Whispers at the Fire

  • Indeed, it seems that Dwin will be getting an early present this year, from the hands of the Banites no less.

  • Wanted man Dentin Strauss was delivered to Norwick in a burlap sack by a couple banites, Cyrian arrived to accept the so called gift as he was returning from the gypsy camp. Dentin now rests in Prison.

  • _Spotted near the fire was the Senator from Peltarch and the Chancellor of Norwick, deep in conversation. Those close enough could hear the senator speaking of misunderstandings, palladins not writing well, and a second letter.

    The Lord Chancellor was said to have stood his ground (perhaps a bit too stubbornly) to someone as important as the Lady Senator from Peltarch.

    It appeared as though the left on friendly terms with a sincere-looking handshake._

  • Senator Senella pays a visit to Norwick not long after and spends some time chatting with old friends and generally being cheerful. When questioned on the contents of the letter she merely replies that its likely all just a misunderstanding and that once the good Chancellor and her sit down it will be easily sorted out.

  • Maythor wanders over to see what there doing.

  • Council of Moradin

    Farly stands at Dwin's side just shaking his head.

  • Lord Dolvak and several of his advisers emerge from the Great Hall chuckling a bit. Dwin holds a letter outstretched in his hand like someone might hold a soiled diaper.

    he approaches the fire and speaks, loud enough for all to hear:

    Guards! Should any of you be lucky enough to spot some wayward tarts on their way from Peltarch, let me know. It seems that we are about to be visited by some of their divine magistrates!

    He clears his throat and reads from the letter, pausing occasionally.


    To the Honorable Lord Dolvak of Norwick,

    We have been informed that the Realm of Norwick is harboring the fugitives Rando Di'Ran and Chaevre Vaelen. These individuals have been convicted of serious crimes by the town of Peltarch.

    It is our official position that any individual, group, or political entity that harbors enemies of Peltarch commits an act of war against Peltarch. You may consider this letter your full and final warning.

    Dwin stops and looks around before continuing


    Magistrates or their agents will arrive in due course to collect the prisoners. We expect that you will cooperate fully with them in the execution of their duty so that this unfortunate situation may be brought to a swift and peaceful conclusion.

    Justice Prevails.

    The Senate and People of Peltarch

    Dwin folds the letter and continues to hold it at a distance.

    Didn't even have the decency to put their name on it! Can ya imagine! Declarin' WAR and not even havin he ingots to put yer name on the letter! Bah!

    Let me know if any tights-wearin magistrates show up, folks. Me and the lads will be inside writin a response that you can bet I'll sign my name to!

  • Anybody strolling through Norwick will notice a highly increased amount of guards and security about the town. It seems as if most of the guard positions have even been double posted, and the usual 2 guards standing at the Norwick North Realm Gates have been increased to 4 guards. Any Peltarch officials or defenders entering the town are met with thinned eyes, and obvious unwelcomeness.

  • Word has it a man in green and black livery met with a contingent of Defenders at the north gates. After a cordial talk with a man in blue livery the Black and Green clad man took a sealed message back to Norwick proper. Rumors abound that Peltarch has surrendered to Norwick or that even Dwin has been offered a recently opened senator position.

  • *Celestria and Dietrick were seen heading south to do a routine partrol. They had been gone for a few days and noone had seen them.

    Upon their return, they wear knowing grins when they look at each other and seem to share a much deeper relationship.*

  • Lately a young lady of half-elven looking descent has been making herself known in Norwick, and none too quietly either.

    Her most recent claim to fame occured recently with a group of "Banites", fellows in black and green armor she had no problem with until they started tossing taunts.

    She apparently threatened to "Fry" them, and taunted them about wearing their helms in town enough that they actually took them off.
    She had an incident just out of town where she nearly died, and Kresha of the guard paid for her to get fixed up at the ole apolthecary.

    She returned to mocking them as they kept up their comments, and was surrounded by a couple at this point, getting the attention of the nearby guard, who were considering casting a stun spell or two to prevent the sure to come conflict.

