Declaration of a Census

  • To the citizens of the great and prosperous Jewel of the Icelace I, Sir Thril the Herald, on behalf of the Office of Records and Permits, announce the formal undertaking of a greater Peltarchan Census!

    Officials from the office of records will be traveling the city in the coming tendays to account for any and all citizens and to verify the validity of their credentials of citizenship. All those purposefully found fraudulently or unlawfully avoiding such attempts of record keeping shall suffer the harshest penalty under the law.

    Census totals shall be entered into the public roll of records upon its completion. May the graces of the gods ever fall upon the great city of Peltarch!

    ((OOC; feel free to post or send census information for any PC's you have with Peltarch citizen papers. Primary information asked from PCs:

    District of Residence:
    Job Description within city:

    Any or all information can be entered, save for name which is the only required. "Adventurer" is a legitimate response to Job Description if you have no other job in the city but would self identify as such.))

  • People of the Jewel!

    I am pleased to announce to you that since our last census decades ago our great and prosperous city has grown significantly and now rests at roughly 12,000 proud and productive citizens!

    May the Gods watch over each that reside within the Shining City of the North and may our trade and our people continue to prosper and grow for many decades to come!

    Copies of the Census Report are pinned up in different areas of each district


    Racial Demographics:
    Gnome........... .05%

    Civic District - 960 person population

    Commerce District - Population 2640

    Dock District - Population 8160

    Outskirts - Population 240

  • Name: Lady Rilia Dedralle
    District of Residence: Commerce District (Mermaid Inn)
    Job Description within city: Mage
    Deity: Hanali Celanil

  • Name: Vie'ra Nosse Hellevorn
    District of Residence: Commerce District (Mermaid Inn)
    Job Description within city: None
    Deity: Hanali Celanil

    Name: Winter
    District of Residence: Docks (the Ferret)
    Job Description within city: In-House Gambler and Hostess at the Ferret
    Deity: Tymora

  • Name: Shannon D'Arneau
    District of Residence: Civic District - Temple of Tyr - lodgings
    Job Description within city: Junior Magistrate
    Deity: Torm

  • Legion

    Name: Kayleb the Beggar
    District of Residence: Sleeps on the temple steps, or in the commons. Spends alot of his waking hours either praying at the shrine of Illmater or doing penance in the snow south of Peltarch.
    Job Description within city: Beggar. (keeps 10gp around his neck to avoid vagrancy charge)
    Deity: Illmater

    Name: Martoushca (Marty) Leaffall
    District of Residence: Comerce District.
    Job Description within city: Gardener.
    **Deity:**Our lady of the balance (Sheela Peryroyl)

  • Name: Selandra Eriksdotter
    District of Residence: Temple of Tyr
    Job Description within city: Retired adventurer, now scribe and records keeper to the temple.
    Deity: Tyr

    This character is retired, pending a need to play her again. I may unretire her when 1.69 comes out, as she is an accomplished equestrian.

  • Name: Elissa
    District of Residence: All
    Job Description within city: Priestess
    Deity: Patron is Beshaba, but also gives credit to Hoar, Sune, Kelemvor, Ilmater, and a lot more


    Name: "Um? Most er call um me er Melody um but er you um can er call er me um whatever er you um like um." ((Red-Haired Warrior))
    District of Residence: "Er?"
    Job Description within city: "Adventurer!"
    Deity: "Um?"

    Name: Nym Rydraluin
    District of Residence: "Oh, there's more than one?"
    Job Description within city: Student of languages and the arcane
    Deity: Correlon

    ((might add more if I remember them!))

  • Name: Lowys Amalla
    District of Residence: <left blank="">Job Description within city: <left blank="">Deity:</left></left>

  • Name: Casey
    District of Residence: Commerce District
    Job Description within city: Trapsmith
    Deity: None

  • Name: Micah Shilon
    District of Residence: The Commerce District
    Job Description within city: Evangelising priest
    Deity: Isis

  • Name: Mariston Thel
    District of Residence: Commerce District, No1 Mermaid Lane
    Job Description within city: Senator
    Deity: Torm

  • Juster Little
    District of Residence: Far Scouts HQ
    Job: Far Scout

  • Mecizq the Young.
    District of Residence: Defenders HQ.
    Job: Cerulean Knight
    Deity: Mystra.

  • Name: Ms Sabre Seesaw
    District of Residence: Docks (Lucky Ferret Inn)
    Job Description within city: Businesswoman and sailor
    Deity:"Said sailor, didn' I? Ye do tha maths."

  • Name : Kael Darkriver
    District of Residence: The Defenders district, Cerulean tower
    Job Description within city: 3d star Cerulean Knight
    Deity: Azuth


    Name : Nathan
    District of Residence: Commons
    Job Description within city: Nil
    Deity: Mystra
    ((lvl 5 mage not played too often!))