Posters tacked up near the entrances

  • ICC

    To the Realm of Peltarch:

    Years ago, I, Bagnar Steelfist, captured the criminal Rando and asked the Senators of Peltarch for his bounty which they had been advertising. The amount of the bounty at Rando's time of capture was over fifteen thousand gold. When I asked the officials for the bounty, I was recieved as a traitor to the Realm, and almost clapped in irons. I hereby warn the average man to be careful when seeking any reward from the city for doing any work for the city, for it may be hazardous to his/her health.

  • DM

    :: Barrim wanders by and chuckles at what looks like a picture of himself.::

    "Well if peltarch is bad i'm glad i'm in the picture to carefully watch over it, and we always have our vigilant senator Roland only distracted occasionally by his fruit it appears" the magistrate is heard to remark.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    _Dietrick looks confused at the drawing.

    "Why Telli draw Barrim???"_ :?

  • Telli adds to the fun scrawling underneith Zyphs writing

    "Fired for doing his jobs and bringings in Rando, sounds likes Peltarch politics ats its finests agains…"

    She also adds a funny picture to help illustrate the antics...

  • ::Zyphlin walks through the pass, looking at the posters and laughs. He pulls out some ink and quill and adds after Bagnar Steelfist::

    "Traitor to the Jewel who saught to extort the city of its gold for doing that horribly taxing thing called 'his job',"

    ::He then muses, perhaps to the hobgoblins::

    I truly must wonder where these folks, espicially more warfaring ones, manage to find THIS MUCH paper, let alone the time or ability to ink dozens upon dozens of them out. I need to research that and pass it over to the bardic college, we must be doing something wrong for advertising using the printing press we paid so much for.

  • @99511850ce=strepsiades:

    Not far away in the commons, Senator Brynmor is seen striking a heroic pose, his cloak billowing in the wind, sunlight falling on his noble brow, and eating a peach.

    smirks… too funny...

  • ICC

    Bagnar doesn't seem to mind the people taking the posters down, in fact, he can be seen tacking them up throughout the Nars in case the hobgoblins didn't see them.

  • Not far away in the commons, Senator Brynmor is seen striking a heroic pose, his cloak billowing in the wind, sunlight falling on his noble brow, and eating a peach.

  • The posters are removed promptly by the city guard, many of whom can be seen scoffing at the ludicrous claim.