Whispers at the Fire

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Dietrick is seen straddering into town days later and after having heard what happened howled loudly, an aggressive war cry filled with both pain and anger.

  • Aramuil seems more pensive and thoughtful than usual; and he is horrified by carnage caused by this armored figure chasing him. He and Cherry had literally just returned from their honeymoon; and many can't help but feel sorry for the elven mage in regards to this.

  • _After said attack, a group comes in from the south to find the bloodied bodies of citizens and adventurers laying about. After hearing of the attack, one in the group known as Ronan, was seen dashing off to the north, muttering spells as he did so, ignoring the warnings others gave about the attacker.

    He returned sometime later, a dissapointed look on his face, though he was out of breath and unharmed. It is reported he gave chase to the murderous attacker, though the attacker did not stick around to fight Ronan after slaughtering several folks in Norwick.

    After all was said and done, concerned citizens and adventurers are seen discussion the matter with worry in their voices._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    _Gears was seen to slowly carry the small (though not to him), bloodied body of Yana to the apothecary, asking the air itself for help as he walked uncertainly to Tristina's. The Gears that emerged from the apothecary however, seemed far less lost and far more murderous. Daggers in hand, he took off north immediately.

    A party of others soon followed, Aramuil among them. After several hours had passed they returned, apparently empty-handed. Gears walked slowly north again, alone._

  • _In what seems to be the blink of an eye, the town of norwick it turned upside down. Suddenly where selene was once selling her wares, only a stain of blood remains. half a dozen bodies are carried from the grapevine to the apothecary … among them, a young girl name Yana.

    Tristina is forced to close the apothecary doors for several days as rites are performed to bring back the dead.

    The rumor about town is a single stranger, a knight in blood red armor, flew into a murderous frenzy when Aramuil could not be brought before him. He proceeded to cut his way though town, though the grapevine in and back out again before striding off north unchallenged._

  • The town seems to settle down to its normal demon attacks and fiery discussions around the fire by the odd adventurers passing through. The red cloaks seem to be everywhere in and about the town and patrols are stepped up as it seems something from the woods has crept out of the dark. The something, some say a simple goblin other a demon lord, has been summoning creatures to attack the townsfolk and any who would venture out of the gates towards the ruins.

  • What looks to be a funeral pyre goes up one evening just beyond the south gate, high along the south wall. Locals can be heard gossiping over old man Mace's execution for the next few days. About how old and tired Mace seemed from a distance, how cold and focused Colonel Mord's seemed in his task. They say the Colonel used his own longsword granted him by the realm, the glowing white "Wrath of Norwick" and even Chet seems to think something extraordinary took place…

    "Saw more than tha life go from old man mace's eyes, me did!

    With a shifty eyed look, the balding redcloak begins to babble, smelling of ale and sour wine

    Saw 'is soul sucked roit up inta tha colonel's magic sword! Tha' be tha fate ah all who be put down by tha colonel's blade! Soul sucked I tell ya! spits An tha be the fate ah all them what fark wit tha realm! Ya get ta spend forever in tha sword, burnin' wit a fire so strong it sets tha sword afire when tha ol colonel gives er a swing!

    he nods slowly, a strange seriousness in the old redcloak

    If'n ya doan believe ol chet, go an do ah patrol wit the colonel. You'll see tha fire too … aye, you'll see."

  • A man with vomit covered garbs, a foul smell, and a uncontrollable cough can be seen wandering around norwick

  • _A large group of tired adventurers slowly amble through the gates of Norwick, looking exhausted and stained by blood from combat. Despite their fatigue, the group remains in high spirits.

    Rumours suggest that they may have gathered and went out to engage the demon threat in their caves, making it as far as, and managing to breach the fortifications set up within.

    It is also said noone died. Or even came close, despite the threat._

  • _Another demon attack is reported to have occurred just outside the gates of Norwick, involving a succubus, a small army of dretches and several winged creatures. Though the attack itself wasn't of spectacular proportions to the hardened denizens of Norwick, a perhaps more upsetting rumour says that in relation to this, a dark-clad man with a tattooed face was speaking with the succubus about some manner of deal.

