Recruit Trainining with Colonel Mord Cabro

  • @535b25cd8b=IvorPantheras:

    OOC: Er… Hen... Don't think we've started attacking yet >,> I think we're still on "Quiz Time". Or I might have mis-interpreted Skeet.

    ((Correct, at this point I am only asking you guys what your approach would be in this situation))

    Devlin nods toward Ivor, with a slight smile about his face.

    "Very interesting. I like the idea, very well thought out. I would be interested in seeing the lot of you pull it off. But, beforehand, are there any other ideas before we get started?"

    Devlin looks over the bunch as they stand at the ready behind the trees, making a note in his log.

  • /*
    OOC: Er… Hen... Don't think we've started attacking yet >,> I think we're still on "Quiz Time". Or I might have mis-interpreted Skeet.

    Ivor grunts, checking the tracks slowly to see if he can see if there's any others that lie within screaming range of the group of corrupted goblins, before peering around and listening closely (result please)… As he does this, he speaks slowly

    Welp… If ye be talkin' 'boot wot I'd do iffen I 'ad control 'o' every'un... Moi, personally, wuld make shure that this be tae only 'uns we'd deal wit'. Be 'un key tae maek shure yer nut dealin' wit unexpected newcomers, cause that kin lead tae 'un break in tae line, 'n' then every'un scatters 'n' all chaos claimin' corpses...

    Ivor removes the flask from his belt, unstoppering it and taking a drink from it, before continuing.

    Then… since they be close taegetha, nay use lurin' 'un off, so I'd 'ave Dwalin 'n' Farly sittin' strong 'n' silent just round tae bend, outta sight. As fer Alfonse 'n' moiself... I'd 'ave us go, bows drawn, within range 'n' view 'o' tae group, 'n' then designate 'un soldiah tae fire 'un at tae same toime. Then we'd both foire 'n'... 'opefully... 'it 'un. Being tae way these nasty farkers are, they'd git all angry 'n' rush at us. We'd then start tae reload, 'n' then as they gut closer, but nay too close, makin' sure their full attention be concentrated on us, we'd run 'round tae sharp corner 'o' tae bend, 'n' I be figurin' tae goblins be surprised 'n' runnin' intae tae nasty 'ittins' 'o' Farly 'n' Dwalin. Farly 'n' Dwalin wuld, after gettin' their offguard 'its in, would then designate 'n' target tae same foe each toime, 'un by 'un. As they're doin' this, if Alfonse kin comfortably git in wit 'is blade 'n' 'it 'un 'o' tae 'uns that Farly 'n' Dwalin be attackin', 'ed 'elp make tae process faster. Moiself wuld jus' be firin' arrows, 'ealin' kit at tae ready, 'cause moiself in close combat be more 'azard than 'elp... 'n' also keepin' 'un eye 'n' ear out fer unexpected visitors.

    Ivor scratches his head for a moment, looking to the recruit who shows up… As fer this 'un…. I nay 'eard wot 'e be gud at, 'n' never really seen 'im much. Frum first glance, I'd s'ppose 'ed 'ave tae same job as Alfonse... that be sayin'... nay tae bow job... but tae 'un 'o' catchin' 'n' flankin' them gobbers loike Alfonse wuld be doin'.

    Ivor stretches afterward, pulling another drink from his flask, before stoppering it and placing it back on his belt.

    Welp… I'd usually, iffen tae coast wus clear, 'n' iffin' I be 'ungry, cut moiself a bit 'o' goblin... but these 'uns... they nay be gud fer eatin'.

  • as tyler see's Dwalin and Farly getting battered from the mace's and the clubs he quickly jumps in whispering under his breath and healing them, when he is done he take out his sword and shield and begins to help healing when needed

  • Devlin watches as the new recruit shows, and uncrosses his arms, listening, as the lot of them goes over what they are good at. He instructs Tyler to follow them, and go over what he can do on the way.

