I remember a time...
I remember a time when squee had an amulet to give to Friar Fred. A time when Fine, needed to give Wald some money. A time when there were No watchtowers at Norwick…
I remember a time when the pass was a dangerous place. Bandits where arround, and you should consider yourself lucky if you didn't find an officer in the way. Also sneeking b****es could kill you at any moment.
I remember a time when Jiyyd's East road had some nasty Orcs to kill, and the town called Oumpur didn't exist...
Oscura? I remember going to an undercity behind Norwick. It was a long way through the crypts, but It was the only place some people could hide in. :twisted:
...someone remembers anything else?
As I sit here and read through this thread, many fond memories go through my head.
I remember watching Lord Drow and Rashid run around and kill things on Narf, and I thought why the hell don't I have a copy of the game?
I remember the laps we ran around the lake in the rawlins.
I remember a goblin elite in front of cave that was capable of killing a 10th level character.
I remember the countless trips to the Lost City.
I remember when Rashid and Lord Drow were invited to join the Phoenix Guild and how Jealous i was.
I remember calling them the McArmor Brothers…chuckles
The Muffinstuffers...I laughed so hard during the 3 or 4 hours that we played them, I was crying and nearly peed my pants...
The first day I DMed...the B7 finale...Crystal Gaurdians anyone?
My Evil Chicken
The talking gnomish lollipop
The death of Aspen...I cried
Losing Magi... That day is forever etched into my mind and heart.
Watching all the relationships, and friendships take form on the server.
The first time Wild Magic spouted from the well...
The first Arch Druid...
The untold love story between Amissa and marcus santistivan..
I could go on and on and on...
I remember the day when the boardshead inn was having this big meating, it was full, like 20+ chars in that living room and sudently this guy comes in, looks at the croud and says out loud… what in the name of Cyric is going on here ?!? and each and every pally that was there looked at him with blood thirsty eyes, lol needles to say that the guy fell flat on the ground right there.
i remember the time when every one could send a shout and every one on the server hable to read it…. (and becouse of that shouts cut for the players)
i remember a time when ppl could PK at will with no DM permition...
oh boy.. do i remember.... when these noob guys log in, roll up an halfer with 20 strenth, buy a scyth and attack the very 1rst PC that crossed their path and eventually kill it in just one lucky crit hit... (becouse of that PK became DM allowed only)
i remember (like manny have stated before) the nars bridge and how crossing it was an event for it self....
i remember that werewolf cave near jyiid, where an werewolf actualy lived there...
i remember a time when there was this graveyard like place near those farms next to jyiid...
i remember that the place where those farms are now, was back then ful of orcs...
i remember the famous goblin atatcks on the norwick´s south gate.. (how i love those lil buggers)
i rememebr the first Orc Destroyer.... WOW.... what a shock :twisted:
i rememebr when i saw ( i belive it was LD´s PC) with a skelly next to him... was a cool vision.
i remember how this "secret safe passage" along the nars was so handy to avoid the eastlanders...
ROFL i rememebr that after a server crash every one used to run to the nars to kill a faithfull and keep the mace+armor+shield to sell in the merchant...
ROFL i remember this noob guy that went after an high lvl (back then lvl 5 or 6 was an achievment for it self) and loot the faithfull he (the high lvl) downed, and then go to norwick with all that gear on... lol he was PKed right out side norwicks north gate ROFL bugger didnt even got time to step in, everyone had a swing at him, LOL
i remember eastlanders war machines... nasty!
i remember a time during the second Defilar War when KULL, Rando and like 8 other chars went to the rawnlinswood and this group of like 10 bugbears showed up, KULL died after he rushed against the 10 Bugbears spawned by DM, that would have been a blood bath becouse when those 8 other chars saw the band of bugbears all of them scatered in panic and screaming. Kull engaged the band of Bugbears and killed 3 of them untill he was downed. Kull´s sacrifice bought the other 8 chars enough time to retreat to norwick. In the fugee, DM sent me a PM simply saying Respect and awarded kull 350 XP for that act of courage.
i remember all the 4 Orc wars, oh…. now that is what i call a war... pokes each and every one of you its scary to see like 10+ Orc destroyers and some equal number of Orc Crushers rushing towards you, but at same time is reconforting to look to the chars next to yours and they all standing fast.
