Demon Goblins War!

  • It appears that the war with the daemon goblins has begun, and the first blows struck. After several noteables including Aramuil Holimion, Sywyn and Devlin (( I can't recall who else was on the trip, sorry)) went south to check out reports of daemon goblin scouting parties in Old Norwick, they returned being followed by a small army of daemon goblins. The gates were quickly shut, and the goblins were repelled; but the south gates were destroyed in the process. A makeshift barrier of carts was put up temporarily until the gates are fixed.

  • The dirty Hin the is commonly seen protecting the glenn can be seem with mixed emotions as of late. Until recently he seemed content killing goblins on his own and cleansing his woods of these tainted goblins.

    But recently, with the dead trees and the increased numbers in the goblins he has been grumpy, and unable to clear the woods about he glenn. Spaten's notice of the increased attention from outsiders had him worried. But after a few weeks of following people, and then a few skirmishes in which he joined his new allies and pushed the goblins in check. Not many talk to the narley hin, but those who do are most suspicious about the strange actions of the hin.

  • _Despite the somber mood the town carries in the air lately, one that relates to the concerns of the impending conflict with the goblins, labourers and contruction workers continue on with their respective tasks in rebuilding Norwick.

    After all the struggles Norwick had made and been through, none is willing to falter yet. People are finally beginning to live in sheltered homes and abundance of warm food to eat. Work must be done, at least to ensure the childrens will still have reasons to smile and laugh of.

    Just recently, Harmony began rallying woodcutters and labourers in preparation for another round of expedition into the rawlins to harvest lumber. Knowing the dangers of the rawlins presented of this recent, there are less cheery songs to sing and ales to drink amongst the workers. Only heavy hearts they seemed to be carrying, wondering if they will return safe and sound at all from this next dangerous expedition._

  • Rando is seen near the old south gate checking and sharpening the multitude of weapons he has on and around his body and is heard to say

    "will they ever learn, theses Gobs"

    Rando seems pleased as there is killing to be done

  • Following Harmony's instructions to the letter, Syclya proceeds to move a good chunk of the food from the Apothecary to the militia barracks

  • The Great Hall doors open, and out scatter Dwin;'s entire staff and senior militia officers, all with obvious goals in place. Later, a large detatchment of militia heads south towards the southern gates with supplies to build barriers, it would seem.

    Dwin speaks to whoever he can:

    "Folks, lets not panic, aye? that wont help anything. If you want to help, speak to Mord or Aelhaern and get yourself suited up as a Scout of a Militia guardsman… we need able bodies. If you dont want to join up, but just want to help defend, we'll take that too.

    "We been through worse... so lets keep it together here..."

  • Sorry to write something herescrach the back of is head. but this is bad!. Mora was at Norvick arond the fire alone ..late in the night..and sudently i see a goblin whit a litle sword apear on the to of the hill..
    I think the guard dosen't see hime cause he didn't react but Mora see hime. and said hey ! litle sneak! ..or something like this.. and i run after him.but it like he exactly know where is going and he enter in the Apothecary house. I run after hime and when i enter he was trying to kill Trystina. I kill hime but he got time to hit Trystina whit a poisoned sword and i find a ways to cure her whit alote of luck.

    I ask to Trystina to geth a guard whit her in is house now .i hope she listend to me.I wish to ask you to traine your guards to be able to see assassins until you repaire the gate and maybe put archer on the top of the hill.It was a luck a was there and i don't know what is mean but, if the gobs know where are the healer and try to kill her it maybe becose they will try to attack the town soon again.


  • Shortly after the Fiendish Goblin's last attack, Devlin pens a report to Colonel Mord, and signs his name at the bottom

    "With the fall of Old Norwick, the Goblin invasions will only intensify as time goes on. It's no doubt that soon the Goblins will takeover Old Norwick with the state it's currently in. I suggest addressing the issue of placing permanently posted guards along the New Norwick gates, and archers on the hills to ensure that these attacks are stayed. Some of our siege equipment may also find use on those hills. I hoping that we won't have to use these as much as you may anticipate… and we can use the Goblin's marching into Old Norwick to our advantage. If the night fog effects them, and we can stay their attacks until night falls, we could essentially strangle the life out of them using the Night Fog as a front-line defense of Norwick."

  • _The Secretary takes the initiative to provide instructions to both Dawn and Scylya, to organise the town's labourers to move most of the food supplies from the Apothecary into the secured militia barracks in the case the rumour of war breaking out is true.

    She then proceeds to inform the Chancellor of her activity and inquires for a possible next set of instructions or official announcements._

    "Calculated I already have, the food supplies in hand we managed to collect and store, ought to be enough to last us for three months in the worst case scenario where Norwick be besieged and cut off from foreign supply lines.

    I am more concerned however Chancellor, that the present military strength has yet to return to its former strength caused by the previous war. I would propose we focus the expenditure in finishing or building additional defensive structures and equipments that will counter a sieged situation."

  • Branwen mutters

    <d>Oy, dunno 'ow 'e could be fergettin te valiant efforts o' our kin Farly wot stood like un block o' granite 'gainst them demony gobs. Saved tha whole town 'e did!

    An' 'at sweet lass Cherry were watchin' us.

    An' 'at skinneh wiggler Cele-bring-da-thunder tore up some gobs wif fiery witchery arrers!

    There were also 'at skinneh priest named after te all-fadder Moradin wot near gut 'imself kilt on account o' nut bein' too bright.

    An' thar were sum human lad name o' Q or sumtin wot DID get hi'self kilt, but Ei were able to lure his soul back afore 'e slipped inte da fugue.

    An' thar were sum druidy lass name o' Jambalaya wot dun good werk kippin' an eye on tha rear.

    An' thar were sum crazy lass wot were runnin' 'round tryin' te stir da pot til Farly telled her she best simmer down afore he thumped her good.

    An'… an'... Ei tink dat were ever'un.</d>

  • Wren is heard to comment that this is hardly the first time the demon-tainted gobs have attacked Norwick… though perhaps the first since the razing of Old Norwick.

    "My guess is they won't turn their full attention on us until they're crushed resistance in the far west Rawlins and come to some sort of decision on what their relations with the bugbears will be, allies or rivals. After that… gods help us all and let's hope our recruiting drive's had more luck, because we're going to need it."