Rumors of the Valley

  • Marie Scuttlestone, known to her friends as Scuttle, brings word of a possible threat to valley folk.

    Miss Marty told me that she encountered, and killed, an oversize kobold who was dragging two dead gnomes behind it. This was up near Peltarch, and the bodies haven't been recovered yet.

    Maybe we should send someone up to do that? If any of the gnomes here are missing kin, this might be where they are, unfortunately.

    And what about the risk to other folk? Perhaps this needs more investigating…

  • Legion

    The distinct stench of burnt human waste follows a beaten and battered Benji to the bath house.

  • ICC

    _Parsley notices the tourist, so he and his young son Marshmallow try to engage him in conversation.

    "H> here?"_

  • Raúl keeps spending lot of time around the valley, and tries to find out how to be a citizen of the valley, he's usually seen helping other hins in their everyday's duties when he finds nothing better to do

  • Legion

    –Drunken Benji Tells Another Tale--

    _What do you mean 'What's all that shite all over you?' It's spider guts!

    <g>Fark me</g>

    You should have seen the size of it too. A cow? No. Bigger. No, bigger yet. I mean the size of the whole inn here. You know what? The size of a tallie inn._
    drunken nodnod and takes another swig
    _That big.

    And I killed it too! Well, no. Not by myself. I had help. The queen was sitting there in her big throne room and we all charge at it. Everyone starts cutting off it's legs and spider plates and all that.

    But THEN!_

    slams his half empty glass of ale down on the table for dramatic emphasis

    The queen got mad and called in all her little baby spiders. AND THEY'RE NOT LITTLE EITHER!!! THOSE… are the cow sized ones.
    _That's right. Thirty or forty of them. All running at us screaming like little girls.


    What do you mean 'Why were they screaming at us like little girls?' Because THAT'S WHAT <g>FARKING</g> COW SIZED <g>FARKING</g> SPIDER MONSTERS SOUND LIKE!_
    shivers and takes a long swig of ale
    What did I do? We couldn't retreat … so ... I ran THROUGH them!
    pauses to let the bar flies bask in his courageous glory

    I ran right though that swarm of spiders kicking them and punching them and I kept loading and shooting at that big fat queen until FINALLY I found a weak spot. It was right on the back of its head… or ... maybe that was its neck... well... it was this squishy looking thing. So I SHOT it.

    walks his hand around on the table like a spider then slams his other fist down on it
    And the queen just stopped and fell over dead. DEAD!

    throws back the rest of his ale

    That's why I'm covered in spider guts.

    waves the barkeep over for another ale

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Recently, Dietrick seems quiet and often looking over the valley in silence. He is also noted to take periodic walks alone into the east-land hills, apparently for breaks from the stress he gets in his course of work.

  • The Halfling Defence League


    Morgana kisses Dietrick on the forehead and just smiles to him when he asks. She leaves a single girly barrette in his palm, before she and and her sons departed, without another real word.

    Blushing a little, Dietrick just looks dumbfoundedly at the barette, hesitating if he's supposed to wear it on his hair….Then decides not to but keeps the barette safely in his pack instead.

  • @a5cb2d513d=Pyrus:

    Dietrick thanks the trio furiously, giving them simply trinkets, supplies and food for their journey and his warm sincere thanks. He also asks on a side note while seeing them off, where he could meet the one they serve…

    Morgana kisses Dietrick on the forehead and just smiles to him when he asks. She leaves a single girly barrette in his palm, before she and and her sons departed, without another real word.

  • Apparently the Gastrognomic Guide Committee, led by the fashionably attired Peltarch-based chairgnome - Perriwig P. Doubleday - left the Valley Vittles Restaurant, pronouncing themselves very satisfied and slyly implying that the aforesaid establishment can expect a more than favourable review in their publication. Once the effects of the Fenberry Wine and halfling beer have worn off…

  • The Halfling Defence League


    Morgana and her two sons, Spike and Mike and their little bubble-killing dog, Scottie, pack their wagon up and drive out a few days after the last colorful auroral storm associated with the blight fades away.

    Dietrick thanks the trio furiously, giving them simply trinkets, supplies and food for their journey and his warm sincere thanks. He also asks on a side note while seeing them off, where he could meet the one they serve…

  • Morgana and her two sons, Spike and Mike and their little bubble-killing dog, Scottie, pack their wagon up and drive out a few days after the last colorful auroral storm associated with the blight fades away.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Gears, on the other hand, views the woman with distrust and stays away from her tokens, telling those who ask him about the suspicious looks he gives her:

    "I don't trust anythin' that's s'posed t'do with dreams right after all this Fey nonsense. I sleep just fine, thanks."

  • The Halfling Defence League


    _Some old hin woman and two brutish seeming hin males who the woman claims are her grown twin sons arrive with the recent festival and stay, setting up a makeshift shop to sell freshly made fenberry pies and various trinkets. They sell especially small tokens the old hin proclaims to protect you from evil spirits and catch bad dreams, so that only good ones get through.

    Any who buy them are instructed to sleep with them under their pillow to work properly._

    _Dietrick welcomes her and family warmly. Helping them where they might need.

    Dietrick also specially buys a few such small tokens from her. To keep one on him and to possibly give a few to his friends.

    "Telli might need this! Mebbe make her bad dreams go away!" A silly smile flows into his face._

  • _Some old hin woman and two brutish seeming hin males who the woman claims are her grown twin sons arrive with the recent festival and stay, setting up a makeshift shop to sell freshly made fenberry pies and various trinkets. They sell especially small tokens the old hin proclaims to protect you from evil spirits and catch bad dreams, so that only good ones get through.

    Any who buy them are instructed to sleep with them under their pillow to work properly._

  • Rumor has it that the crop blight in Norwick has been completely cured.

    :boogie: :dance: :w00t: 👏 😄

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A distraught Dietrick walks back in hours later, straight into the council chamber. He seems gloomy and moody ever since , speaking little and to no one. His eyes bore hard and cold each time they pass a dragoon.

  • Crop circles followed by a night time escort of two identical girls pushed the people of the valley right to the edge. Knowing that one of the two was a changeling, they gathered to end this fey threat within the Silver Valley.

    When confronted with a spell meant to identify the false child one ran . . . into the arms of the farmers gathered outside the door. They touched her with iron and when she reacted, swiftly dispatched her.

    The Captain of the Guard and a tall helper removed the body and the distraught child who remained and have not been seen since.

    On an unrelated note. . . one of the guards has resigned his commission and left the HDL, leaving behind many friends and relatives. he was last seen heading north towards peltarch.


  • Legion

    A weathered Benji returns to the valley to tell dashing tale of piracy and rescue. What could have been an intriguing story was ruined by Benji's overly complicated explanation of the mechanics and techniques of ship mounted cannons.

  • Legion

    _A surprisingly charismatic Benji tells tales of heroism and bravery from the quest into the depths of the hobgoblin hold.

    The women swoon as he speaks,_

    "So there I was…"

    "... at least a hundred of them ..."

    "...I looked that ugly <g>farker</g> right in the eye and said ..."

    "...not a scratch on me. What. You don't believe me? You can have a closer look if you like..."

    Later that night giggles and the occasional smooth gnomish murmur were heard in the bushes behind Tealeaf Bow and Pipeweed

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Aramuil was seen accompanying Dietrick and Benji late one night into the stout fellow barracks. They seem to be secretive in whatever they are doing. Aramuil is seen walking out himself alone near dawn. What they did within is unknown and is left to people's guesses.