"Tent City"

  • Over the past tendays and months something has begun to happen in the docks of Peltarch. The homeless, caused by the influx of citizens in recent years, that were formerly littered across the streets of the docks have slowly disappeared.

    Instead, they have begun to be found in something that has begun to be referred to as "Tent City". Found outside the western gates of the docks, along the brick and cobblestone exterior, is an area filled with tents, crates, simple cook pots and fires, and a great number of citizens. Humans, dwarves, and elves all make up the population in decent numbers, with a fair number of halflings and half-orcs throughout.

    The mood of Tent City is generally one of quiet acceptance. Many are happy to have a home other than the overhangs of the dock district houses, but at the same time it is far from the greatest of circumstances. Still, many find it to be a start.

    It is said that the noble Seafarers Mercantile Guild of Peltarch along with the Sisterhood provided a number of donated supplies, however a great many were forced to spend what money they could to set up their new "home".

    Establishment of the "City" is said to likely be finalized within the next few tendays.

  • The red headed bard who used to bring treats and food for the denizen of the tent village is seen there again. Now instead she seems to be recruiting for what she sometimes calls the back up navy or the auxiliary fleet.

    Peltarch may starve in the coming months if we do not increase the food coming in. You may say, "we have already been starving." This will effect you and your children most keenly. You are the ones who will go without first. Without a surplus the good people that have attempted to help alleviate your burdens will not be able to.

    I offer you a solution.

    The Black Sails trading company is in need of people to help make the runs for food. You will eat. You will have a place to sleep. You will have a chance to visit harm to those who make your lives miserable. These raiders that have hampered our food shipments. The ones who rain snow, ice and sleet on us. It is not without risk, but ask yourselves would you rather go down fighting or weak from hunger in a cold bed?

    She tells those interested in helping to feed the city to find Pavel sometimes known as Tsu Ma

  • Zeldor slips into the so called "Lodge" leaving food and a few bearskins next to tents while those unfortunate souls are sleeping.

  • The red headed bard, sometimes known as the skald's apprentice has been frequenting the tent city. She usually brings hinnish treats for the children as well as more helpful items. She has been heard to be promising them a performance soon.

  • Conditions in the Lodge remain relatively good, all things considered. While not optimum living conditions, the people seem to have enough things to keep them warm and protected from the elements that they're surviving with minimal sicknesses or death. Indeed, those that frequent the docks would note it seems that since the Lodge has fully been established there is actually LESS homeless on the street then even before the population boom.

    Actual construction has finally begun, with foundations for the Seafarer's low cost housing on the sites they bought up some months ago. Work goes slow, but is progressing.

    A number of people have seemed to be charitable, with adventurers and citizens alike donating…most notably and largely is the Seafarer guild itself, who also appears to be the main employer of many in the Lodge.

    Still, despite it all, the displeasure between the different groups living within the Lodge is evident. The south half mostly lives in as a community, each segregated into families. However, the northern section seems to have became extremely communal, bonding to each other, with an elf by the name of El'Cadem and a dwarf named Kristoph emerging as prominent figures.

  • Micah Shilon, the apprentice mortician has been seen spending his spare time in the Tent City, looking for signs of disease or injury, and treating them as best as he can. Those who look at him as if expecting a bill are kindly treated and advised that it is a gift from Isis to them.

    He also talks, with those who will listen, of Isis and her blessings that have been bestowed upon him.

  • Legion

    Wearing her red and black sisterhood gown, the Hin gardener Martoushcah Leaffall has been delivering dried meat rations, hides for bedding and tent repairs, as well as fresh vegetables to the folks in the tent city. She makes special care to tend to those who have been missed by previous supply runs.

  • With tensions rising in the docks, culminating in the recent near-riot, an old sight (literally) is again spotted more often in the docks, and the tent city. Keeping mostly to the human side of Peltarch TC, Dentin delivers supplies to those humans and their families that need it the most, but doesn't seem interested in much conversation. His armored and armed presence, and the gruff, disdainful demeanor towards the non-human ghetto may or may not eventually stir something up, and it is up for debate whether Dentin will move to diffuse tensions for the sake of peace.. or throw oil onto the fire.

  • ((OOCly, if you would, please don't consider that the corresponding RL time went between prior posts and this -.- Slight development issues))

    The Tent City has finally reached its completion. A good number of elves, humans, and dwarves, along with a few halflings and half-orcs mixed in, have found a new home in the tents.

    Word around the docks, and bards on the street, speak of a number of names being bandied around about the area. Some began calling it simply Tent City, others "The Tent District", still more simply referred to it as "the farer's new ghetto". The name that has stuck it seems however has simply been to refer to it as "The Lodge".

    Spirits seem rather neutral at the moment amongst most of the residents. Some optimistic that housing will be available at times, others happy to just have a roof, and still more bitter to be in such conditions. The population has seemingly segregated itself somewhat, with most demihumans gravitating to the northern reaches while the southern half is occupied primarily by humans.

  • ((OOC Note: Plot is still ongoing but certain development issues holding it up. Should be going full steam come memorial day if all goes right))

  • Oreth quietly relocates the "foraging for roots and berries" part of his food-collection routine to the area near this tent village. He doesn't speak to any of the denizens without being spoken to first, but if any of them ask him what he's doing, he's more than willing to show them, in as much detail as they like.