Norwick's envoys and the goblins of the West Rawlins
//bump-pokes Dwin You mentioned progress of sorts a while back, yes? Post, post!
Dwin stares closely at the maps, listening to Ragnhild.
Lass, lets head down into the barracks where we keep the maps. Maybe we'll find something there, eh?
Dwin hurries off at a rate that is decidedly quicker than normal Dwin speed.
Ragnhild stares at the map for a long time, her expression unreadable as she traces a fingertip along the symbol of the hook and crown. She then removes one of the feathers and a strand of her golden hair and places this in the box, putting it carefully back in place and piling the stones back into their original positions. The map is securely tucked into her pack when she turns back to town, again headed to the city hall. With most of her former companions having left, Ragnhild now seeks a private conversation with the Chancellor.
"Dwin, Norvikk have good maps of Rawlins, ja? I need compare vith one left by Grahk, one that might give chance to find my legacy. I have no skills in map reading, or uhm, reading at all, but seems unusual type of map to me. Here, take look for self."
Ragnhild displays the map to Dwin, asking if there are any words or landmarks he recognizes, before her finger once more seeks out the hook and crown symbol.
"See this one here? It remind me of meat hooks at my wedding, vhere Grahk put Zoma to various tests for prove his vorth to marry chieftain's daughter. Perhaps I need prove my own vorth to lead tribes in a similar manner? Think map could maybe show ritual, and not actual place? Or both, maybe?"
As Ragnhild searches she comes across a pile of rocks long forgotten by herself. Perhaps a memory, or realization dawns upon her as she begins moving the stones where Grahk once produced the axe which she now carries. After some time of moving rocks a small wood box is brought forth from it's rest. Lacking any decorations or even lock the box opens easily releasing a slight smell of death. Inside is a hide, most likely a deer crudely preserved. Turning the hide over a crude map is burned in to the inner side. Various landmarks are marked but all seem unknown and strange. The map lacks any landmarks normally associated with a map, no forest edges or town, or cave is shown. Merely spaced symbols in a area circled with the words 'trees' around the symbols. Only one mark seems to jump out at Ragnhild. On one spot of the map is drawn a hook with a crown drawn right over it.
After reporting the long night's event to Dwin, the group of envoys seems to scatter, each one returning to their own affairs for the time being. Ragnhild lingers though, heading up to the ramparts overlooking the Rawlins where she sits in solitude, long legs dangling over the edge of the wall. The shining silver greataxe lies in her lap as her light blue eyes stare off into space, lost in thought. Finally she sighs and rises, about to leave when a sudden revelation seems to strike her. Grinning excitedly, Ragnhild trots off through the gate and out into the near woods. After brusquely shooing any goblins near the cave, she looks around with sharp eyes, as if searching for something. She walks in a slow semi-circle from the cave towards the lake, stopping at rock formations here and there to lift stones and poke her spear into the ground carefully.
In thoughtful silence the envoy returns to Norwick, Ragnhild striding ahead with her spear held high, the goblin charm adorning it dangling in the early morning breeze. Though the sun has barely made it over the treetops of the Rawlins, the group head straight to the city hall to find, or possibly wake Dwin.
//consider Dwin informed of events so far, and feel free to help certain dense barbarian lasses with riddle solving!
Whether we continue this ig or through forums is optional, poke me in mirc or through a pm
Do you all want to "report" back to Norwick and IC tell us what happened? I'd love to start pursuing some of the plotlines associated with this thread
Ragnhild places her fist to her chest, bowing her head to Sqee respectfully as he relates the results of the evening's debate. She appears in no hurry to leave the gathering, instead watching the other tribes attentively as they begin breaking up. Speaking softly to her party, Ragnhild comments:
"Think this is best result that we kould have expected. It be testimony to father's good name that they lissen to such proposal from one vho be not of goblin blood, but Sqee is right, have to prove myself vorthy before kan proceed further. Find my legaci Sqee say.. and father's worrds be "when daughter ready follow Grahk, she need look where axe for daughters hide". I admit.. it no make sense to me, but sound like a sort riddel, no? I am redi follow, but know not vhere to look! Wren, Celebring, Melodi, you all smart at this sort thing, vhat think mean? Think hide mean actual hidden axe, or maybe hide as in skin wrapped around axe's hilt? Or uhm.. he mean tattoo even, daughter's hide as in my skin?"
