Obtaining housing

  • Pastrion
    P/C Verrdu Relam

    I am a citizen of oscura and have a C-token.
    Who should I contact to obtain a domicile within Oscura?
    Once contacted is all money due up front?
    Just to know have been having trouble sending email to people through this server so if there is another way to contact people that would be nice to know as well.
    Thanks for help or Diola Lle if any rather 🙂

  • hm Verrdu ?? . where you find that golds ?.. and where are you ?


  • I have to say that I would be interested in getting some property as well, if nothing else so I can set up a small shrine to Garagos and have somewhere for Glunk to crash out when he gets sick of being around all the people who are smaller than him.

    Mind you, he's not too fussy about where he sleeps. An out of the place rock often does the job.

  • Make a little opening in the sewers. Home sweet Home

  • any word on this… in any citys?

  • If I recall both Yith and Maythor and also planning apartment/rent style housing in Peltarch and Norwick. A great way for people to get a residence and not have to wait a year.

  • There used to be an apartment complex type area with about 6 or 8 rooms for sale. No one showed any interest back then so they were taken out. Im not sure who would have them now though.

  • responded

    I've been hoping to add an apartment like area to Oscura for players to buy property right off the server and not have to sit there on their thumbs and wait for a DM for a year or so.

    Sadly the program was something Mori was working on and with his stepping down it kind of got put on hold.

    Will brief when I have more info.

  • We really need to figure out a better way to get the characters a presence IG. One of the benefits of a persistant world is "owning" a piece of it or leaving a piece of your character behind in it (ie. the sign on "Sam's Hill").

  • You need to first have it approved through writing by the tribunal, then you need approval from the SDM, then you need to mod the house, then submit it to the SDM, they it needs to be approved by the SDM, then it gets sent to the Dev's, then it needs approval by the Devs, then the SDM will tell you the prices and you pay in full, then it needs to go in game, and when that happens, you have either retired your character or started a new one, or perhaps the mod got lost in the process. either way its not often a short n sweet process. I recommend not bothering 😉

  • Good question.