Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories
_Whether due to Cherry's cheery hug or to some other unknown factor, Lycka's mournful mood seems to have lifted considerably, her happy humming once more filling the air around the camp's heart fires. She now seems unable to walk without skipping every few steps, a giddy smile often lighting up her face for no apparant reason. Mention of her sister Asha appears to be the only thing able to dampen Lycka's spirits, her shoulders slumping slightly and her face growing somber then.
Ragnhild on the other hand seems in a whole lot less joyous mood than Lycka. In spite of having been assured that Asha is alive and safe, she appears much concerned about this, and perhaps also about certain other rumours circulating about her eldest daughter and Aelthas. A worrisome amount of her time lately is spent sharpening her spears…_
Curious whispers of a path of acidic burn was found trailng out of the southern most entrance into the collasped mines. Further whispers hint a couple brave souls dashed just inside and found the path lead back and up the face of the mine just inside. A few burn spots dotted the floor of the mine hear there where water drips from the ceilng. Those brave souls did not stay long in the unstable cavern. The burn path seemed befrom something..acidiic trickling out of the cave and into the nearby stream. The stream seeming to have washed away any evidence of what it was.
_Cherry seems far more deserving of the mispronunciation of her name, Cheery, of late.. She smiles warmly at even those who may have come to dismiss or ignore her presence for the most part.
Starting with Lycka, Cherry offers a hug to most anyone in Camp who accepts it, And odd thing even for Cherry perhaps, even odder those who accept a hug cannot help being infused with a brighter mood than normal too._
_With Cherry's aid, Lycka makes her way to the Guardian Hall without difficulty. Upon hearing of her daughter's disappearance, Ragnhild immediately drops everything she's doing and together with the two girls, she searches every nook and cranny in and around Jiyyd before returning to the camp. Hobgoblins with any sense of self-preservation soon find an excuse not to stand in the blonde warrioress' way as she seems in no mood for delays. The more unwise or suicidally inclined of the hobgoblins are simply and brutally dispatched with a powerful blow from Ragnhild's spear before the three women continue on their way.
Once in the camp, another search is conducted well into the night, but judging from Ragnhild and Lycka's somber expressions the following morning, the result was not a positive one. After embracing her daughter tightly, the tall barbarian woman then sets off towards Norwick to continue looking for Asha there. Lycka on the other hand turns north in her search, aided by Lilly, Rhyndar, "Silverbolt" and Ivor. She returns about a day later with Ivor, looking pale and red-eyed, her cheeks streaked with dried tears. Neither the affections of Aelthas' wet stinky dog nor Peppy's display of beautiful dancing lights seem able to lift Lycka's spirits, and for once in her life, she is silent.
Word has it that Asha has been found, but that the reunion between the sisters was not a happy one._
Cherry is often seen training by heself to catch up on training she missed whle gone and when on duty in the pass, she often keeps watch out on the hill to the south and eas of the waterfall in the Nars….something she happens to nickname 'Hobgoblin Knob''.
OFten other Warriors join her but just as often she keeps the watch fire going by herself, reporting back every so often to the other Prismatic Dragons just north of her via bird call sounds.
Unseen herself, just about anywehre, let alone the Camp, Cherry wears a serene smile when back amongst her adopted family. Tranquil and laid back in mood, Cherry readily volunteers to take Lycka to find her mother at the Guardian Hall..
Waiting until they were out in the pass but still under the watch of prismatic Dragons, Cherry wold cast Hast on Lycka nd herseflf and then Invisiblity on Lycka and herself, making an easy dash over Hobgobli Knob. That one rise that stands between Camp and the usually safer road to the south.
From there, even after the haste wears off, with a weary eye kept out for any surprises, it is hopefully a peaceful invisble trek to the Guardian Hall.
Rumor about the camp says that the small halfling mage has not only not turned in any reports, done any duties, trained with anyone, or done much else as a guard. Her sergeant is heard speaking with Aelthas about the mage's lack of discipline…
"Sir.. she doesn't do anything I ask. I told her off for it, and said run laps. She went invisible, and then had some illusion running laps around the camp. I almost believed it, till it ran through a tree. I'd have more words with her…. but she's got a look in her eye when I work up the nerve to do it."
