Whispers at the Fire
Since Chet's disappearence and subsequent return, although incomplete, when not on patrol, Andrew can generally be found with a solemn look, standing guard in Chet's usual place, atop the hill overlooking the south gates.
Rumor spreads quickly through Norwick that Chet's body has been found and is currently unable to be brought back to life as the soul is missing. His body is being watched over by Kia and Tristina in the hopes that his soul can be located and recovered.
As the rumor goes, a group that included Redcloaks Elyl Wefneran, Andrew Tormier, Celestria, and Norwick's two advisors, Ronan and Aramuil, along with the help of Lyte Bry'Gaede, Kara DuMonte, Cherry Holimion, William Morrison, Hedia Gend and The Druid Belia, came together to recover Chet's body. After declining help from adventuers who the Militia felt would impede the journey, the group set out for the demon cave.
The group faced many tough battles to include goblin asassins, minotaurs, flying demons and other buggers as they had been so aptly named.
Chet's mutilated body was found in the far reaches of the cave, in what looked to be a blood lined ritual circle, similiar to the circle pattern of the Obyrith. The group quickly assessed the situation and deemed it safe to gather Chet's remains and quickly exit the cave where they were chased the entire way back to the old ruins by waves of flying demons.
After returning to Norwick, Chet's remains were taken to the Apothecary where much praying to numerous Gods and Goddesses was done. After Hedia cast spells to reconstruct and preserve Chet's body, he was taken upstairs to a room to be held under divine influence and the watchful eyes of Tristina and Kia until his soul could be located.
The group then left the Apothecary with tired, slow steps and saddened, concerned looks on their faces. Each member was certainly affected in some way by seeing the Redcloak Chet's body in the manner of which it was found.
((No offense to those that were declined to go with us, and if I missed someone who went, let me know. Thank you to the DM's involved, it was a fast paced, action packed recovery operation!
It was mid day when the hine Benji cmae dashing up from the south. He spotted a guard and shouted Colonel Cabros name. Quick words were exchangedand then , as the hin dashed south, the gong was rung out and runners were sent out to Jiyyd and the Ranger camp.
Explosions and faint shouting could be heard all the way to the town walls but nothing could be seen. A steady stream of adventurers and members of other towns defense forces hurried through town and south.
Stories could be heard about what had happened the next day in the inn and around the fire.
Colonel Cabro and several militia members were at the old town defenses along with several adventurers. A carpet of goblin bodies could be seen wrapping around the lake and to the south. As a steady number of defenders showed up the pressure from the goblins increased. First by the dozens and then by the scores and finally by the hundreds they pressed the defenders. Goblin grenades flew through the air and hammered against the defenders armor and flesh.
Hours went by and footing became treacherous as the small bodies piled higher and higher. Surpisingly the defenders held formation constantly falling back to their positions and holding a solid line. A steady hail of arrows offered support from the rear and healers moved through the ranks of sweating swearing fighters. It was probably due to following orders that none were lost during the attack.
Finally, after what seemed almost a full day the goblins made one final surge and then what few remained scurried back to the wood.
During her off time, Celestria can be found at the libraries asking for all information they have on soul stones. Her appearance shows she's tired but she remains her usual, friendly self. She studies for hours on the topic, reading everything she can find on it.
After Slog:
Apparently, very shortly after the demise of Slog, an adventurer girl went south, only to find something strange, and run back into town to get help.
A group including Thorn, Kara, Jerrick, Ronan, and others went, and found what appeared to be a type of sea hag on the bridge to the pond, south of Norwick.
It attacked, and was defeated.
Then things got weird.Undead animals attacked again, as well as flying demons, casting goblins, then a little east a succubus and minotaurs, with more goblins and the like.
A routine patrol check turned into a frenzied battle for a while, before the woods grew quiet again, with everyone somehow returning safely.
Slog, the red-armored man who killed so many, is dead. Unfortunately, it apears he may have claimed the life of Chet who, so the whispers say, went to the Sisterhood to try to face down the evil demon; according to rumours, to protect all the children there in a selfless act, but perished doing so. Slog's body was burned on the hill by the apothecary.
