A notice put up in norwick: Execution Of Mace Pelton

  • (( To be held Friday at 10pm EST in norwick ))

    Notices are posted all around norwick..


    Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

    By order of the Lord Chancellor, Mace Pelton is hereby sentenced to public execution for his traitorous acts against the Realm of Norwick and her people. Mace Pelton is guilty of the following charges:

    **- Illegal entry to the graveyard with intent to perform infernal summoning

    • Summoning a greater demon at threat to The Realm and all of Narfell
    • 12 counts of murder within The Realm**

    Mace Pelton's sentence to be carried out by the Colonel of the Guard Mord Cabrio.

    May the gods have mercy on his soul.

  • _Having watched the execution from a distance flanked by his Gold Cloaks.

    From a distance he seemed to nod and make eye contact with Mord before the deed was done.

    The Chancellor lingered for a bit talking to his personal guards and then returned to the quiet of the Great Hall.

    Another day in Norwick…_

  • Albry was seen standing at the bottom of the cliff below the chopping block, her bright blue eyes staring out over the crowd. Her gaze locked onto the old figure of Mace as he was brought down the path. Looking up only to witness the sentence carried out by Mord, her attention remained on the crowd.

  • Devlin was seen heading to the Apothecary, then shortly afterward, returning back outside with a fragile and tense Mace, bracing his arms behind his back with a tight grip and pushing him along forcefully down the road. Devlin marched him through the crowd as they pelted him with vegetables, and then entered the gates, barring it after entering. Devlin took him up the hill and to the chopping block, then forced him onto his knees and onto the chopping block.

    Devlin watched then as Mord carried out the sentence.

  • Maya was seen keeping an eye on the crowd, and awaiting the inevitable disturbance which never came. Her blue eyes were directed upwards when Mace was beheaded by Mord, but otherwise paid little attention to the execution itself.

  • _The handsome white-haired mage, known only as Ronan, was seen at the execution. His expressions show little emotion, even after the beheading of Mace.

    Afterward, he is seen helping Celestria with a prayer so that Mace's soul may be given a second chance… he does not say any words of prayer himself, but attends to show support._

  • Natasha Stood in the background listening to the prayers and watching those shaking her head softly as if she knew his fate. The only words she spoke were soft and directed to Kelemvor.

    "Please judge him for his life and see that he receives that which he has served for"

    afterwards she sends two Paladins to Norwick to collect the ashes of mace so that the temple can take care of them. She herself not present during the execution. Instead she can be found praying in the temple for Mace's soul to be guided to judgement

  • ((are there any eye witness testimonies to the actual event?))

  • *A small group consisting of Andrew, Celestria, Jerrick, Ronan, Kara and Natasha is seen setting out for the old shrine of Lathander.

    At the shrine, candles are set in a circle and the land is cleansed with holy water and the blessings of the respective Gods of those present.

    Prayers begin to Lathander, asking that the demon's influence be lifted from Mace that he might think clearly and repent for the crimes he's committed so his soul is freed upon his execution. Celestria leads out in prayer, asking that all present join her in seeking the Morning Lord's presence to hear their prayers for the soul of Mace Pelton, a prior follower of Lathander.*

  • Mord can be seen on several occasions staring down from the hill, no expression on his face. After a time he heads about his normal rounds as if nothing unusual is happening.

  • _Once the platform is built, Chancellor Dolvak and the dark brooding dwarf known simply as the Foreman inspect the construction.

    After a bit of conversation and what appears to be a flipped coin, Dwin begrudgingly climbs the ladder and jumps up and down a few times. The structure creaks a bit but holds very solidly under the weight.

    After climbing back down Dwin hands the Foreman a small sack of coins and they open a few ales to toast to another quick, successful construction project._

  • Celestria puts up a notice by the original one

    "Any and all who wish to pray for this man's soul, I will be hosting a gathering at the old shrine of Lathander outside of Norwick ((Tonight @ 8 p.m. PST)). We wish to focus on asking Lathander, his family's God, to free him of the demon's influence that he might repent and his soul find peace upon his execution. Priests, Druids and any other who can consecrate the shrine for this meeting, please plan on doing so in the name of the goodly Gods you follow."

  • Unpon hearing the troubling news, Albryanna quickly heads off in search of Colonel Mord.

  • _A Dwarven construction crew is seen building, drinking, and arguing over what looks like a raised platform in town.

    As it takes shape, it consists of little more than a platform about 15 feet above ground with simple stairs leading up to it._