Ahaaa..... i rememebr the Legions Half Orcs Front in the Second Orc War.... Grag, Kull, Mog, Wog, Grog , Sklar, what a front line that was...
KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
I remember how big of a noob I was when I first started playing this server a few years back… I am still a bit of a noob though.
I remember using summoned creatures as decoys... and people saying "good idea." It made me feel good.
I remember seeing Peltarch for the first time... after 5 months of play
I remember I nearly died on my way to Peltarch for the first time..
I remember goblin assassins were the creatures I feared the most
I remember when goblins were the only things I fought for about a year
I remember when you could actually see challenge ratings in the examine.. I found more overpowerings and impossibles than anything else. I never found an effortless before it was disabled.
I remember when I saw the well act up for the first time... I thought it was the most amazing thing in the known world.
I remember when Fool accidently killed me with a phantasmal killer, though I smiled all through it.
I remember first joining the druid circle. It was one of the most exciting times on this server.
I remember reaching level 7, and thinking I was so uber.
I remember the support given to me by the players during my illness, even though I did a few annoying things during that time. Thanks everyone!
I remember waiting for eons when hurricanes would rob us of the server.
So many things Lilly remembers, and so many more that can come
I remember a time when crossing "the bridge" was ominous.
I remember when goblin shamans in front of caves meant bad news.
I remember fanatics… oh the joys.
I remember saying "I still want to see the lost city, even just once, even if I die"... and subsequently died for it. But I did see it!
I remember escorting blind priests through there -.-
I remember teaching Miss Lilly how to handle different blades.
I remember when 250 XP was a gift from heaven.
I remember getting drunk with Maythor, and the good times shared.
I remember when Jandor and Frago went for eachother's throats.
I remember port-alls.... and subsequent crashes.
I remember fixing the Friar's roof.
I remember a goblin that wouldn't unlock a certain door.... still damn you Kute.
I remember the hour long chats with Belthor.
I remember hating Andelas, and loving him for it.
I remember the Bards in Black... all of them. And I still miss them.
I remember postcards.
I remember when we tried to discover where the hell Fanatics kept getting their maces.
I remember how great it felt to finally be able to beat someone to pulp... confusion has it's upsides. Sorry Myell.
I remember insisting to be jailed afterwards...
I remember how sweet Sam could be.
I remember a mute bard.
I remember when Rass would come to strike terror over Norwick.
I remember the Legion, before Grag.
I remember Clandra, and the red blush she'd manage to give me every time.
I remember people falling over if they'd actually catch me with a real smile.
I remember when the Phoenix was as ominous and mysterious as a major villain.
I remember discovering the truth.
I remember the well... and how all learned to fear it.
I remember a bursting IRC channel, and the Lay-Z-Paladin recliner.
I remember getting spanked with noodles.
I remember 10-hour sessions of RP... and more.
I remember being afraid... really afraid, and the fun behind it.
And I remember loads of great characters, and friends
I remember when you could use animal empathy on the cockatrice in Norwick and use it to turn goblins to stone. (Oops! Glad a DM never caught me. :oops: )
I'm sure I remember Frago almost being lynched before he coughed up some Stone to Flesh balms because his "bleedin cockatrice" had escaped….again. :roll:
I'm pretty sure that's the one that's being referenced here...the ones in the south woods were a hit and miss affair to try to control because if you missed..... well... let's just say I also remember the posted screenshots of the 'statue' of Arandor....or was it Ashen ?
I remember when you could use animal empathy on the cockatrice in Norwick and use it to turn goblins to stone. (Oops! Glad a DM never caught me. :oops: )
Oh man, cockatrice near Norwick… I forgot all about them... it sure was fun watching DM's shift around a static animation character when you decided to drag them back to the Friar's heh. And the survival rate of turning back fro stone... seemed like more folks died splitting into a million pieces then survived the healing process.... 8O
I remember when you could use animal empathy on the cockatrice in Norwick and use it to turn goblins to stone. (Oops! Glad a DM never caught me. :oops: )
I remember when the server was so flooded it was hammered regularly.
