Sermons of Craft

  • _One dawn, as the docks come alive again with merchants, sailors and workers, Dentin can be found standing in the open area between the bridge and the dockmaster building, flanked by a cauldron. A young woman hands out cups of a warm, envigorating drink, and once enough have been drawn to the curiousity, Dentin raises his voice and begins to speak.

    "People of the docks, backbone of the city.. I would have your ear for but a brief moment this morning. Partake in the drink that was prepared for you, and join me for a moment of reflection.
    This city, and especially this district, is made up of many sorts of peoples. Carpenters. Smiths. Gemsetters. Cobblers. Bakers. Butchers. And many more. All who have the patronage of the Lord of Craft, for He watches over you all. But I do not stand here to preach the virtues and rewards of hard work and labour, for you are all to aware of those yourselves. No. Today I stand here to shine the light of reflection on a particular group of craftsmen, who make this city their home.

    I speak of the Stonemasons, dwarves and humans and others, who place stone after stone to build this city. From the foundation and the sewers, to the spires of the tallest tower. It is their work that gives us our homes, our shelters, and that continues to raise, expand and maintain the very stone of this city. Let us take this morning to give thanks to those good men, for their unending labour and dedication. And let us take this morning to give thanks to Gond, that he may continue to bless them with their notable skill.

    Praise Be To Gond, and Praise Be To The People.

    I thank you for your time."

    Dentin then remains and helps pass out the drinks to those who approach, and to answer any questions or calls for guidance that may come, until the audience has fully dispersed and the district's bustle continues as nomal."_

  • _It seems that Dentin's made a fair amount of profit with his sale of alchemical concoctions and supplies. In fact, he has taken the surplus gold he stacked up, and paid for supplies and builders to renovate and repair some of those houses worst off.

    On the side, he mentions his intent to create a poorhouse in the docks, beggers could hide away from the night cold, at least. It seems he also has a number of plans to improve things about the district as a whole._

  • _Once again, Dentin stands near the bridge one morning. Though instead of the herbal tea, this time those workers passing by are offered a package of bread, cheese and meat, as well as a bottle of ale.

    "Today, I shall speak to you of those who create this food. The miller. The baker. The butcher. The brewer. The cook. And all those who would turn raw meat, wheats and water into the myriad of foodstuffs that we know.
    Already I can hear some of you thinking.. is food not the domain of Chauntea? How does the divine Hand of Gond shape that which we eat?
    The answer is simple.
    Chauntea is the godess of the farm. Of fertility. And of the harvest.
    Yet when the harvest is done, and the wheat is taken to the miller, the hand of Gond is already at work. The miller's stone is the tool, with which the raw material of wheat, is crafted into flour. And this flour, is once again crafted into bread. And so it is with the fermentation of grapes to craft wine, and he salting of the meat to craft hams, and the untold manors in which one may cook.

    To take one thing and change its properties to suit a purpose.. to change what is in favour of what should be.. that is the essence of Craft.
    Without Gond, there would be no civilisation. Non can deny His Hand, and non can be anything but an animal, without partaking in the Glory that He shares with all. For the benefit of all. Whether one is farmer, hunter, merchant, smith, stonecutter, builder, carpenter, sailor, soldier or whatnot.. all are touched by His Hand, and all are allowed to partake His Glory. Such is the hypocrasy of those who would call themselves His Foes. For even in their arrogance, they yet use the tools and weapons that the Lord has bestowed upon us.

    But I have spoken enough for this morning, and held you from your works for far too long already. Give thought to my words, and give praise and thanks to Gond, that he may continue to bless us, and grant us His Gifts."_

  • _Some days after the last sermon in the docks, Dentin and Tamorina, his assistant, again stand near the bridge with a cauldron of the envigorating drink, passing out cups of it as people approach.
    Once a suitable crowd has gathered, he raises his voice and speaks again.

    "Goodmorning, docksmen and women. This morning, I would shine light on another group of the city's craftsmen, and pray that you all pause and contemplate the many tools and comforts they provide us with.
    Today, I speak of the metalworkers. The smiths. The casters and forgers.

    When one thinks of the Lord of Craft.. when one thinks of craft in general.. most will think of smiths, no? The sight and sound of the hammer and the anvil, the fire and the raw metal, and the process of shaping indistinct ore into usuable objects, is certainly one we are all familiar with. And with reason.
    For who of us could imagine life without iron and steel? Without swords, shields and armor? Without knives, shovels, hammers, nails, gears, poles… It is such crafts that allow us to live lives beyond that off animals and beasts, that allow us to create strong and sturdy tools to aid us in our works.

    So take this day to give thanks to those metalworkers you know, that their hard work will not be forgotten, nor cast aside lightly.
    And give praise to Gond, that he continues to bless us with the knowledge to shape and create, that all may benefit from His Gifts."_