Whispers at the Fire

  • When Tristina comes running out of the apothecary, Jerrick stands and swears, pointing back to the cells with a shout at Felix if he is nearby, or the fire in general. He's not overly loud, just obviously aggravated.

    And THAT is why the guard said to leave her in the CELL! A trap to get her out of the one place she was hard to get to. Would have been smarter to bring Tristina TO the cell….

    The casual observer from that night startled by Jerrick's outburst might notice his soot streaked face and slightly singed hair…

  • _The quiet of the night was shattered by reports of smoke billowing forth from within the barracks. Many set out quickly to see to the origin and upon entering the barracks, the group, led by the brave and vigilant Deitrick, found the source of the smoke to be the cells… them being engulfed in flame!

    Quickly they managed to begin efforts to douse the flames as the screams came from within the cells... from the other side of the grates. In the small space, the fire quickly consumed all that was within leaving nothing but the smoldering remains of burnt barrels, melted metal bars, and one female corpse.

    Chaos quickly followed and ravaged the inside of the tiny space nearly as fast as the flames. Accusations were made about the origins of the flames and te remains of several torches were found smoldering in the corner. This was no accident!

    It is certain the lady held in the cells died in the intense blaze and her charred corpse was seen laid across the shoulders of one taking her remains to be tended to by the lady Tristina. Several brave adventurers and concerned folk entered the apothocary and were not seen again for some time until the lady Tristina herself came running from within yelling "She is GONE!" to any that would listen.

    What happened thereafter is unknown..._

  • Jerrick was recently seen being followed by a lightfooted female figure while passing through Norwick, offering only a wave and maybe a thin smile as he passes, towards the Rawlins.

    The female figure made her way back alone.

    If anyone was curious enough to make their way to the Rawlins for any reason shortly thereafter, they would find a very patterned execution of goblins to the east. Nearly every corpse was identical.

    There would be at least one Arrow in each of the bodies. Usually in the back of the body somewhere, and if there was a lack of a second arrow, it's because there was either no movement from after the first arrow, or a sword slash or two proved the fatal wound.

    All the bodies are rather spread out, with only a couple falling in groups.
    There are even a couple of goblins that looked like they simply fell asleep, and they either have slit throats or a simple pierce wound to the heart made by a terribly sharp blade.

    Jerrick was seen shortly thereafter in none too great a mood, until he was joined by company and walked out of Norwick, saying something about a month from that day.

  • _A large and notably drenched looking group stumble into Norwick, most of the weary adventurers huddling close to the fire at the commons, trying to regain some warmth and dry off. From the snippets of conversation there, the observant listener might pick up the hairraising story of a ghost ship and a heroic, yet failed attempt to save a dryad's life from the dread creatures there as the water rose and magic protections faltered. While some lament the loss of their various magic items from the expedition, others seem mostly relieved to be alive.

    In a possible attempt to liven the damp spirits of adventurers, two notably un-drenched bards performed a rousing play at the fire, so dramatic in rendition that one of them was near arrested for seemingly running the other through with her flashy sword. After both the greenhaired and the whitehaired actor suffered a gruesome death at each other's blades, they rose lithely and took a bow for the "Woeful Tale of Rivalry Most Bitter"._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Gears, while still a fairly regular presence around the fire, seems to be coming slightly unhinged. He seems uneasy for no reason at times, waves his hands in front of his face, and strains his ears when no sound is being made. Sometimes he mutters to himself, looking around for a threat that isn't there.

  • The militia have a new cook, Josie Prae, a woman from Peltarch whom Aramuil apparently hired on after her home was destroyed. Aramuil has also been seen tutoring her son, Wyatt, in magic and general school subjects.

  • ICC

    A big group of half orcs known as the Iron chain Clan, have been seen entering Norwick from the north, and headed south to hold norwick ruins where the rats roam about freely. Rummor as it that they´ve went in this hole and have crawled back from it manny hours later. All of them were extremely dirty and swetty and showing bites and scratches all over theirs massive bodys. One of them was carrying a big bag full of… stuff

  • Naught but two days later, Albry, along with Colonel Mord, were seen entering his office where they engaged in a long discussion. Once the spontaneous meeting came to a close, she abruptly headed for the Gypsy Camp, returning only hours later with Alexi Shavarn whom she escorted to the prison cells. A few guards may say they saw her entering the conference room along with Alexi and the prisoner Iria. What words were exchanged have remained between the three. Several hours later during the first hours of dawn, Albry returned Iria to her cell and left Alexi to do as he wished, herself emidiately going to rest in the barracks sleeping quarters. If asked what happened between the three, she simply dismisses the discussion and continues on with what she was doing. Some may notice she has been visiting Iria frequently.

  • Albryanna was seen heading into the Norwick jail, spending several hours conversing with the current captive Iria. What was said between the two she does not speak of.

    • Ad ripostes to the green clad warrior*

    Doubt the catapults could fire all the way over old Norwick to reach the rawlins… unless the rawlins has encroached further north than I remember.
    If so then I'd seriously not recommend angering the Druids or the Wolves.

  • After listening to Sam and the surroundings citizens conversation, Albry is seen striding quietly towards the barracks, something seeming to be on her mind.

    ((To Lucid: Keen would be a lass, not a lad. 😉 ))

    (( Lucy Says: doh! thanks for pointing that out XD ))

  • "oh aye" sam says with a grin "flaming pitch be the way to go…" He then turns to Keen, staring at him for a long time lost in thought.

    "Ya know, that be ah good idear lad…wonder if we got anyone in tha hole."

    Sam locks down his siege catapults, stows his makeshift ammunition, then heads to the norwick jail to have a look about the cells.

  • A man in Green and Black plate standing nearby overhears the conversation

    You really think throwing fire around so close to the Rawlinswood is a good plan? I am sure the druids, rangers and Norwickians would love to hear why you burned down part of the forest.

    • Grinning at the Felix-thumping Ad adds his bit*

    Balls of pitch…you know, like on the ends of the torches ?
    Can light them once they're on the catapult cup...should cause some damage too.

  • Keen, punching Felix in the arm all friendly-like adds her advice as she watches the catapults with intrest

    "Or if you want to save money, I'm thinking you could get one of them wizardly types to cast light spells on a buncha medium rocks, then fire them out there, though it'd need a wizard to be around, you know?"

  • Felix is seen loitering around town, searching behind barrels and crates as if looking for something. However, upon running into Sam testing the catapults, he decides to give some advice:

    Why not throw some incendiary kegs out there during an attack? Should light things up real nice and make targeting easier.

  • Sam the Siege Engineer can be seen most days going about repairing and test firing recovered goblin catapults on the hill near the great hall. He is more than happy to review the work being done with any who ask and even demonstrates firing a rock or two deep into old norwick, using a spyglass to spot and target.

    "It's just piss poor shooting at night. Cant even spot a wagon at a range in the dark. Seeing as thats when they come, I aint sure what to do about that yet…"

  • brick just grins

  • A poster appears at the Grapevine inn, it advertises:


    Day of the Axe"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((If there's fees to be paid for the posters, please contact me, so I can pay them. Thanks 🙂 ))

  • Locrian was clearly seen by guard, and passersby guarding the southern gates, damaged from the town raid, with a rather large, hulking dire wolf at his side.

    multiple people had seen the pair play about, and share meals.