Recruit Trainining with Colonel Mord Cabro

  • Devlin nods to Mord, and he then dismisses the group.

    "Alright ye lot, I'll let you all take a break until tomorrow evening. Show up to muster with Colonel Mord, and do your regular training with him. After you're all done, rest up, because I'm going to show you how to deal with some casters. Now, keep in mind here… These casters are very dangerous. They can cast fireballs, make crushing ice fall from the sky, make black tentacles grow out th' ground that will lacerate you, all sorts of things. Tomorrow I'll show you how to avoid some of these things, and take out a caster quickly and efficiently. Dismissed."

    ((We will do this in game, as I feel battle is a lot better played in real time.))

  • With Devlin taking over training of recruits, Belin has been less involved.

  • ((OOC. We currently have a number of recruits in trainning and I want to move on getting them in. I think most have their CT, one prerequisite, and all I need are some positive reports from the current members of the militia, or scouts. All have been giving feedback in this thread, which is one of my personal prerequisites. Hard to be part of a diverse team along all time zones if you do not post in the forums.

    Keep it up everyone, we are building the future of Norwick here.


  • Dwalin is present in town when Mord asks Lieutenant Cyrian to take the recruits for some intense trainning in Rawlinswood. A guard asks Guardsman Devlin to report to Mord as soon as possible, sying that "The Colonel had a twisted little smile on his face, ye best not keep im waitin."

    ((Devlin, Sending you a PM)

  • Dwalin nodded to Mord before he had gone and them looked to Devlin.
    "Aye, organization very important. Werkin tageder and wit a plan in our mind we coulda defeat stronger enemies"
    With a smile in his face, Dwalin nods to the other recruits

  • Mord smiles thinly at the group then nods to Devlin Carry on Guardsman. he looks over the others one last time then heads back north.

  • Ivor grunts in response to Devlin's lecture, having an arrow ready between his fingertips. He passes the arrow to his bow hand, reaches for the flask at his belt, unstoppering it with his thumb and taking a drink from it. He listens idly, waiting to see what they'll do next.

  • Alfonso, only slightly weary, wipes sweat off his brow and lifts his sword in the air, flicking it with a flourish and sheathing it. He nods to his companions, grimacing, then, eyes turned to Devlin, he calls out in a hoarse voice, "Ay, sir! Organization."

  • ((To speed this along a bit))

    The group of Goblins seemed to be barely a match for the group of several, and at that time, battle didn't even seem like the point of the session. Two goblins left battered flee into the woods, probably to suffer a fate of bleeding to death in the dropped foliage. Devlin waves them all in…

    "Now as you can see, that was a rather easy task. The just of you were not injured too badly... but I want you to know that the point of this session was not to test your capabilities in battle, but rather --how you execute them. Battle is not always in the body, it is in the mind... and the heart. It is strategy and intuition.... I'm sure you all know what I mean. You get that feeling everytime your heart drops into your guts."

    He looks over his shoulder to Mord a moment then glaces back and smiles.

    "The purpose of this training session was to evaluate your decision making abilities in battle. Think about this if you will...... A mouse once crawled along the ground... squeaking, and attracting attention. This little mouse wandered into Giant territory.... but the Giants were enfuriated that the little mouse wandered into their territory so carelessly. The Giants began stomping at the ground to kill the little mouse. So how did the mouse survive?

    He looks around at the group with a smile.

    "It crawled into a large hole."

    He watches the group steadily, to see if any of them got the analogy.

    "The point is, to make use of your resources. And by use, I mean good use. Use only what you need, and keep communication amongst yourselves so none of you are left hanging in the balance. You all want to have an advantage over your opponent right? Yes? Well, the biggest advantage you can have is organization."

    Devlin looks back to Mord, with an idle look in his eyes.

  • Tyler take the libraty of standing behind the "big boys" while they are up front fighting and just decides to heal not interfearing with farlys axe, thats a smart move he thinks to himself and continues to buff and heal

  • /*
    OOC: Yep, apologies for holding this up so long, just as I said, lotta school to be catching up on 😉

    Ivor lets loose a well placed arrow now and again when "Crapstick" is called… not at a fevered pace, but only a decent and almost leisurely pace, taking more time on his shots, one arrow stabbing into the left thigh of a goblin, another hitting it straight on in the chest, and even another glancing off a shield of a different goblin and into the thick treeline. Ivor takes more care to note his surroundings for the group, peering around and listening between shots, looking back as Mord approaches and makes Devlin jump, smiling just a tad wryly to himself as he knocks another arrow to be loosed, noting the numbers...

    OOC: How many are left now, Skeet? 😛

  • Mord stalks not to quietly up behind Devlin and nods to him as he looks back. He shakes his head as Devlin lets out a shout then stands a moment to watch teh outcome.

    ((Okay, I know this is taking awhile but I am really enjoying the input from the trainees and trainer. Carry on.))