    "Keep in mind what your partners excel in. Know when to back off, and allow somebody else the opportunity to do their job too. Ivor, you'll be keeping behind Dwalin at all times, and informing the two where your enemies may be of course. Keep your eyes on the ground."

    "Farly and Dwalin, you're up front. You will be the drawing all the attention off of Ivor and Alfonso, while Alfonso stands aside. Alfonso, you will never attack first. Be patient with your attacks… wait until the last second, when an enemy gets right up on Farly and Dwalin, and then make a well placed attack from the flank while Dwalin and Farly crush him from the front and Ivor pelts them with arrows or bolts from behind or the other side."

    He leads them out into the Rawlins, the corrupted goblins are all around... most of the big ones are to the far east, leaving the less difficult ones scattered about.

    "I hope you all brought healing-kits with you. No matter where you go, or what you are doing... -always- keep healing-kits on you. They can save lives.... And if today you didn't bring any... you will soon find out why you should have."

    Devlin instructs to take their positions as a group of corrupted goblins stand around a bend of forest, consisting of a few soldiers and bashers. He doesn't even unsheath his blade... but only asks the group how they would handle the situation.

  • A new recruit shows up fro trainning the following day. A young lad by the name of Tyler Wefneran. He is quickly instructed as to where to pl,ace his kit and told to report to Devlin first call

  • Alfonso stands, holding his sword hilt, still undrawn. "I think it a-suffice for you to know that I will cut down and flank anyone who attacks our tower, Dwalin, here. If needed, I have," he motions to his longbow, "this for emergencies or traps. However I could replace Dwalin when he is wounded and take the guard."

  • Council of Moradin

    ((awaits a pm from Mord))

  • Ivor grunts after Dwalin is done speaking, before replying slowly.

    I be completely useless.

    Ivor smiles just a tad wryly at that, before finally adding

    Though 'parrently I kin draw tae string back on moi bow 'ere, 'n'… well... I cin run gud long ways. I also 'ave a bit 'o' eye fer tracks, 'n' other trails people be leavin'. Otherwise, I kin skin stuff 'n' cook it. I 'parrently 'ave 'un skill at bleedin' also, so I learned a bit 'o' 'ealin' tae 'elp wit that o'er tae years.

    Ivor then rubs the stubble under his chin in thought, before finishing.

    That's all I wuld loike tae say moi supposes. Other than I'm an old lad who's almost completely useless, and be best suited in back.

    With a grunt, Ivor ends his detailing, nodding to himself.

  • Dwalin shows Devlin his shield and waraxe Tis is whaa i kin do best, go in ta front and face my anemy. I was born in a family of dwarfs defenders, so i learned a bit how ta hold and defend my position wheen itis is needed.
    He makes a ugly face and shows Devlin his old short bow I kin use tis shit either, but wit yer permission i want ta use just my shield and dwarven waraxe. He get the sweat from forehead and try to clean the rest of blood in his waraxe with hand

  • They meet at the Old Southern Gates, Devlin stands atop the ridge waiting for them. He instructs them to stands below.

    "We will be doing some combat training today, but there are a few things 'at we need ta be goin' over first. First off, is a lot more to battle than just killin' your opponent. Must respect opponent much… for every enemy you defeat, you learn something new... and must thank enemy for giving opportunity."

    Devlin walks down the ridge, and stands a few feet away from the three...

    "Second, you all need to learn how to function together an' effectively in a group. Know your role... and play it well. Dun' stray from what you are supposed to be doin'. Disorganization is big disadvantage to you... for an enemy. With 'at said, what is it you all do best? You all prefer a different job, or style of fighting... so what be they? Muss over it for a moment, because these will be the roles you will be training in today."

    He crosses his arms, with a smirk on his face, awaiting answers from the recruits.