Her brow furrowed in thought, Ragnhild picks up her silver greataxe, studying it carefully while she looks to the others for help and support.
"This be axe Grahk give me, years and years ago. If there clue in axe itself, I see it not. But vhat other axe kould mean?"
(( sorry for the delay, I had classes every week last week after work so was fried))
:: The rest of the night seems to go uneventful except for the occasional band of blue liveried goblin dragging more wood onto the fire. . Each goblin group seems mostly content with sticking to themselves and drinking little as they eye the others with suspicion. Sqee walks around exchanging words with each group, at times Sqee is met with much excited arguing but to each he only reveals a calm demeanor where he seemingly nods understandingly then answers with a few quiet word which seem to calm those he talks to. As the sky above begins to lighten Sqee moves back towards the party.::
Sqee : I have done all that I can Chieftains Daughter. There is too much distrust and angst amongst the tribes to put aside their differences at this time. Until a leader emerges that can unite them or the gods themselves give them direction they will not risk their own followers lest another take advantage of their weakness. All is not lost however, I have convinced the dissenters that they need not vote now that they can take their time and though this may make you leave with less then you had hoped it at least does not offer rejection. Spend your time wisely. Find a way to gather more to your tribe and a way to earn respect of your fellows.
:: with that Sqee gives a slight bow and heads up the burning bon fire and raises his hands to silence the gathered tribes::
Sqee:: <gob>Bloody Tooth has decided not to kill tonight or tomorrow. They will seek to kill many nights from now and ask that you gather your warriors and arms to take part in the blood and war. When Bloody Tooth calls they will share the blood and loot with those deserving. Those too weak to help will be left behind. :: looks about:: This council is now ended until Bloody Tooth calls for war.
:: with that Sqee walks down the fire and out of the room followed by his mailed guards and blue liveried goblins leaving the tribes to sort how they leave on their own.::</gob>
Ragnhild watches quietly as the ales are handed out, grinning good-naturedly at the wobbling blue-clad servants while she eats and drinks with great appetite. As Squee speaks though, the food is soon forgotten, and when Grahk's words are read aloud, even the ale goes untouched as she listens intently. Her brow is furrowed in thought, but she meets Sqee's scrutinizing stare without hesitation as he approaches.
"I am redi seek my legacy, redi prove that father's trust in me be not misplaced. Never before have I striven for leader be, but I vill do vhatever need be done, for honour, for memori, for pride of Bloody Tooth to live on. I vill find a way show myself vorthy this task, for divided we vill fall, gobbalin and long-leg town both."
With a determined look, the warrioress nods back to Squee, adding in a soft murmur to her party:
"Father be cryptic as ever.. look vhere axe for daughters hide? Daughters axe not hide, I have it right here, ever since he give vhen I beat him at wrestel!"
Ragnhild pats the hilt of her silver greataxe discreetly, then continues:
"And follow.. he mean follow and be chieftain, or follow literal sense, you think? Maybe old camp vill give clue? Maybe other axe be hidden there? Ugh.. am warrjor, not riddel master. Vhat say you others? How think best proceed from here?"
//if Ragnhild should have understood the clues given in the message, feel free to poke me Salsa. My memory is sadly more full of holes than a swiss cheese, but then again, maybe I can blame it on Ragnhild not being the sharpest tool in the shed either
Wren occasionally drinks, looking half lost in thought, half alert. A very keen observer might notice the level of ale in the vessel not going down much at all.
drinks a few ales seemingly needing them to recover from giving away so much of her private stash. A resounding dwarven belch can be heard when she finishes the second one and she smacks her lips in satisfaction. Scratching her ass she looks around at the rest of the goblins contemplating the risk/reward of their gold and valuables.
:: the goblin groans under the weight of the ale setting several down and gesturing for other to come and help. Each goblin tastes the ale standing there and swishing it around their mouths with their eyes in a comical fashion. After a few minutes of sipping they seem satisfied and take the ales to the chiefs, a few taking a long path as they can't seem to walk a straight line leading to much jeering from the goblin retinues. Several chiefs seem to take the ales with gutso while others eye them suspiciously. Others seem to be waiting. ::
:: Sqee watches it all with an almost lack of emotion then turns to Rag after the ales reach their destinations.::
Sqee: A very appropriate gift Chieftains Daughter. It may help you in future dealings. Yes, weapons are of little use without warriors to wield them. Yet warriors are useless with out a leader. There are some that even now are gathering a strong tribe together but it takes time to convince a large enough number of tribes to join under one flag. You sound as if you are ready to accept your legacy Chieftain's Daughter. Some time ago before Grahk vanished he left me a message for you if you ever sought your place in the woods.