I remember passwords needing to be pm'd cause the mIRC channels would still flood and hammer the server.
I remember Sam's hill and when it was starting to be realized.
I remember Uthger before he changed and I still hated him.
I remember Maythor when he started out playing a skinny elf that saved me when he was only level 2. He managed to convince three level ones to join him into Bugbear territory to rescue Lily at around level 6 or 7.
I remember dying to stupid respawning traps. I also remember them hitting for 100+ hit points and causing a rescue of 12 dead in a single evening.
I remember when you could still get true rez's in Peltarch. Though I never had anywhere close to 4,000 gold.
I remember 1,000 gold took me roughly 3 months or more to save.
I remember such amazing characters such as Frolly, Scutum, Maya, Issaac, Red John, Sam, Marcus Endur, Damarcus, Kanen, The wolves, Hugh the Wanderer, and a million more.
I remember finally seeing what a freaking cariboo was.
I remember figuring out what the heck a freaking undead cariboo was.
I remember when Myth had to put out paragraph long disclaimers as to the amount of fun you'd have, but the near certain peril you'd be put into.
I remember Marcus Endur being our community named escape artist.
I remember the fun the server had with the introduction of Easterland Evokers and their 100+ hp magic missle swarms.
I remember the Alliance.
I remember the first time I saw the terror known as "ORc Destroyer" and visiting other servers and going. "No other Orc will EVER compare…again..."
I remember seeing Sam speak elliquently.
I remember hearing about a multi houred event under the well that caught everyone by suprise as being a nulled magic zone. Only to result in a lot of characters losing ALL their gear indefinately.
I remember Sam's narcolepsy.
I remember DM's enjoying putting an AFK Sam in hulk shorts. Likewise I remember having to spend countless hours keeping an asleep SAM safe till a DM responded.
I remember walking around encumbered all the time.
I remember watching Marcus Endure run screaming only to send me a tell saying look at his hp after RAGE dropped. (he was at 1hp with two Bugbear Blackguards chasing him)
I remember a Blackguard controlled by Kanen pummelling folks often.
I remember avoiding Norwicks town attacks like the plague.
I remember rescuing Shane from the Shadow plane only to free her to her death.
I remember getting bit by a vampire in game.
I remember a certain plant in the pixie place that gave you berries.
I remember the first time I saw Maythor type "Hewwo" as well as Squish squish as he emoted walking through puddles.
I remember watching Ashan drag Sam all the way back to Peltarch so Aspera could administer her orcs must wear hats law.
I remember dragging 20+ people from Norwick to save Sam from that peril.
I also remember crashing the server due to this migration to the north
:x The DM's didn't allow folks to come back and clutter up the court room. And the ultimate flogging in which Sam endured following.
I remember Friar administering stone to flesh spells with 50% success and watching a lot of folks die to that magic well.
I remember when kegging something was a daily ordeal.
And I remember the first, last, and only time I ever cried over a stupid video game. Thank you Narfell staff, players and dev's... and many many more to a world thats seen its ups and downs both IC and OOC!
I remember sitting on the phone with Chaelvin some evenings when the server was at 55/55. One of us would be logged in, the other would be wanting to log in. Whenever a person would log off, we'd say "Now! Now! Now!" and the other would try to log in. Quite often it worked. At least we didn't hammer the server.
I remember logging onto the server to bug my mum (some things never change! Bwahahaha!)
I remember when the DMs we have around today hadn't even started playing.
I remember Kanen Hightower (Rest his soul) and when Peltarch was still under construction.
I remember Fade and Aaramil, John Doe the II and Lolita (And John gouging his eyes out when the Lich took Lolita).
I remember being called the Short One because I was just about the only hin on the server.