    A large and diverse host of defenders and adventurers set off in persuit of both the man in black and the succubus, the latter eventually taken down by the capable hands of Yu Shei and Scutum Hedges._

  • ICC

    rumours as it that a brave group of adventurers went as far as earth´s very own furnace and have seen what no one untill them as seen, they arrived, they saw, and came back to tell the story. Despite the hordes of demons that tried to silence them, forcing them to take the precious information that they had witnessed with their very own eyes to their grave, have failed and he group of adventurers returned home to tell other what they have seen

    //Ty DM Salssa and DM Fyre for a great time!

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
    Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women!

  • rumours around the fire suggest that a woman with her hair on fire was tossed about by the wind out on the plains - no-one seems to know where the rumor came from….

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Word goes around the grapevine inn that a halfling militia guardsman by the name of Dietrick is selling a magical light crossbow at an attractive price and that anyone who is interested is told to look him up.

  • Hunters and scouts brave enough to venture far enough east these days might note that the minotaurs and demon goblins have been fighting far more frequently. Multiple battles show evidence of goblins fighting minotaurs, goblins fighting goblins and minotaurs fighting minotaurs. Many are perplexed by the sudden rise.

    ((OOC note to DMs wondering, Aramuil (with others) has been out in the Far East Rawlinswood a few times this week, using Confusion spells upon the goblins and minotaurs and letting them fight it out.))

  • A hazy bit of rumour starts to filter into Norwick about a large group consisting of several members of the Order of the Shining Phoenix and their friends who forged their way through the east Rawlinswood to discover a den of Cyricists, vampires, demon sympathizers, or really misguided Banites. Not much else is said at this point, but more is sure to follow.

  • ((Nice job, all… Congrats as well. I lookk forward to the screenshots!))

  • ((I wanted so bad to stay on last night, sign on with Maya and be a part of it, but alas I had to call it a night before it started.

    It sounds like you folks had a great time! Kudos for organizing the red cloaks for an adventure.))

  • It was not a half hour after the militia had returned to town that they were called inside the great hall, an odd occurence after such a huge battle. But it was not long after that they emerged and word spread quickly before even Fendon could get the official notice cried out to the town.

    Guardsman Kresha Vinland has been awarded the Chancellor's medal of Valor for services to the realm during the struggle with the recent demon and shadow invasion. Her selfless act in trying to stem the tide of shadows as the rest of the guard mobilized, prevented the loss of many citizen's lives.

    The celebration lasted till dawn as guards and citizens moved through the inn celebrating and weaving tales of both the recent hobgoblin assault and the recipient of the medal, who was part of that assault also. Colonel Mord and the Chancellor were seen moving through the throng and raising a glass in salute to the guardsman.

  • It was earily quiet as the sky started to light and the Norwick militia began to form in small groups they headed north to the great wall and formed up in ranks as the rain cleared and the sun lit the morn. A sea of red cloaks in perfect formation breached the north gates, Colonel Mord and Lieutenant Devlin in the lead. The guard on the walls ahd already spotted movement in the hills and the gates were secured as the final ranks moved through. Squads fomed on the road and moved out rolling over the hobgoblins like some unstopable beast. Within hours the roads and environs from the north wall to the goblin hold were littlered with hundreds of dead goblins. And then the ranks poured into the hold.

    Tales were heard of the assault later that eave but the savagery of it, it was said, could be fealt through the ground as the very earth leaped and growned in response to the attack. It was a full day later that the troops filed back out of the hole. Bloodied and filthy but elated at their success. Senior Guardsman Albryanna, Guardsman Kresha, Celestria, Dietrick and Trainee Kelinar and Scout Thorn were among the ranks that emerged and headed back to town.

    ((Thank you DM Pasty for the personal touch. Also thank you to any other DM's who may have been involved, enter your name here _____________. I would also like to thank the ranks of militia that came together to make this happen. It was truely awe inspiring to see that sea of read cloaks))

    (edited to add Thorn to the list of players)

  • _A large band headed south from Norwick, intent on dealing with the demon behind the shadows that had been plaguing the area.

    After a long, moving battle with shadows and their kin, the demon itself was quickly (if messily) destroyed by a combination of Legion, Divine Shield, Watchful Repose, Norwick Militia, Druids, Wolves, Gypsy Guard, and others, the like of which has not been seen in years.

    The one casualty, a priestess of Kelemvor, was raised and able to rejoin the group before the final battle.

    Hopefully, the human sacrifices to the demon are now at an end as well._