:: naught but goblin mutterings are heard following Rag's challenge though a few weapons are unsheathed then quickly sheathed after protests by their neighbors::
:: pulls out an ornate bone scroll case and takes out a rolled piece of hide::
It is in goblin so I shall read it to you.
:: mutters then gives a slight cough as the room seems to go silent as the gathered chiefs strain to hear the last words of Grahk::
_G)you write this!
g)want write everything?
G)that what me say
g)no have to yell
G)Just write down, this important
g)well what want say?
G)Let Grahk think, need be wise words that can no be read by others. Tell daughterβ¦uhm. Say when Grahk gone she need do good. Grahk got lots..uhm..what word?
g) faith?
G) daughter no shaman stupid
g) trust?
G) yea that good, tell daughter got lots trust in daughter do what in heart right. Say Grahk proud daughter, sorry daughter no give Grahk more warriors though. Still proud though. She beat Grahk in wrestlin you know?
g) er...running out of hide Grahk...need finish soon
G) you do write thing too big. let me see what write. Grahk say all those squiggles?
g) yes
G) make squiggles smaller then! Anyway, tell daughter Grahk proud and when daughter ready follow Grahk, she need look where axe for daughters hide. that good yes?
g) if say so...._
::Sqee then calmly rerolls the scroll and hands it to Rag tucking the case back into his robes::
Sqee:: I assume that makes some sense to you?
:: Sqee then walks forward face to face with Rag sitting on her rock a mere inches apart. His black eyes staring into Rag's::
Sqee:: Are you ready Chieftains Daughter? You want to speak with the chiefs, want to lead them in war, you must first prove you are the leader they need. You must find a way to give them the strength they lack. Weapons are easy to acquire yes, warriors just take time to train, but a leader is something more. :: eyes wander about the room:: Times are changing, the old ways might slip away soon if you do not act fast. Find your legacy and see if it grants you the strength you need. :: points a finger at her chest:: you have the heart of a warrior, now show you have Grahk's spirit in you.
:: sqee then backs off a respectable distance and nods once towards Rag::
mumbles under her breath as she digs out the ales again
Aye lass it beh un good play. Meh nay know if'n it weh'll work, but nay any harm in tryin aye. Da rest of us beh yer followers is da way these short farks look at it. So weh can nay speak up, but weh should come up with some signal so dat weh can get yer attention should yuh do somethin weh all get nervous for.
Belin walks over to the liveried goblin serving Ragnhild and hands him two ales for each chief. She looks grumpy at giving away her ales, but does it anyway.
Ragnhild studies the axe carefully, eyes widening, reluctantly impressed by the fine workmanship and rare metal as she tests the sharpness of its edge with a calloused fingertip. After a brief moment's pause she speaks, first to Sqee alone, but gradually her voice grows in passion as she appears to address all the chieftains, her eerily light blue eyes sweeping the room.
"Is verri fine axe, no doubt about it. But even weapon fine as this be no use unless there skilled arm to weild it and strong will in heart of warrjor. I see littel of such spirit in this room, and I am disappointed. Vhere be fierceness and gobbalin pride? Vhere be strenght and honour that Grahk show me? You allow insults for sake of tools to fajt the Kal'Vargen, but you vill not worrk together, you scoff at proposal of alliance that kould actualli give chance of success? You vill not be able stop ennemis conquer all of Rawlins, even should each of you have such an axe in hand, not unless tribes pull in same direction. Even then, allies be needed, strong allies. Dwarf weaponmaker may provide tools for fajt, but not arms to hold them.
If Grahk vere here, he vould say to join together, as some of tribes once did to drive Grim Creepers from lair. Father is not here though, have for years been missing since attack on camp, but for him and for honour of Bloody Tooth, Kal'Vargen vill die at end of chieftains daughter's speer. Even should I be the last of tribe left, I vill fajt tooth and nail against those that vould not onli take lands, but even memori and spirit of Bloody Tooth from Rawlins."