    Later, she was heard talking about being someone's apprentice as well.
    Another sorcerer?
    They have been seen casting spells at one another in an open area of town, far away from others, lessons in control being taught.

  • Rumor has is that a few days ago, a group consisting of Rando, Chaevre', a couple of Banites including "Mr. Tall an' Ugly" himself-Zanetar, a couple of Norwick guards and perhaps a Gnome were all standing outside of the Northern Realm gates talking. What exactly they could have been talking about is beyond those that did not overhear the conversation, but some may have looked as if they were plotting something. The group dispersed shortly after a Militia Lieutenant walked up from the South, and began observing the group.

    ((Sorry for the late post Zanetar))

  • Rumour has it that Chaevre was, very publicly, sent out of Norwick by Farly; sent south no less, into the Rawlinswood after talking to Dwin and several other Peltarch officials in the Great Hall. Where she is now is unknown by any of the townsfolk, but nonetheless it appears that Chaevre may not be welcome in Norwick, though no official word seems to have come down that Chaevre is banned either.

  • @ef0fb61efe=MittyEasy:

    Rumor has it a gnome was arrested for winning at a game of smash the barrel. Apparently magic isn't allowed, even when used responsibly and no one was harmed.

    The norwick guard tell a different tale of a gnome blasting barrels to be used in a game of "bash the barrel" with a fireball, with participants standing nearby. A small slip could of caused a few deaths, they say. And chet seems the most riled up of all…

    Responsible my arse! Usin fireballs in town be just plain stupid!

    Why, if that half sized bag o babblin horse dung so much as wiggles his fingers at me … I'll ... punches the air!...and then I'll... gives a kneebreaker to an imaginary gnome! ...and then I'll...gouges the eyes!... and then he'll get a dose o this! makes a tossing motion, as if to lob the poor bastard over the south gates

    ..an that'll teach em! nods and pats his hands

  • ((edit

  • Council of Moradin

    Farly Toebuckle of the Norwick Gold Cloaks tells folks that this is the same ganome that he suspects stole his loot from him after felling a troll some days ago. He saw the ganome with its pet flying bat cast a spell then disappear just before the incident. He lets the rest of the militia know to keep the ganome in custody.

  • Rumor has it a gnome was arrested for winning at a game of smash the barrel. Apparently magic isn't allowed, even when used responsibly and no one was harmed. What is crawling up the militia's rear end is anyones guess.

    Of course these are rumors pronounced by said gnome.

  • *Rumor has it that a man, dressed in black and wearing a skull mask, attacked Z while he was hunting for beetle shells one night.

    The deadly attacker seemed to appear from and disappear into the shadows at will.*

  • Cray Vincint takes a day trip down to the Grapevine Inn, he talks to a few different patrons and adventurers alike, buying them drinks and handing out a flyer to those who will listen.

    The Narfell Times is a news publication comming to print soon and we want you.

    We are looking for investigative journalists. All reporters will begin freelance and paid up to 50gp per article. You need to have a good reputation and be motivated. We are also looking for a specialty reporter to cover "Arts, Leisure and Culture"

    We will host free classified adds as well. Buying, selling, renting, or help wanted. Well give you one line of free print, be sure to send your name and location.

    If any of the local business are intrested in advertising space we'll consider your entry and may publish your add for free in our first Issue.

    Have a gripe? Want your opinion heard? Then send the Editor a letter.

    Also write to us to receive your first issue of The Narfell Times for free.

    Send corrispondance to: The Narfell Times, Warehouse # 2, Docks District, Peltarch. ((PM))

  • The guards were odly poking about in every dark corner of Norwick for the evening. A shadow had drifted into town in the wake of the commander of the guard and taunted the people about the town until dawn. It seemd to solidify out of the night and strike those about it down. A few saw its skull like head amidst the shadows and heard its mocking words. At dawn's light the town seemed to turn to normal.