Whispers at the Fire

  • It is said Maythor came into town, rather angry, looking for the person or persons who were speaking bad about the legion. It is also said that Maythor and Maya fought unarmed, with obviously no malice, and the though the battle was close, Maythor proved victorious.

    Maythor helped Maya off the ground, and they spoke quietly afterwards.

  • After a recent incursion by ghasts, Cherry who was found laying in her own dried vomit on pillows under Selene's canopy, recooperates for aseceral days in the pothecary.After being tore near all to peices by the first wave of ghasts, it seems she had been bitten too and was physically incaapble of traveling more than for fresh air once in awhile.

  • ICC


    …Word of Kull's boasts and ale-speak travel around Norwick quickly...even making its way to Lord Dolvak's throne...

    On his way out of the tavern kull was also eared in a dispirited tone of voice complaining about how could some men of "power" had the courage to send a woman, even if how brave she is, to do a man´s obligation…

    (//on a side not, please do keep in mind that this is an IC statment, i dont want all our narfy girls to start acusing me of machist 😜 *hugs all our narfy girls :hug: )


    …Maybe is best though, he challenge me to duel of honor first. If beat me, then maybe have chance against Minotaur Champion.
    Have him come see Maya. Tell him bring axe, and leave words and ale behind...

    Maya´s words get to kull ears

    Kull simple answers:

    when next norrik fight go take place ?
    some one in the back quickly answers next week, next week!!!
    To wich KULL replys well den.. guess i´ll have to check it out and earn me spot in da roster now… wount i?

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • Maythor puts down his ale and and crafting hammer and pick's up his axe then goes lookin for Maya and Dwin.

  • Maya responds…

    I know Kull is good warrior. Is tall, strong, and good with axe. I have beat Minotaur Champion twice before, but now Champion have practice.

    If Kull wish to show he believe in deed, not words behind mug of ale, then I arrange duel for Kull with Minotaur Champion.

    Maybe is best though, he challenge me to duel of honor first. If beat me, then maybe have chance against Minotaur Champion.

    Have him come see Maya. Tell him bring axe, and leave words and ale behind.

  • Word of Kull's boasts and ale-speak travel around Norwick quickly…even making its way to Lord Dolvak's throne...

    Seems that the Legionnaires are more about talk than helpful action lately. If Kull thinks he can do better than Maya, then I'm an elf… But all the same--what we need right now is action and cooperation. Ale-threats don't hurt minotaurs, steel and blessins do...

  • ICC


    Word spreads of the Champion of Norwick…being beaten in a duel with a minotaur...

    *Sitting inside norwicks tavern, KULL can be eard saying betwin two or three Mugs of ale, how not the minotaurs could hold on on a duel against KULL.

    Dem no kuld no survive on a duel aginst mees sips sips dem wanna test dem battle prowess and strenth aginst sum un, dem no shuuld test dat aginst un yuummie, sips sips dem want see how tough dem be? hits chest with right fist aginst mee dem shuuld fight!
    takes one long last sip on the mug of ale, drops a couple of gold coins on top of the counter and leaves

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • Council of Moradin

    Farly Toebuckle was seen being asked by members of the Legion for an audience of some sort. It is said that Theaon, Kull and William of the Legion went inside the Crafter's Hall in Norwick with Maythor and Farly where they stayed for hours. Later Farly was seen around the fire muttering in Dwarven more than usual.

  • _Word spreads of the Champion of Norwick, Maya, being beaten in a honorable duel with a minotaur. Later being brought back from death by the minotaurs themselves. Even though most people were simply talking about killing them the whole time.

    It is also said a Illmatari wizard named Lady Aithe was tending to both the wounded Champion and the wounded minotaur, or at least trying to, the minotaur refusing any treatment._

  • Rumours spread about possibly encroaching "Corrupted" goblins, as Ivor gives tale about a "biggun" goblin coming over south of the old south gate remains, and slaughtering the normal goblins outside the cave near the lake. He talks of even one smaller goblin running towards town and hiding around the cliff by the old south gate ruins, as an example of how terrified it was.