Ragnhild lifts the spear with the goblin charm to her lips at this point, kissing it formally, as if sealing a vow. She then waves the other representatives over to stand near, like the entourages of the various chieftains. Hesitating no longer, Ragnhild sits crosslegged on the left hand side of the rock, in much the same manner as she would usually sit at Grahk's side. Only then does she notice the eager blue-clad goblin, smiling lightly to him as she accepts a piece of meat from the platter.
"Let it not be said Bloody Tooth and its allies be lacking in manners or generousity, even in times such as these. Belin, ale for chieftains now, let us drink and talk freeli."
In a more hushed voice to the rest of her party, Ragnhild confides:
"I have pledged to wage war on the Kal'Vargen in name of Bloody Tooth. I feel is my duty as daughter, and thought also that maybe under such banner, both Norrvikk forces and those gobbalin tribes that villing could join strenght. Am not sure though that either side vill agree to though.. vhat thoughts have the rest of you?"
grunts at Sqee by way of answer and then looks to Ragn
If meh nay get dis wrong it shoulds look like it beh her dat beh givin stuffs und orderin un minion tuh do it. So meh wait till meh "ordered" aye. If da chiefs daughter nay want tuh den weh nay gonna give it.
Belin's dark almost black eyes take in the axe and looks over the armored goblins more closely.
Sqee gives a faint grimace then a smile when the dwarf is mentioned. Raising his hands in a 'what can you do' gesture he starts to explain.
Sqee: Yes, his manners are quiteβ¦.unbecoming. But he is an ally of unequaled skill and though his approach has much to be desired, he provides us with much needed aid.
:: gestures for a mailed goblin to come over and holds his hands out::
The axe please.
The guard nods once and reaches for his back pulling out of a harness an exquisitely designed battle axe of some black metal which Sqee then takes in hand and holds towards Rag.
It's adamantium Chieftain's Daughter. That is probably the most skilled weapon smith for hundreds of miles in any direction and he is making us weapons to fight the Kal'Vargen.
Sqee pauses to watch Rag's expression then hands the axe back to the guard who returns to his position.
Whatever ore we provide him he makes us weapons and sometimes armor though he seems to exceed more at weapons then armor.
There is also the fact that the last dozen or so warriors that took offense to him lost their heads gives him a bit of leeway. But you are right, back in the day such behavior would not be tolerated, but with so many of our greatest warriors now gone times have changed.
Sqee then turns to Belin. If you wish to offer a gift of spirits to the chiefs merely give it to one of the servers and they will serve it. :: smiles::
The blue liveried goblin that has been standing by the stone seems quite elated that Rag has decided to walk over and walks up with a bronze platter filled with steaming meat and offers it to her
Belin having decided its time for an ale tosses one back from her personal stock and pulls a second one to the ready. She apparently has a looped bag for an ale hanging from her belt. She makes a modest dwarven belch when she finishes the first and begins to put back her ale box and bags into her pack. She seems to think Ragnhild doesn't want to pass out the ales.
_Taking the goblet of ale, Ragnhild walks alongside Sqee, listening attentively and thoughtfully to his words. Her face fills with pride at the account of the young Grahk's deeds and as the story behind her tribe's name is revealed, she grins widely, her eyes bright. The grin soon transforms into a much grimmer expression though, as the two approach the stone and the story draws to an end.
Ragnhild looks down at the stone for a lingering moment, appearing perhaps a bit hesitant to claim her father's place. Her sharp blue eyes follow Sqee's gesture to the assembled chiefs, studying each as if sizing them up in her mind. Still standing, Ragnhild seems just about to speak when the dwarf bursts in. At first simply stunned by his appalling lack of manners, she soon begins to look quite angry, eyes burning a cold blue as she stares at the intruder, her powerful arms folded under her chest. Nearly growling, she asks aloud:_
"Vho be this person that khum to place of assembly uninvited, offer no worrds of greeting, insult you and steal the food of chieftains? A pig dressed in plate vould have better manners than this poor excuse for dwarf, yet none lift hand or voice against. By all rights, he should have axe in head from moment valk through tunnel, yet you allow him to act like big bully, disregarding all rules and proper behavior. Vhy?"
//after being made aware of the identity of this dwarf, I should point out that Ragnhild really ought to have recognized him since they've drunk together more than once, but her outrage at his loutish behaviour still stands