip that bes constantly licking yar backs. Har har har!

    _Dietrick doesn't seem affected in the least , rather he simply says in sarcastic tone…

    "Says a lil' whelp who wun dare to stand in front of me blade..... Say right-size are weak and weaker? Come have un' duel with Dietrick if ya dare and we'd see if ya kin even last two rounds....."_

  • ICC

    Araganor boldly strides to Grak's side and stands next to him to converse.