Recruit Trainining with Colonel Mord Cabro
During all the final preparations Colonel Mord seems to have dissapeared. If anyone thinks to ask he was last seen heading east toward the Mill…in full gear and with his pack.
(Some of the older members of the Militia might think on that for a bit.)
((Elyl already has Tyler. I think she's asking for those NOT taken already))
// Tyler Wefneran
((If the rest of the trainees/guardsmen could list their names here so the rest of us officers know who to take, that'd be great.
_Silverbolt gives a quick salute before going off to gather what supplies he needs for the extended patrol, before returning to have himself chained to the other two. Ever confident, he seems eager to prove himself, and perhaps even outshine his two shackle-buddies.
Apparantly he has done something similar before, though it involved being bound to a horse._
After a few moments of quiet conversation, Elyl calls his group back and releases Andrew from the chains. Andrew is then informed he will be doing his training with Celestria. Both Elyl and Celestria wear a smirk that just might indicate this will be gruelling to say the least. Celestria steps forward and calls outs,
"Andrew, Dietrick and Adrian, to me!"
She waits while they form in front of her then continues, walking back and forth between them
"I have chosen you three based on what I have seen needs improved in your teamwork. Dietrick, you run ahead of the group quite often, rendering us a separated force. Andrew, you fall behind quite often giving the same effect. Adrian, you have expressed an interest in further training. I expect each of you to listen and pay close attention to my voice. It just might be the only thing on this trip that keeps you alive. Finish gathering your gear for a 5 day trip. Bring plenty of food of water and healing supplies. Meet me at the north gate at sunrise. Dismissed!"
Celestria approaches Elyl, speaking quietly to him for a few minutes, each nodding in turn as they speak
Elyl looks around at the new militiamen and recruits and then shouts
Kelinar, Tyler, Friend… to me, here!
He then proceeds to chain all three together, then walks up and down the line. He then starts to talk in a loud and stern manner
I suggest you three work out among yourselves who is to the leader and has absolute authority in your group and figure it out fast!. You must all act as a cohesive unit, indecision, hesitation or acting on your own will most assuredly get you killed! Not just one of ya, but all three! Think as one and act as one… we'll all get through this just fine! I don't want to think about the "if ya don't part" and I won't have to, correct!? Shouts Now! Get yer gear together, now! Remember, pack enough for all of ya for at least five days! pauses a half second Why you still looking at me!? Move! Move! Move! Go! Go! Go!
He steps back to observe how "cohesiveness" is working, there is no expression on his face, except that maybe the slightest hint of irritation can be seen by those who know him well
Volunteers to lead a group in some training.
Tyler looks around at everyone gather looking for the smallst and ones in most need of a cleric and join then, or move to a group order by his supirior officer (ether one)
After her outburst Kresha looks to the nearest officer…
With your permission of course sir…
After getting an earful of overstepping her authority…Kresha asks...
Sir, may we work with other groups of 3 at all?…or must we work as lone units? Several units could form a base camp and leave to patrol in triads then return after the days patrol to gain the aid of all.
{{Mord is a fan of naruto i bet
Immediately after the command Kresha bellows…
KASTIN! Your with me…and I want another volunteer...who is NOT speak up now or I choose!...and do keep in mind you could end up chained to my pretty face or the likes of Vessie!
Kastin, standing like a statue, just stares ahead while Mord barks out the orders. He shows no emotion whatsoever at the raised voice or the chains and manacles. He simply waits for one of the Seniors or Officers to give an order for who he will be going on the first patrol with. With his spear held tightly in his hand, he flashes the smallest of grins, almost like he is eager to go on these patrols.
((This includes trainees as well as any guardsman of less then 2 real life months. It is 5 days total or until one in the chained group dies or needs to be dragged to Tristina. Seniors and Lieutenants are to instruct in group activities and in formations and support and action based on the chained groups of three. They are to chain them in intersting groups, not all fighters or all archers. The main thing is to think on it and have fun with it in a grubby dirty way. It is supposed to be a dirty ugly exercise in mutual cooperation. I DO NOT want to see lovely posts of groups drinking and relaxing having a good old time.))
((Ok, I'm tired and not really processing this post too well. So just to clarify, is that a five day patrol total, or five day patrol in the north and then another five day patrol in the south? And those being manacled are trianees AND guardsmen? nervous grin Sorry for seeming like and idiot right now.
P.S. Finals start for me this thursday, so my playing time is going to be limited and I'll be resorting to posts mostly.))
tyler looks to mord almost in a panic as mord drops the chains and e looks don to them sweat runningdown his face as he looks back to mord and listens to te orders and just nods to everything not dareing say anything to anyone at al, stiff as a bored he listens untill dismised where he gives a warey salute toMord and walks out in a rather rushed pace to get out the barrakes and to the fire
Mord stalks out of the barracks carrying heavy lenghts of chain and manacles. The guards become still as he drops them with a clatter in front of the Militia and its trainees and then stands and looks them over with out saying a word for an unending 5 minutes, his lips a hard line. His voice is soft and hard when he finally speaks.
It seems that some here will not follow orders.
It seems some here will never learn tactics.
It seems some here think they know all about combat.He pasues and looks to the cloudy sky then back at the trainees and Militia members
It seems some here….are mistaken. Ye will learn or ye will die tryin.
He barks out
Seniors and Lieutenants to the center. He points to the chains and manacles In groups of three. They will learn to move together, eat together and sleep together as ifn they were one. I want a five day patrol to the north and then down into the wood. Pack all the food and water ye need, none will be given out during those days. The barracks is off limits, the inn is off limits, the hells blasted town be off limits. His voice decends into a his and his eyes are colder then any winter sky. I want reports on my desk in six days on all trainees and newer guardsmen.
He looks the trainees and junior mmebers of the guard over and shakes his head
They are all yours.
((I look forward to reading the posts, have fun
Albryanna is seen showing the new recruit Kastin through the barracks and the Great Hall, almost could be considered a warm welcome to the ranks of the militia.
_A new dark haired recruit, wearing red and silver chainmail by the name of Kastin has reported for duty. Under the command of Kresha and training once a week with Maya herself.
He stands as still as a statue while he waits for orders from whoever is in command, seems to follow orders to the letter, even sometimes pushing himself beyond what is expected of him as he goes about his daily training. He doesn't voice complaints and barely says a word during training, simply nodding to an order given or grunting a bit when he fails at something.
On his off time, he simply sits by the fire, listening to the local bards play music as he sharpens his weapons and polishes his armor._