((Z's Farm))

  • ((I walked up to Z's farmhouse last night and the door was standing wide open. I'm not sure what's going on here, but Z is ICly furious and I am OOC kinda pissed too.

    If someone is going to RP breaking into Z's home and I'm logged in, fine.

    However, if I was NOT logged in I hope whoever broke into his home didn't metagame that fact, because the odds are extremely high that Z would be at his farm tending the crops, etc. Much higher than if I was actually logged in and doing stuff elsewhere.

    As far as I know, the door can only be opened with a key (unless there is some lockpicking exploit). So that means that it had to be RPed through a DM, right? If I'm right, I would hope to get a PM from the DM explaining the condition of the house when Z returned.

    I would also like an explanation on why the door was left open after the RP session was over. It should have been closed and this is the part that I'm irritated about. Even if the thieves left it open, it would have only stayed open for a couple RL hours as Z would have returned home and closed it (even if I wasn't logged in).

    But what if I didn't log in for a couple of days? The farm is going to be standing wide open for weeks? I don't think so.

    Anyway, I would appreciate a PM from the thieves and the DM who ran the event. Thanks.


    P.S. If people are going to RP breaking into Z's home, then I should be able to RP setting deadly traps inside his house. Right? Fair is fair.))

  • might be good for anyone with a similar situation to do some testing… hard to believe this would effect just one door 🙂

  • @514ebdcd4a=Teah:

    iirc the doors need to be set to auto close and auto lock on both game maps. if the door itself for the area you imported is set to auto lock that doesn't mean the door on the norwick map will be set to auto lock. As far as the module is concerned they are two different doors that have a comment of "if someone touches this blue thing in norwick then take them to location X, Y and Z farm."

    likely the wrong door is shut to auto lock. Also sometimes the server just glitches. I've had my storage box lid left wide open as well. the box was still shut and locked but appeared open.


    Ask May to have a Dev look into it by posting in the Minor Module Adjustments area. 😉

    Yeah, it was already auto-close and auto-lock on both maps, but for some reason it isn't working now - I tested it last night. I'm thinking there has been a change in one of the recent build updates.

    I'll keep an eye on it and post it as a bug if it keeps happening.

    Thanks for the help Everyone. 🙂


  • iirc the doors need to be set to auto close and auto lock on both game maps. if the door itself for the area you imported is set to auto lock that doesn't mean the door on the norwick map will be set to auto lock. As far as the module is concerned they are two different doors that have a comment of "if someone touches this blue thing in norwick then take them to location X, Y and Z farm."

    likely the wrong door is shut to auto lock. Also sometimes the server just glitches. I've had my storage box lid left wide open as well. the box was still shut and locked but appeared open.


    Ask May to have a Dev look into it by posting in the Minor Module Adjustments area. 😉

  • I've had a few of my auto-close and auto-lock doors mysteriously change after new builds. I know mori was talking about changing all of the auto-close scripts, is it possible that a change went through recently and we arent aware?

    On the 3 properties that I own, all of the doors auto-close and auto-lock… I dont think Z is out of line for questioning how this might happen...

  • As Teah said, if you don't check to make sure it is locked when you come out, then there is a good chance that was the issue. It is a minor thing to change to have it auto close and auto lock; just have Maythor post up for you since he is your SDM.

    Also, there are new players that log on, and have no clue who Z is and just see a house. There could be a shop in there, a quest, or it is just a place to explore. Don't be surprised if you find a newbie wandering around your house. It happens all the time.

    Unless a DM or player PM's you to say they ran a plot there, and it was broke into, then it is likely safe to assume it was just someone exploring because the door was open. If you wish to get huffy over it IC, so be it. But I would not unless you have absolute comfirmation from someone it was broken in to.

  • @4f88709d1d=Teah:

    ((This is an OOC game issue. I wouldn't make it an IC game issue. Likely the door needs to be shut to auto shut and auto lock. Also speaking as someone that has a house key and a guild key. Unless you lock the door from the outside the door is unlocked from the outside upon entering. Unless there is a big sign OUTSIDE that says "Z's farm DO NOT ENTER" I doubt some server newb would know and they would likely wander in while exploring the town. So i would take a few deep breaths and realize that likely no one is out to get you or your PC.

    The way to work around this is whenever you leave to lock the door behind you. If you enter your home from the outside you MUST use the radial menu while the door is opening to lock it. Then when the door closes it is locked from the outside. If you wait and lock it from the inside of the map you aren't actually locking anything except anyone inside in.

    Also it might be beneficial to know that Tala and Arandor's home which has been in game for several years and at least one guild house operates this way. Its a small thing that often gets overlooked in build updates and importing. Ask your SDM to post for a Minor Module Adjustment and hopefully this will be fixed soon, just don't count on it as on the priority list it is pretty low.

    don't forget to breath hun!


    Thanks T.

    The problem is the door is already on auto-close and auto-lock - whether I'm going in or out (I have a back door and have tested this). The fact that the door was standing open led me to believe there was something else going on. As if someone wanted me to know the farm had been broken into.

    On top of that, I always check to make sure it is locked when I leave in case lag or something messes up the auto-lock feature. Finally, I hadn't been in the house for a couple days and there had been, at least, one reset.

    There may have been a change in the build update that may have caused this, but I'm not sure. Anyone?

    I'm pretty sure it was part of a plot and I was just hoping those that were involved ((particularly the DM)) let me know so I can follow up on it. If no one contacts me regarding it being a plot event, I will assume it was an OOC glitch and move on.

    Thanks again,



    ((since when are houses or guilds completely impervious to entry?

    I never said it was…


    If someone is going to RP breaking into Z's home and I'm logged in, fine.

    However, if I was NOT logged in I hope whoever broke into his home didn't metagame that fact, because the odds are extremely high that Z would be at his farm tending the crops, etc. Much higher than if I was actually logged in and doing stuff elsewhere.

  • ((since when are houses or guilds completely impervious to entry?

  • ((This is an OOC game issue. I wouldn't make it an IC game issue. Likely the door needs to be shut to auto shut and auto lock. Also speaking as someone that has a house key and a guild key. Unless you lock the door from the outside the door is unlocked from the outside upon entering. Unless there is a big sign OUTSIDE that says "Z's farm DO NOT ENTER" I doubt some server newb would know and they would likely wander in while exploring the town. So i would take a few deep breaths and realize that likely no one is out to get you or your PC.

    The way to work around this is whenever you leave to lock the door behind you. If you enter your home from the outside you MUST use the radial menu while the door is opening to lock it. Then when the door closes it is locked from the outside. If you wait and lock it from the inside of the map you aren't actually locking anything except anyone inside in.

    Also it might be beneficial to know that Tala and Arandor's home which has been in game for several years and at least one guild house operates this way. Its a small thing that often gets overlooked in build updates and importing. Ask your SDM to post for a Minor Module Adjustment and hopefully this will be fixed soon, just don't count on it as on the priority list it is pretty low.

    don't forget to breath hun!


  • Yeah, it appears as text, but really I prefer to think of the forums as a conversation… In any case, they're basically the same thing.

  • You wrote it down Zan, that makes it Libel.

  • [slanders] It was Dwin. :twisted: