Flyers about the City

  • The former Senator, Eowiel Senella can be heard in front of the impressive backdrop of the Peltarch Theatre on Bard Street supporting the City's actions against the so-called "People's Voice".

    "As you good folk no doubt know, I have more than a bone or two to pick with our oh so noble Senate…she smiles slightly sarcasticly

    But I assure you, the removal of such a wicked, cretinous and vile source of villainy as the followers of the Tyrant Lord is a rare act of prudence and indeed I would go so far as to say heroism on the part of the Senate. When it was first done, it was said that it would lead to the banning of all manner of faiths and followings within these walls, yet I ask you is the worship of any other god, foul or fickle as they may be also forbidden? Has the predicted tide of oppression drowned any others but the disgusting slavers, murderers and low down bullies it was so rightly aimed at? No! Not a one, my honourable friends!

    Listen not to the obstinate cries of a vengeful lone wolf, snarling for lack of its ravenous pack! Your poor city has enough troubles without the forces of Tyranny and hatred seeking once more to return their vice-like grip of malice upon you and your families!"

    The Master Bard later goes on to repeat her denouncements in both the Docks (where she makes a shorter speech, for fear of encountering any anti-elf trouble) and the Civic District, her memorable public oration abilities showcased for the first time since her election campaign years ago.

  • **Some of those distributing flyers seem to vanish during the distribution process. Guards and Defender Scouts have been placed in strategic locations throughout the city disguised as commoners. Those taken are quickly whisked away for questioning. All materials are confiscated.

    Rumors circulate amongst the taverns that the sting was a joint effort between Captain Fortescue and Captain Neverith.

    Guard General Ash makes a prepared statement in the commons the following day. With him are all three guard captains as well as Captain Neverith and a contingent of officers from both branches.**

    _Good citizens of Peltarch… what use have you for forked black tongues? Yes you have suffered - hard times are indeed upon this city, but would you rather trade what pride you have for a black hand and an iron fist? I say thee: nay. These flyers are nothing but veiled lies.

    The servants of the Black Lord and the practice of their faith have long since been banned from this fair city - and with good reason. Murder and lies have always followed their presence. Do not take solace in their words. You will find only emptiness.

    Working in accordance with the other military branches and the Office of the Magistracy, anyone found to be distributing this propaganda - be it by word or in writing - will be arrested immediately and subject to questing, and will be charged with crimes including but not limited to 1.16 Fraud and 2.18 Disturbing the Peace.

    Citizens of Peltarch - this operation would not have been successful without your cooperation. I know that there is want for good in each and every one of you - and hope for a better tomorrow. We will win the fight against these hardships and we will weather this storm. This I promise you._

  • ((New flyers are distributed hurriedly and again in places guards currently aren't watching))


    Brothers and Sisters!

    Why do you ALLOW the Oppressive SENATORIAL Regime to DENY you your basic RIGHTS?

    The TIME has come to SPEAK OUT! To ACT! (Peacefully)

    I cry out in your name at the INJUSTICE we face in our daily lives in this crushed and demoralized city! Throw off the YOKE of Oppression forced upon you by the Paladin’s who run this beautiful and ill-treated place! DEMAND your right to choose for yourselves, to decide for yourselves, to make mistakes in your own way!

    Do you want to sing in public wearing nothing but a loin cloth? It DOESN’T MATTER!
    What you want has no bearing on your LIFE in this city! Whether you do or don’t you are FORBIDDEN IN LAW from doing so!

    Do YOU WANT to pay ridiculously under the odds for weapons and armour to unfortunate OUTSIDERS not privileged with the life we enjoy in this lush and verdant City? Do you want to FLEECE them and then sell on these goods for vast PROFITS thus ensuring the ECONOMY of the JEWEL? The Senate doesn’t care, they FORBID you in LAW from doing so!

    Your choices are being made for you with NO RECOURSE to the COMMON MAN!

    YOU the People can Reclaim your RIGHTS!


    -= The Peoples Voice =-

  • Legion


    …A guard is also dispatched to the local druid to inquire about the incident...

