Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • Aurelia warns campers of a Bugbear camp located where the Oak tree used to be.

    ((that was this morning, dunno if its still there))

  • Tala spends much time watching Alexi for the next few days. An arrow finding its way to her bow if he tries to move beyond Cera's tree or the fires often lands softly in the dirt not far in front of him.

  • Rumor has that a man black leathers was drug to the Cera's tree by the ear by a woman in red and black armor accompanied a man in legionare colors. The one being druged along could be heard muttering all the way there. Afterwards the man in legionare colors and the woman in red in black armor are rumored to have left the Cera's tree minus one traveling companion.

  • For weeks now, the raised voices of Ragnhild and her silver-haired daughter Lycka have disrupted the calm of the camp as both the stubborn, hot-headed women appeared to have quite opposite opinions on the matter of Lycka's further education. Finally, after much debate, an elated Lycka could be spotted packing a small bag, preparing to head north to start her apprenticeship at the Bardic Collage. It would appear that a compromise has been reached, as Ragnhild immediately seeks out Aelthas and Raver to enquire about martial training for her daughter amongst the Gypsy warriors.

    "Lycka vill get to spend part time lerning bardic arts, but musst also lern warrjor's way, to defend self and others from harm. Asha also old enough start train vith warrjors, and so I hope that either pink or black armbands vill take them on to teach."

  • Tala smiles taking the wine. She gestures towards a loaf of nutty trail bread soaked in a honey flavored juice. It is dense and moist almost like a very nutty cake. She sits companionably in silence for a time.

  • @48443f40c3=Teah:

    Tala spotting the silver haired woman makes her way to a spot that she can be seen by the woman, but not close enough to be threatening. She wears a thin armor a a thick set of clothes in brown, tan, black and grey. She sets up a small fire putting a small kettle on to boil for tea.

    The silver haired female goes over to talk with Teah, offering some wine in exchange for tea.

  • A quiet pink haired hin with the right side of her face ruined by a long scar visits the glen occassionally. She smiles seeing the fairies flit about but her interest appears to be the occassional fenberry bush she finds growing in there.

  • Rumor has it that all that enter the Pixie Glenn are kept under close watch from someone besides the gypsy guard. As rumor goes often shortly after people enter the Glenn they are greeted by a man in black leathers that seems to come from no where. How cordial the man is seems to vary on the person.

  • Tala spotting the silver haired woman makes her way to a spot that she can be seen by the woman, but not close enough to be threatening. She wears a thin armor a a thick set of clothes in brown, tan, black and grey. She sets up a small fire putting a small kettle on to boil for tea.

  • Raine has continued her frequent visits to the grove, however when the protector of the grove or anyone for that matter enters the grove for a visit she casts a spell of invisibility on herself and leaves, in passing people say they can hear the sounds of weeping, whereabouts she goes after leaving the glen is anyones guess

  • A silver haired female with an aura of deep sadness has been seen frequently sitting by the waterfall. She seems to have moved into the camp.

  • The saurial knight, also known as the lieutenant of the black armband warriors is rumored to have taken up temporary residence in the pixie's glenn. Oddly enough the pixies seem to understand his true tongue, which humanoid ears are incapable of even hearing.

  • Rumor has it that raised voices could be heard within the Pixie Glenn shortly after a man in Gonds color armor walked in. Shortly after the same one in Gond's color left. Not but a few hours Later the same one clad in Gonds colors was seen coming back to the Glenn greeted a pixie and a man almost in solid black leathers. Raised voices could be heard once more for sometime as those gathered seemed to be negotiating some exchange. Mid way through the negotiation a fourth in legion colors joined the negotiations. After a sometime the one in Gonds colors was escorted to the pass by one of the gypsy guard.

  • Raine might get the impression she is being watched

  • The Wizard in Green known as Raine is seen frequenting the Pixie Grove in recent days, spending hours at a time there and sometimes even spending the night.

  • The elven archer known as Aurelia has been spreading the word to all those of pure elven heritage that she feels the location of the former elven encampment in the northern rawlinswood is as safe as it has been in centuries, she hopes her elven kin continue to spread the word in hopes that Elves from afar will return to the outpost.

  • ((Erm, I don't you meant demise…demise would mean Cherry is dead.))

  • Upon hearing of Cherry's situation, Rhistin blames
    "that bold druid with his strawberry-like nose" to
    have put conflicting herbs into the stews cooking
    on many-a-fire.

  • Aramuil, due to Cherry's seizures, has been seen more frequently about the Camp; checking up on Cherry far more often than before. He always comes with Clarity prepared, and he purposefully ignores any gypsy or romani anger.

  • Cera explains Cherry tried something on her own she shouldn't have in a moment of desperation to treat a condition that drives the visions she has been known to run shrieking from and paid the price. Ever since Cherry has had had a couple seizures that even Cera seems helpess to do anything about until they subside.

    Cera thanks Aelthas deeply for bringing her granddaughter back and when the seizure passes, she reads a scroll of Clarity over Cherry which brings the girl around. Cera also gives Cherry a little something to help her sleep afterward.