When Ronan sees Yana casting light, he gets a big stupid grin. Sometimes actually visiting her and showing her a few parlor tricks. The sorcerer looks a tad odd as he seems to enthusiastically show Yana on how to make everything and everyone very clean with just a snap of a finger.
It appears that Aramuil Holimion is now not only teaching Yana about elven history and culture; but elven magic as well. Aramuil's latest apprentice has since begun to show off her ability to create light to the inn staff and anyone else who will watch.
Some would notice norwick has been a lot more stormy lately.. especially to the south.. why is unknown.
Gears goes slack-jawed for a bit, staring at one of the notices.
_Fendon exits the Great Hall and picks his way through the muddy path to the center of town, apparently going to great lengths to not come into contact with any of the "subjects" outside his clean and orderly inner sanctum.
He unrolls a scroll and reads to any within earshot._
**Hear YE!By order of the Lord Chancellor,
Know that the honorable Ronan Redralen,
Master of Magics and a Wizard of Word-smithing …** After reading that last lime, Fendon's face turns sour. It seems obivous that he did not write this speech.
…Has taken the Chancellors Oath and will
Serve the Realm as Ambassador and
Communications Adviser.
After reading it and looking utterly bored, he nails several copies of the parchment at various places and then hurries back to the Great Hall where everything is safe, dry and orderly.
With many present at the fire in Norwick at the time, word spreads quickly of a public marriage proposal. It seems Andrew Tormier caught Celestria quite off guard as he knelt before her at the fire in front of everone around and asked for her hand in marriage. A very shocked Celestria was said to be trembling and speechless but still grinning from ear to ear as she accepted. It's said he presented the gold engage ring on top of a pinecone. All around were heard congratulating the couple, some clapping and cheering, some heard saying it's nice to see something good happen for a change.
Martoushca, a hin gardener from the city of Peltarch, has been trying to spread word that she is planing a forest walk Endweek morning (7:00pm ish Australian time) to tend to the saplings south of Norwick. She is hoping to round up a party of brave souls to keep her company - and to help carry sacks of mulch.
Word is she plans to meet at the campfire in Jyyd and leave just before the sun comes up. The group will then be passing through the town of Norwick to pick up supplies before heading south.
((lvl 1-3 party. More the better!))
During her required time off from a recent death, Celestria is seen visiting with the locals around Norwick. She keeps the conversations light, simply getting to know the people she is sworn to protect and reassuring them should they any have concerns or fears.
_Lately there has been a very large man walking around town. He doesn't say much, grunting most time at people if they talk to him, but standing close to 7' tall and having arms larger than most people's legs, he attracts stares without having to say a word.
Some of the long time residents swear he looks oddly familiar, something hidden in those dark eyes of his, yet not a one is able to quite place it._
There was another daemon attack in Norwick, this time near the inn again, though no daemons entered the inn. Half-fiends dropped from the sky, followed by succubi and even Hezrou. Celestria and Chet fell during the combat, but were returned to life later by Tristina. According to some rumours, chanting was heard across Norwick before the daemons appeared; and they appeared essentially out of no-where.
A very bloody and badly beaten, some might even say tortured, Elyl is seen being transported thru Norwick on a floating red disk following behind Aramuil. They headed off North with others including Mecizq, Kara, Moradim and Gears. Elyl looked to be in great pain and had a very visible wicked looking brand burned into his forehead
((Thanks again, Lucid!!!
Mord has been in his office after moving through the remnants of the attack. Several runners can be seen leaving and general word goes out for a meeting of his staff along with the Advisor.
After a day caring for and talking to those attacked in the inn, Nicahh is seen thanking the Norwick Redcloaks that have so generously volunteered their time to stand guard outside until she can find suitable replacements. In addition a sign is posted outside it requesting anyone interested in working as a personal guard, four positions to be filled, to please contact her.
((Feel free to PM me here, or catch me IG if your PC is interested.))