For her part, Peppy seems quite happy in her home.
_As the sun slowly sets beyond the hills, and darkness begins to fall early on the camp as it always does, nestled as it is in the foothills, the sound of small running feet comes from the inner camp, mixed with the sound of giggling.
Though no one sees any form, leaves stir a straight quick path between the two heart fires, and a soft voice begins a chant. Glowing green and silver lights, that shimmer like small stars and cast a bright glow around the camp began to rise from the ground and dance about the tree leaves, as a small spinning form slowly appears between the fires, easily recognizable now as Peppy.
The lights continue to dance almost happily and every now and then faint music is heard as the halfling mage keeps the illusions going for most of the night with a small smile. When asked why…._
"Drow hate green and silver lights!"
_Aelthas is rarely seen at his tent before the sun is down, always on his nightly patrol with the men. He arrives even later that night, after sending a squad of his men out to search for something.
Seeing the romantic, yet cold dinner set for two.. he mutters a bit and yet has a small smile on his face as he sits down to eat, constantly looking backwards to towards the pass as if waiting for something or someone.
The second plate of dinner sits there for part of the night before his Wet Stinky dog comes out of the tent and eats it._
About 2 hours before sundown, a tiny petite elven woman trots towards Aelthas’s tent. Her long silver braid swings teasingly across her bottom. The hood of her cloak has fallen back from her beautiful heart shaped face. Her arms are full of different vegetables and supplies.
When she gets there, she drops the supplies that she has brought. She does a quick check of the supplies that he has to make sure that he did get the meat like he said he would. A fleetingly smirk crosses her face when she finds his bottles of milk, but her cool mask drops quickly back in place.
Once she has the fire going, she gathers the ingredients she needs for tonight’s dinner. Another quick smirk crosses her face when she grabs a bottle of Aeltha’s milk to use for an ingredient for the meal. She sings softly as she prepares the meal. When she notices someone watching her, her eyes go cool and wary and the singing stops.
It is not long before smells of fresh bread and the dinner starts drifting across the camp. If Aelthas stops by to sneak a bite, Zyndel straightens up to her short height of 4’9. Trying to pin him down with her silvery gaze, she stands between him and the food with one hand on her hip and the other hand threatening him with a wooden spoon. After giving in to let him have a small bite, she flashes him a rare true smile that is quickly hidden behind her usual mask before turning back to her meal.
When her dinner is done, she sets a romantic place for two people before scooting out of the tent and disappearing into the trees. A soft laughter trails behind her but fades quickly.
Upon finding the birthday cake and pie still untouched at their tent the next day, and Asha's bed similarily undisturbed, Lycka begins to truly worry for her sister. After a long and fruitless search around the camp, she seeks out William to help her look, then begs one of her fellow warriors to escort her to the Guardian Hall outside Jiyyd to find Ragnhild.
It had appeared to be a cheerful day, Asha receiving gifts from various people and together with her sister and the elf Zyndel they had successfully retrieved berries and other things from the woods. Cheerful chatter and giggles could be heard while the three prepared the dish. But when it was time to finally consume the pie and cake, or the collected berries, Asha was nowhere to be found. Whether the excited talk between her sister and her commander sent her off, or something else remains anyone's guess. It's said that she had tearfully requested permission to leave the camp on her own - just the night before - from her foster mother. But nobody had expected her to walk off like that - for it seems obvious that she's no longer in the camp.
_Recently, a shrill, ear-piercing shriek could be heard all the way to the heart fires from the stream near the pixie roost. Moments later, a grumbling and bleeding Aelthas limps off to his tent, Lycka and the silver-haired elf Zyndel following swiftly. Rushing to the fires, a somewhat distraught Lycka exclaims that Ael has been -bitten- by a giant fish, but that she screamed and scared it off!
The commander is said to suffer no serious injury, but bathers are warned to use caution as the blood-thirsty fish is still at large._
_The most notable of the fights to the Warriors was the one between Raver and Aelthas, although both seemed in good spirits after the duel, patting each other on the shoulder, Aelthas' men were seen jesting with Ravers men about how the pink beat the black, which in turn, made the men have a few dueling matches themselves.
Laughter seems to fill the camp through the whole night as the men enjoy themselves away from the trouble of drow, demons and undead, even if only for a few hours.
