Scary Memory '04

  • I think my scariest moment was when Elissa was south of Norwick and trying her preach routine on a couple of people. And a certain enemy of hers goaded another character into attacking. Lethal PK was looming very close nearby.

    I didn't back down, even though thanks to a crash on my side, and the faulty spell preservation scripts at the time (Cure spell memorized => all spells lost) Elissa had not a single spell available. I knew the only hope was in getting pity from someone, for a defenseless woman being slaughtered.

    But it came as it had to come, lethal PK was granted and executed.

    Elissa didn't fight back, just took it, and in seconds lay bleeding on the ground, losing HPs rapidly.

    Oddly enough it was Myth that saved her, who hadn't been around, and thus probably hadn't been talked out of helping Elissa…

  • @a8c72ca60c=Clan:



    I vaguely remember Foilir and Dwin hiding behind the others.

    You remember poorly. You were hiding. Although trying to disarm a trap when the giants respawned did almost cost me dearly.

    You really think that was more frightening than the time Seraphaine had us trapped in the windy plains cave with that n00b? With the drums beating and just you and me on the inside vs that horde?

    No, that was scary too but i wanted to leave something for you to talk about.

    Was Tala there for that one? I feel like I remember this… the cold caves that is. Didn't we have to form a rescue party for the other one? has a vague recollection of that too

  • @928eb491dc=Herrold:


    I vaguely remember Foilir and Dwin hiding behind the others.

    You remember poorly. You were hiding. Although trying to disarm a trap when the giants respawned did almost cost me dearly.

    You really think that was more frightening than the time Seraphaine had us trapped in the windy plains cave with that n00b? With the drums beating and just you and me on the inside vs that horde?

    No, that was scary too but i wanted to leave something for you to talk about.

  • @71e3af0e76=Clan:

    I vaguely remember Foilir and Dwin hiding behind the others.

    You remember poorly. You were hiding. Although trying to disarm a trap when the giants respawned did almost cost me dearly.

    You really think that was more frightening than the time Seraphaine had us trapped in the windy plains cave with that n00b? With the drums beating and just you and me on the inside vs that horde?

  • Scariest event ever for me in Narfell was in 2004.

    It was made, absolutely completely clear to me and the others involved in this event, that if we should fail we would likely die, and if we died, it would be a permadeath. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, don't even think someone is going to at least get your gear and put it too good use. Characters retired. We were given the option not to do this, but it wouldn't have been IC and frankly you gotta risk to gain.

    The three of us were in disguises, in a hoarsgate shop, trying to purchase an important item to complete what we were trying to do. Things were going good at first as the shopkeep left the room to get something.

    and time passed.

    and more time passed.

    And i seriously began to worry a bit, as I imagine Zyph would've been in game as well. "This is taking too long".

    The shopkeep returned, looked at us…and then addressed one of the characters by their real name.

    I think all three of us sent "OH S--T" tells to each other (without the bleep) almost simultaneously. We tried to play it off, to act as if we didn't know what he was talking about. After all, persuation can be useful, sometimes you can make someone disbelieve the truth if you deny it hard enough. Besides, we had to get it to work because if it didn't...there was likely a very distinct reason why he knew who we were despite our disguises, and it would not be a good reason.

    Unfortunantly, any attempts to try and convince the "Shopkeep" that we weren't who we were ended when the high level, BEAST, of a monk with a bald head and red robes walked in.

    I was beginning to think up what my next character would be. I remember being on literally the edge of my chair, and honest to goodness I probably had a very very nervous look on my face throughout this, if not a completely dejected one when the NPC walked in.

    Needless to say...Zyph isn't permakilled. Things ended up working out, and the scariest moment turned later into one of the moments in Narf that will forever stick in my mind as one of my top gaming memories, and one I enjoy keeping personally to myself. But that event taught me that if you get the characters and the players pulled into a plot enough, you can get out some real, true emotions...and those times will be the most memorable and fun times you have on the game.

  • A memory from 2004:

    One of the scariest for me was when level four Ginger and her friend Aaimie were kidnapped by slavers. The rescue party found Ginger in a cage near the gypsy camp, but Aaimie was still missing. Ginger tagged along to rescue Aaimie, and ended up on the far side of the gypsy camp near the entrance to the gnoll woods. There was no "strong vine" escape in those days - only the gypsy gate. If you were caught on the wrong side of it, you had to wait for a camper to let you in.

    Ginger's best friend and fellow halfling Frem Farfell died to fighting the gnolls, and the rest of the group very quickly went onwards to the main gnoll map - without killing the gnolls that were in the area. I and another lowbie hin got left behind, so we hid near Frem's body. After about fifteen minutes, the lowbie hin was spotted and slaughtered by gnolls. It was over in seconds. If I'd made a move to help, it would have been a quick trip to the fugue for me too.

    I stayed hidden for an hour, pretending to hide in a tree, as gnolls paced back and forth inches away from me. It was terrifying - there was nowhere to run, and I couldn't even move without risking being seen. Finally the group came back and killed the gnolls. I think Frem got rezzed. And a short time later, the server crashed and I lost any event XP I got for it. :lol: Ah, the good old days of Narf.

  • ICC

    one of the most scarriest moments i had with KULL was during the Eastlanders war, we went to this cave and we arrived at this battle field and sudently RASS showed up with that aura of fear that surroudns her and everyone failed the safe and started running arround like headless chickens, the same happend to KULL, but rass decided to pick on kull and was there slaping him and kicking him around, :rofl: and then she began to prod kull´s belly to see if he was plump and beefy to make a stew out of him :lol:
    eventualy she found out that KULL wasn´t beefy enough and let him go so he could get more weight so that she could return one day to eat him lol.
    Lol, it was a funny as hell momnet!

  • I hear ya on the whole spiders still scaring you despite them being easy. I feel the same way with bugbears… even when they're relatively easy for Telli they still give me the heebie jeebies cause of how Lily died to them years ago. That and Orc Destroyers.... I miss them guys from 2004ish 5ish? Scary scary...

  • *Accidentally attacking Atol in a battle (related elsewhere)

    *Going down into the depths of the Norwick crypts with Khaya and Equinox, encountering the Big Bad, and spending a good 10 minutes running around with 2 HP with red text everywhere.

    *Being chased by a balor through the Rawlins (it turned out to be a shortie with a graphics glitch).

    *Waking Rass up and asking her for a favor.

    *Several meetings with the knight from DK's pre-Lathanderite plot.. that didn't involve actual adrenaline so much as a well-crafted feel of creepy.


  • In that magical week between Xmas and New Years (in 2005) a bunch of us dwarves went ogre hunting in the cold caves.

    Dwin, Foilir, Ragnar, Krig, Maythor… Kerby was DM'ing.

    I hadnt ever been there before. I vaguely remember Foilir and Dwin hiding behind the others.

    I was physically shaking. Something about that place really gives me the creeps. Plus it was freezing in my basement where my computer was 🙂

    Anyway, when I think of scary times on narf, I think of that one. It was one of the most fun nights I've ever spent playing Dwin... I think we have some screenies of it someplace...

  • Legion

    Actually, a bug with my client happens like that some times. I'll notice that something is hitting me and I can't see anything. When I hold down tab I can see its name. Going in and out of the zone always fixes it though.

  • My fav scare was an invisible monster killing guards by the norwick south gate. You would see the footsteps and then poof, nother guard becomes a shower of blood and bone. NOBODY wanted to mess with it.

    Scares the bejeebers out of me and a few others