    ((By "local druid", are you referring to Marty? If so …))

    Marty reminds the guard that as the law clearly states, any animal or natural familiar within the city limits not within ten paces of its master is to be considered a threat and dealt with appropriately, although it would be good to consult an experienced druid first if one is handy. Dangerous animals within the city walls without an obvious master should also be driven off or slain in a humane fashion.

    She also tells the guard that it was unusual for a wolf to be away from its pack this far north, and that she would do her best to find the creature and make sure it remains in its proper place.

    Once the guard is gone she writes a small note, attaches it to a raven's claw, whispers into the bird’s ear and then sends it off flying to the south. She then girds herself and goes looking for the wolf.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    After having great fun being chased by guards. Miea hids in the trees to the west then shifts to her hawk form and flys back over the wall to visit Marty and her seedlings with a big grin.

  • _The guard chase the wolf out of the city, sending arrows into it if it tries to get back in. A guard is also dispatched to the local druid to inquire about the incident.

    A number of citizens seeing the the different signs have varying reactions. Some reading the sign regarding Banites nod slightly, recalling the good old day when no ones coin was scared off and unwelcomed. Others recall the ruthless Inquisitor and the multiple troubles brought forth by those of the faith.

    In regards to the animals, stories of giant cats being used in a number of killings years ago make most of the populace look upon such signs with poor humor as if they were a bad joke._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Miea sees one as she leave the crafting hall, after reading it she turns it over and writes on the back using charcoal:


    What about our animals? Why can't they walk by our sides though the city? Why is it a crime to have an animal companion follow you around, when citizens are allowed to have pets? Which wander the streets with out their owners?

    Freedom to the animals!! let our animals walk proud along side us and not be daunted by silly laws!!

    After placing it back on the board she wildshapes into a wolf and runs through the streets of the city.

  • Legion

    Without making a fuss Martoushca removes some of the flyers, curls them into cylinders and uses them as protectors for the new seedlings she has planted in the commerce district's south garden.

  • ICC

    A heavily cloaked man puts out the word that he'd like to speak with the distributor of the flyers in Oscura. He'll wait outside or in the Shiny Coppers for a week.

  • ((With a great deal of ducking and diving and an uncanny knowlege of patrol and guard routines an unavoidably smaller run of a second flyer is distributed. {hide and MS of 15, born in the City and -not- distributing anything where there are guards to see}))


    Brothers and Sisters!

    They may try to Silence me! But Whilst

    Injustice and Oppression is Rife in this City


    I was going to tackle the FASCIST and Oppressive Law concerning our RIGHT to have speech impediments! BUT FIRST I must highlight the gross abuse of power inherent in trying to silence me!


    Have I broken a Law of Peltarch? NO!
    Do I call for ACTION? YES
    Peaceful Action! WE THE PEOPLE will be HEARD!

    PERHAPS I shouldn’t have Started by telling you of the Senates curtailing of our religious rights. BUT that is FAR from the only Right, due to any reasonable proletariate, that is denied us by the Current, oppressive and Dictatorial Senate. Elected by the PEOPLE they have a Duty to uphold the Rights and Freedoms of the People!

    I am ONE OF THE PEOPLE., and I will FIGHT for my Right to speak out in a peaceful way against Oppression where I Perceive it!

    BACK to This weeks POINT! How many of YOU THE PEOPLE suffer from unfortunate speech problems? And how many tread in FEAR of the Civic Authorities! AFRAID to speak the Name of the Jewel of the Icelace for fear of being FINED by the very Authorities who claim to PROTECT our freedom! I say WALK with Pride in this fine City! Speak its name LOUD and PROUD and do not tread in fear of your Disability of Tongue! I say it is a Criminal Act in the Court of FREEDOM to Fine a Brother or Sister for their Speech Pattern.


    -= The Peoples Voice =-

  • ::The guard are instructed to arrest the law breaker::

  • _While up in Peltarch, General Theaon of the Legion catches glance at one of the flyers. He reads it, then raises a brow

    "If this person didn't use Bane as an example, he or she may have gotten a better point across. This is just plain rediculous."

    He then continues on his way_