  • Arriving back in town shortly afterwards from "the north", Dwin asks his new advisor for a report on the incident, especially where "slain kin" were involved.

  • Rumor spreads that a dwarf slew another dwarf in the eastern portions of Norwick. Apparently Norwick Scout Thorn discovered the body of the murdered man after the murdering dwarf attacked him. Aramuil Holimion, Norwick's new Advisor Arcane, arrived shortly thereafter and seemed to take charge of the situation. He was very concerned for some odd reason; and after bringing two guards who found the murdered dwarf's foot and took it back to Tristina, Aramuil, Thorn and Hen went south, followed shortly by an elf called Delis and Cherry. The group returned with three more bodies, which were taken to the apothecary and later taken to the Kelemvorite temple and cremated. The whole thing completely mystifies the Norwick populace.

    The two guards who found the foot though were amply rewarded by Aramuil, and were shortly after their shift seen celebrating in grand fashion. According to rumour, the murdered dwarf was returned to life too, so alls well that ends well.

  • The normal flow of Norwick was disrupted as a large group of umberhulks suddenly began to tunnel into Norwick. The umberhulks were defeated handily, but more disturbingly a skeleton of great power followed them, which was only brought down with great effort. Rumour has it that the daemon goblins were somehow involved as well, the tunnels the umberhulks left were collapsed by a fireball unleashed from below. A large group of notables defeated the threat, including Aramuil Holimion, William Morrison, General Lyte, Farly, Branwen, Cherry, Sywyn, Ginger Tealeaf, Gears and others ((if I missed someone, I'm sorry, that's all I could recall.)).

  • According to rumour, an adventuring group came back to the north gate of Norwick and were suddenly beset by a massive spider of great power. Two of the group were badly injured, and four guards were killed before the spider left.

  • A group consisting of Aramuil Holimion, William Morrison, Elenwyd, Q, Ivor and Rhyndar left, talking of something called an "Obyrith." They came back into town, looking beaten and battered; some sort of floating object coveredi n a bloodied cloak following Aramuil. The group went to the shrine of Kelemvor and emerged sometime later, sans the floating thing.

  • Fendon hardly looks comfortable.

    ((If anyone has any outstanding business or questions please feel free to PM me ))

    I will speak for the npc's {SDM of Norwick}

  • Elyl is seen packing up his items on a couple of mules. He makes it a point to stop all around town to say goodbye to everyone he can. He expresses toTyler, his youngest brother, his hope that Tyler will join him. However, he understands if he stays as well. His biggest concern to all who know him is whether or not Kia will join him on his trip to Marsember. He doesn’t wish to hurt Norwick by taking away one of its best healers, nor does he want to take her away from her family and town. He will return someday but how long he will be gone is unknown. He spends quite a bit of time in the days just before his departure in the Apothecary and once all is packed, makes it his last stop there before heading out of town

  • _Lord Dolvak and Union Leader Z are seen east of town scoping out an area that has been previously cleared of shrubs and trees. The two walk around for a while, inspecting the fast moving stream that flows nearby, as well as the slope of the land (Dwin uses the standard ale-bottle level test).

    After a while, the two start scribbling some numbers on paper and appear to making some sketches. After a bit more of thatm they eventually shake hands and return to town, discussing the need for "lumber, builders and nails… lots of nails...."_

  • _One day, Fendon solemnly makes an announcement that the town's secretary had recently resigned from the administration.

    If one inquires for reason of such decision, he would simply remain tight lipped about it and encourages everyone to continue on with their work and business. Though his expression is apparently one of somberness_

  • Lieutennant Cyrian was seen recently chasing his shadow around sword drawn trying to stab it with a look of pure fury in his eyes, he eventually stopped and stood staring off into space for several minutes before he started walking around. He eventually went south into old Norwick where he fell asleep on the road, only to wake several hours later with rats chewing on him, oddly enough when questioned about the odd behavior he just smiles and says "thats silly".