  • Dwalin woke up quickly with the calls of Belin. When Devlin said what were the recruits instructions, Dwalin already was finishing to put his armor on.
    With a smile nods and satizfaction in his eyes Aye Devlin, in Southern Old Norwick ruines.

  • The young man grunts, not even moaning as Belin sends him down easily, almost continuing his sleep until Devlin comes in with his orders. He nods feebly.

    "Ay, sir. Will do."

    He rubs his eyes and yawns, seeing the four.

    "Eh, good morning. I'll get in armor soon. Soon be now. Nice to clean pots in armor."

    He grunts again, heading out, bringing his armor pieces with him.

    [Edit: I apologize if I won't be very active these coming days. Busy schedule, but will do best to fit in Narf. The timezone, GMT +8, doesn't help either.]

  • Mord frowns at teh recruits and shakes his head at Devlin. I pity ye lad but see what ye can do. Recruit Farly, ye will report to me at dismissal.

    Mord inspects the rest of the guard and turns them over to the lieutenants, then watches the three recruits scurry for the south gates of the old town ruins.

    ((Farly, I am sending you a PM))

  • Listening outside in the hall, Devlin stomps into the room as if he had no patience, with not even so much as a smear of pride across his face.

    "Alright ye lot! As -soon- as you are done cleaning, you are to report to Colonel Mord at muster. After a head count, you will be spending the day with me, doing training exercises in the Rawlinswood. You are to report to me at the Old Norwick Southern Ruins. These are going to be live training exercises, so you best hope you are awake and ready by then. I'm talking to you, Ivor, Dwalin, and Alfonso. If the Colonel instructs you to go along, Farly, then you will be coming too."

    Devlin looks each of them over, then gives Belin a sharp nod, trudging out of the room just after a quick turn of his head, his neck popping and cracking several times.

  • grunts looking over the scrap of a recruit with the dagger. She makes a sweeping kick with her short stubby leg to land him on his arse

    who da fark are yuh? Nay draw un dagger ungainst yer commerades.

    grunts and barks at the other three to set to cleaning and glowers at the man on his ass

  • Scampering is heard by the other three as Belin speaks with them. A young man, black hair messy from sleep, is holding a dagger in his hand, half-awake. He grunts in annoyance, seeing the four, and mutters a question in grogginess.

    "There is goblins?"

  • Belin waits till an hour before muster and takes the bedding off the three recruits, Ivor, Dwalin and Farly. She raps her knuckles loudly on Farly's armor that he has learned to sleep in. A small grin at the armor passes over her face.

    get yer lazy arses outta da bunks. Weh need ever un o da chamber pots und gardar robe scrubed. Meh beh told der meh beh un inspection coming. Nay can use magics tuh clean dem. Yuh have un hour till muster. If'n they nay beh clean by den you'll beh doing it every morn before muster till dey are.

    Oh und Farly, yuh got tuh do it as yer dressed.

  • Mord smiles a hard smile as the statement on Devlin reaches his ears. He catches Belin's eye as she leaves the morning Scouts meeting and waves her over. I need ye to work the lads hard Belin, tought times be rollin t us and we need strong lads. Have yer fun lass and I have a certain lad that will be takin care of the everyday trainin.

    Mord has Devlin report to his office and leans back in the only chair.

    Hard times are comin Guardsman and fer that we will need hard men. We have three new recruits in trainin and perhaps at least one more I hear may be wantin in.

    Stares at Devlin a moment then smiles thinly I need good men, but I also need good officers ta lead them. I want reports on all three on my desk every three days. They be yer make er yer ruin.

    Mord stands and throws him a quick salute, fist against chest.

  • It is clarified that Devlin is not a Lieutenant, but he probably should be.

  • Sine Dwalin was added to Militia as a recruit he's trying to help in anything he could. He asked Devlin which obilgations a recruit have before start trainment. Devlin told him that he should make some patrols and report everything strange.
    Dwalin is doing what Devlin asked him, and waiting for the militia trainment.