A New Pool

  • The brave, maybe bored, defenders of Norwick staved off destruction by ooze of collosal proporions! Seeping and erupting out of the hillside leading to the land of local farmer, Z. After long debate of which wayt os eek out the source of htis slime, they set out. The slime found them instead. Through luck and creavtive thinking,they worked together, leaving a brand new andeep pond beside Z's Farm, created when they flooded and diluted out the reservoir the ooze had orginated from. How long the peaceful seeming pond will remain…who knows.. Nature is funny that way.

  • *Over the course of the next several days, Z is seen trying to repair the damage done to his farm and the surrounding area by the acidic ooze creature.

    He is seen sprinkling crushed limestone, in the area contaminated by the ooze, in an attempt to neutralize the acid it left behind.

    Also, if the wind is right, some might catch the unmistakable scent of cooked cabbage coming from his farmhouse.

    He spends a lot more time than usual praying in the fields and tending his crops.*