On a side note.. Aelthas was seen dragging himself out of his tent to make breakfast in the morning for the Lady Kara, who spent the night curled up by his fire. Afterwards he was seen talking to Mira and telling her to take over training for the day, walking off slowly holding his side and muttering something about being to old, obviously still stiff and sore from the dueling the day before._
_Lycka appears mightily peeved at having missed all the recent excitement in the camp while studying at the college, though Asha's story about Rando invariably makes her giggle with mirth. Sighing with envy at her sisters experiences, Lycka takes some consolation in the fact that they did visit the dreaded -hobgoblin lair- not long ago, in the illustrious company of adventurers such as Maya, Eowiel, Ronan and gnomish prankster Rubo.
A peaceful couple of days seem to have followed, the most notable event being a series of very long, gruelling and - according to Lycka - epic sparring matches between Aelthas, Celebring, Raver and Rhyndar. Having fought all three of the above, a thoroughly exhausted, bruised and battered Ael was practically dragged to his tent by Lycka, Kara and Rhyndar, with Raver and William dropping by later to make the tired warrior some nourishing gruel._
"Big ogre!"
_It seems the talk of the day in the camp. Asha can be seen reiterating the story time and again, the ogre apparently growing a bit each time. But the basic plot of it stays the same, a huge ogre came out of the gnoll lands and marched up to the gates demanding Rando to meet him in a duel. The hardened warrior indeed came, guided through the camp by Rhyn and Rhistin and after he was told not to run to the camp for cover, Rando was allowed out the gates, Asha barring the gates behind him. Asha claims that it was quickly obvious who'd win the fight: Crink the ogre! She keeps explaining quite vigorously how the ogre swung his axe and almost hammered Rando into the ground, despite Rando also being allowed to walk aside and take a breather or really a couple of potions. Asha also admits that either through divine influence, Rhistin's quick healing magic or sheer luck Rando clung to life, even though it seemed the ogre heaved him in two with that massive axe of his.
But even that story fades into it's proper place in the face of yet another storm in the pass, the name 'heart' falling again. Mummies and worse appeared there, even a skeletal creature with wings landed and attacked the present defenders. The quickly recovered Rando then fighting alongside Ael and Rhyn and others to beat what weird creatures a pentagram spawned back to whichever hell they sprang from. Nicahh and Rhistin taking out a mummy that had wandered off, the portal only closing after Jeni had been fetched to work her magic._
((Been scary fun! Loved the 'skeletal creature'
Sorry, but I forgot some names…))
Again dark and stormy clouds rolled in over the camp, this time passing overhead, the storm breaking out for real over the nars pass. It is said that Aelthas and Kara amongst others fought powerful mummies and other undead in the pass, the former returning home in a roughed up state, blood streaking his face and neck. Once cleaned up and having his wounds tended to by a young woman in his squad, the commander rested near the heart fires for a time before retreating to his tent. Whether or not the undead in the pass had any connection to the strange apparition in the camp a while back is mere speculation at this point.
_Rumour has it that the warrior Rando has been banned from the camp by Aelthas, after some sort of confrontation between the former and Gypsy Warrior trainee Lycka. The ban is said to be temporary, though Rando's initial unwillingness to leave the camp when told to likely added to the time he must now spend away from the area.
In unrelated gossip, Aelthas and Lycka seem to have been spending a bit more time alone together than some residents of the camp might find appropriate. Before tongues start to wag, Ragnhild assures any worryworts that Aelthas has been given permission to help her daughter with a particular problem._
Rumor has it that a once dormant mischievous gleam seems to have returned to a simple merchant lying about the camp. Whether or not the gleam will amount to anything is anyone's guess. However, a familiar chuckle seems to be heard more often than not around the camp.
_A few whisper of seeing Cherry just walk into thin air holding that river stone of hers, without seeming to cast a single spell, though magical energy was said to spark once or so over her before she vanished in three or four steps.
And she was not seen anywhere around Camp for days. In fact, when she was next seen in Camp, she was wearing a bright but serene smile, and Aelthas would find a bottle of Cherry's favorite wine, Fenberry, at his tent too. A simple note tied to the bottle's neck:
"Thank you. -Cherry"_