I can remember yelling between the living room and my bedroom with my mother so we could both get in game (GO NOWWW!!! …Too late! sigh)
I can remember the bandit chief dropping two Full Plate +1 in a two day period... And winning both in a roll of dice. I remember modifying it so it would purposely be ugly armor so noone would be able to get away with stealing it without me knowing who it was.
I can remember Jewelcrafting.
And Magi13's absolutely wonderful stories.
I remember a time when you couldn't turn around without running into a bard singing their heart out at you.
I remember how incredibly proud I was when I first got to level 7…and it took me months...not 2 weeks.
I remember having to work hard as hell to scrape together the money to buy an amulet of natural armor +1 from Frago.
And I remember when the south fire was the hotspot for bored PCs.
I remember when player shouts were possible… but frowned on and usually triggered by an inexperienced player using quickslotted text.
I remember the chessboard in the lobby..and the annoying first game where the moves appeared to everyone in the module
I remember a time when bards actually put on organized shows...and they got well attended
I remember a time when not a player-run event (weddings, births, auctions..you name it) would go off without demon attention.
I remember a time when folks were in fear of the standing stones.
I remember players huddled in fear in the boarshead during a wild magic storm and one brave (foolish if you ask me) soul went out to see if it was over...and was instantly lightningbolted.
Ah yes..good times.... :twisted:
I will always remember my first day on my first RPing server: Narfell. The RL date was December 9, and the IG date was December 9. How wierd is that? I'm sure I have many other memories that I don't feel like thinking of at the moment. Maybe a later time.
I remember when everything on the server was bright and shiney and new. When I sat with my PC at the south fire spinning a tale about something as simple as traveling north to peltarch for the first time to finally buy a rapier.
I remember when Tarian was around, and when drow destroyed norwick. I was in Jiyyd with Trevalyn when someone ran in telling of the attack. I died before seeing it due to a earthquake killing me 2nd level Zyph.
I remember running up and down the Nars on the "Safe" path over and over again while ambassador for norwick at level 4. Even with it "Safe" i died at least 3 times.
I remember falling in love with Peltarch politics. Vino, Ayanie, Delvana, Aspera, all the NPC's, and the dozens and dozens of PC citizens. Changed my entire perception of what kind of RP was possible on the server.
I remember the year long plot with Koreth, and realizing how alive an NPC could really be. Where every day, at any time, you could run into a plot or important thing happening in Peltarch.
I remember organizing and leading the first expedition down to Arnath, when it was just a few shacks in a mine shack, before the chessboard ever had seen the light of day.
I remember when Jiyyd may as well have been the ghost town of the server compared to the other 3.
I remember TR and Random Loot going away and the uproar they caused. No more cure serious's randomly on a shortie.
I remember hitting 9th and feeling like I was finally one of those "high levels" on the server. I remember looking at Vino and Kanen at 13 in awe.
Uthger when he was Uthger and not BSW.
Non-drow Braeth and Sasha.
Illum chasing me around Peltarch on my second visit ever with a disease rat with me completely and utterly hopelessly lost. I hid inside a building. When I left, I had no clue where I was.
I remember many long discussions with a certain dwarf PC …::points up:: about forming some sort of union to organize the crafters.
I remember killing atol at least a dozen times, he wasnt so invulnerable to death spells at the time and slay living could get him every now and then. When it didnt, I ran like hell.
I remember a day when travelling north of Norwick was a death sentence as a perma-hasted kick-ass sword wielding bandit chief, namely Atol, was permanently located there. I remember the first very dangerous trip we all made to Peltarch (that none of us had ever seen before), where we asked for help in battling the Eastlanders (we just called them bandits back then) so we could drive them back and open up the road. Atol could slaughter the entire server solo (including every high level) at the time. Later my character killed him (a few times), and looted his kick-ass armour, and that was fun too!
I remember my first time watching the server, my sister-in-law was playing her character but then had to go to the bathroom. I thought what could it hurt to try while she was gone… I mean I'd played D&D and she hadn't so I had to be better at it right? right? .... got her elven character killed in less then five minutes and made people angry at her to boot..