  • Dwalin waited Farly choose the first target. Farly attacked a goblin with a club and shield that fell imediattely. Them the dwarfs attacked a goblin that seemed to be more experienced. Alfonso came by the flank and stoicked the goblin that screamed in pain. Dwalin ended goblin suffering with a axe in his head. There was to time for talking.
    Ivor shouted 4 goblins comin, keep your positions..

  • Devlin stands with a hand covering his mouth, holding in laughter as he watches the display. It seems more amusing that half the words that Ivor speaks cannot be understand then the way they are executing their tactic. Nonetheless, he remains silent, idly on guard observing the trainees go about taking the group of Goblins.

  • /*
    Once again, apologies for being late

    Alroighty then… Dwalin, Farly, get in position in ambush at tae tree line where I be talkin' boot. Dwalin, ye be goin' tae be tae target pointer, Farly ye be followin' in on 'its. Dwalin, ye essentially yell "CRAPSTICK!", 'n' then ya lay down a smackin' on wot is gonna be our target, 'n' then we follow, gut it?. Keep pickin' new targets after ye slay 'un.

    Ivor points out the locations to them

    Be ready, they'll be runnin' roight by tae trees and smack dab intae ya.

    Ivor then motions to Tyler

    Ye jus' sit 'hind them till tae greenskins start splatterin' 'part frum thar nasty 'ittins. After that starts, start stabbin' in on 'em, wotever tae two lumps 'o' mithral 'ere are concentratin' on.

    Ivor then finally looks to Alfonse

    Roight, Ye already know wot we be doin'… I will be noddin' a total 'o' foive toimes. On moi first nod, we move intae position, follow moi... a bit back some six paces or so. Moi second nod means draw 'n' aim. 'n' moi fifth nod means foire, meaning I be doin' a three count. Got it?

    _Ivor grunts, then gives a nod to Alfonse, both moving back slowly from the treeline yet within firing sight of the group of goblins, motioning Alfonse along, until they're about seventy feet back from the goblins. With a nod, he motions to Alofonse to draw back the bowstring and pick his target. After a few moments, he starts nodding, counting down, until the final fifth nod. At that, they both fire, arrows flying. Ivor watches as his arrow flies overhead and thunks into the grass near one of the goblins, while Alfonse's arrow flies into the stomach of one of the bashers.

    With a growl and a cry of rage, the group of goblins look around, spotting the two would be archers, then with a clattering of their weapons upon armor and shields, the goblins rush forward as they seek their opponents, saying mostly intelligible battle cries in the Goblin tongue.

    As they finally just begin to rush, Ivor starts speaking again._

    Alroight, reload reload… now wait fer it..... wait fer it...

    Ivor watches for them to rush as he reloads taking aim… as they come within thirty feet, more than likely before they could get another shot off, Ivor finally yells to Alfonse:

    Now run!

    The two now run towards the tree-line where the rest of their group wait in ambush, the goblins coming at them and hot on their trail, only for the goblins to find that in their way two dwarfs standing tough and weapons already chopping in front of them as the goblins ran straight in… Alfonse and Ivor taking their positions behind the dwarves, Ivor knocking an arrow back, ready to fire on when the dwarves designate a target...

    I think everyone else can continue from here… Apologies to JSRB if I misused your character any.

  • ((Yes, please RP the actions of the goblins, unless of course a DM steps in and says otherwise. I trust you all, remember.. RPing faults in your character is always a good thing too.))

    The goblins stand unaware of their attackers, a little over 40 or so feet beyond the the treeline, out of listening range from the training group. Devlin awaits for them to execute the plan they think is best, as he stands by idly, observing.

  • /*

    Apologies for being a bit late, friend's 21st birthday… Anyhow... Skeet, I'm a bit confused as to how to proceed... I could go ahead and detail how we simply "kick their butt" and recover the third orb of power, taking over narfell in the process... or we could each hand off turn-for-turn actions... but again, do you want us to do goblins' actions?

    Or do you want us to detail the starting actions for each of our own characters and you post the goblins' actions?

    Just need that clarified, as this is a bit different than doing this IG 😛

    Also, how many feet (or meters, I can convert) are the group of goblins about from our to-be position right behind the edge of the tree line?


  • Alfonso remains silent as Ivor proposes his plan, unslinging his bow as the hunter speaks. Then upon Devlin's challenge he nods to Ivor, a familiar smirk creeping up his face.

    "Well, we is going with your plan?" he murmurs. I ready to sate town vengeance." His right fist, covered in steel gauntlet, gently touches the tip of an arrow tail and seems to be coaxing Ivor ahead.

  • Devlin smiles as they answer… and he takes a few steps back, sliding out his axe, then resting on his shoulder idly.

    "Oh, well... I sounds like you all have it planned out then. Show me what you can do... "

    He waves a hand beyond the treeline, with that same resonating smile across his smug face.

  • Dwalin nods to Farly
    Aye, i think tis formation will werk good. We wait Ivor find and identify our enemies, bring dem ta our dwarven wall, and dem attack: me and Farly in tee front, Alfonso flanking and Ivor kin use his bow.
    Dwalin looks to Devlin waiting the next order