::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::
A handsome young man has returned to Peltarch after a long absence, he is seen often in the commons performing on his Yarting, singing to lisa and is also often in the Mermaid playing for patrons. Some people recognize the young man as a writer who had been writing a play for the bardic college before his mysterious disapearance
Despite all these visions of the past revisiting the city, some new posters turn up at corners, announcing a
Highharvestide Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))
((If there's fees to be paid for the posters, please contact me, so I can pay them. Thanks
Yet another vision occured; this time of the civil war. This time, it showed a group of Black Dragon Knights, talking at the outset of the war when the loyalists had been routed to the south. They were speaking of something, and in particular, one elf named Aramuil Holimion was interested in the name Tylea that one of the Black Dragon Knights spoke.
Maya wanders through, her first lengthy visit in some time. Word has it she was speaking to several in the commons, including Roland.
"Tylea. I know name. I think was wizard woman who work for Koreth. Have big mirror could see things in. She and Koreth often whisper together much"
Yet another vision occured; this time of the civil war. This time, it showed a group of Black Dragon Knights, talking at the outset of the war when the loyalists had been routed to the south. They were speaking of something, and in particular, one elf named Aramuil Holimion was interested in the name Tylea that one of the Black Dragon Knights spoke.
_Those in the commons this morning were treated to the sight of Roland Brynmor giving a speech - as a ghost. The apparition, a ghostly younger version of the Senator, delivered a full speech to a crowd of ghostly supporters. Apparently, the speech even made reference to the legendary bard Adam Bromley, who, by all accounts, has been quite dead for close to twenty years.
Senator Brynmor himself, the real one, was heard to say that he had delivered that same speech many years ago during his election campaign.
Rumours abound of yet more ghosts and evil magic in the city._
_Recently, a woman with a noticable skin of pale color and hair of gold was seen entering and leaving Firthram's premises within Peltarch. It is said she was the very same woman involved in tending to the wounded and the dying from the most recent raider attacks made upon Firthram's outpost by the ice lake.
As the days goes by, her visitation becomes more regular and frequent and the word was that she seemed to be recently hired by Firthram the trader, though her role is mostly unknown for now._
A gnomish professor and his armored guards have taken up rooms in the Mermaid. The group arrived in the city to visit the small shrine of Gond in one of the commons buildings, yet refused to enter what they marked as "a place of sin". They then left trough the south gates of the civic district, yet were lead back into the city and into the shrine by Dentin not long after.
_The kobolds are stirring in the foothills, once again mounting an attack at the west gate. A score of adventurers came to the city's defence, including fine Peltarch citizens such as the Far Scout Hen, Gondar priest Dentin Strauss and the possibly less fine citizens Sabre and Pavel, of the Black Sails Trading Company. Inspite of powerful aid by Legionnaire Theaon Thorn, several Defender soldiers lives were lost to the scaly creatures savage attack. The determination with which the little lizards threw themselves at the gates has many wondering what's really happening within the kobold ranks. A screaming, wild-eyed kobold, covered in flames even threw himself literally at the gate, setting it on fire. Later rains doused the flames, but the gates themselves were severely weakened.
The defenders found an unexpected ally in the strange, glowing tree near the gates, commonly referred to as "The Holy Tree of Azuth". Apparantly the magically inclined tree is not partial to kobolds, as any that ventured too near were blasted with powerful lightning. It is said the leaves and branches of the tree glowed fiercely blue during the attack, fading only when the kobolds gave up their aggression. Rumours circulating about the tree are numerous, but many suggest that Senator Midsilver has a special connection to it, though not an unproblematic one. Tongues wag about the good senator being nearly zapped to death by the tree, and the more superstitious folks mutter the name of Talos._
Word has begun to spread of strange images appearing with some fanfare throughout the city. Conversations similar to the following are fairly frequent.
"Oi, did ye hear about tha Black Dragon wot showed up in tha commons?"
"Bloody 'ells, a black dragon?!?"
"Nae a black dragon, but one o' them Black Dragon soldiers. Showed up after a loud racket, but didnae talk ta a soul."
"Racket ye say? I 'eard a racket meself an' when I come outside I saw wit' me own eyes a dirty beggar glow blue an' blow up."
Another voice chimes in:
"You want weird? My friend Sal was on guard duty outside city hall when he saw old man Thril the Herald pop up and start jabbering about the Senate. But Thril was in his office the whole time!"
The popular consensus on this phenomenon is ghosts, with evil magic coming in a close second.
Nor Dolvak is seen around the docks and warehouse districts, visiting "friends" and asking alot of questions about some new business or trading companies in the area.
_Murder in the docks once again… but it would seem there are no criers announcing this set. The victims this time around are rumored to be Bloodspiders - two of them - and that nothing was taken from them.
It would also seem that the mysterious man in purple was spotted again in the docks district later on that evening - however the reports seem to conflict with earlier accounts. This man was seen wearing purple and gold - or perhaps it's another man entirely._
A very infrequent, but previously well known vistor was seen in Peltarch recently, with a lady who is obviously new to the realm.
His name is Jerrick, and he's known to associate with the wolves, and was seen with this young lady outside, for… unless bystanders are mistaken with the time of their gossiping colliding... an entire day. The sun rose and fell and rose again while they sat and talked. They then supposedly parted ways, with Jerrick leaving town.
Is this now stranger back for good?
Very late one night, in the third hour past midnight, a hooded and cloaked elf is seen to observe the stone marked with magical runes. He is very still, the slight breeze causing his cloak and hood to whip around being the only visible movement from him. He just looks the letters over and over again. His emotions are difficult, if not impossible to read by anyone that might be observing. After a time, he simply continues traveling southward.
A small group, consisting of the Far Scout known as Hen and Black Sails dynamic duo Pavel and Sabre, return from the foothills after a lenghty expedition into kobold territory. Passing the guards tower, the three can be overheard speculating about a possible shift in power amongst the scaly little creatures, before hauling their heavy packs towards the marketplace.
Magical runes have appeared on a large rock located at the south west border of the city of Peltarch, just beyond the walls right near the cliff overlooking the ice lace, The magical runes read Ezachiel Werner Lies here, may this rock act as a beacon for his Soul to find its way home safely at night the runes glow very brightly sending an illuminated glow over the water.
**History of Peltarch Volume 9.:The Curious Incident of Senator Syne
Brought to your by the learned scribe Bunty Glibwit, the certified, true book relating the mischieful and magicful reign of terror of the hideous Senator Syne! Read of the infamous Numbers Murders, the Age of the Hundred Senators! Read of the rise of the succulent Senator Evendur Mildsilver! Buy your copy today!
Brought to you by the Dancing Mermaid. Good service only a gillfull away!
Kobolds massed and attacked the gates of Peltarch, killing several of the Defenders on watch there, before pusing on towards the city wall. The attack seemed to be little more than a feint though, as the horde retreated back into the hills as Defender reinforcements arrived.
Rumors speak of an evil cult who has taken hold somewhere around the ice lace lake. The rumors also mention that a group of valiant men and women set out to destroy that cult. Their heroic efforts were not rewarded, though. It seems that the adventure did not go well. Only half the group returned alive to Peltarch and not in good spirits. Well armed undead skeletons are mentioned.
((Great fun! Thanks to Evendur and Andelas, and all the little group that trooped out there… and charged... heroically... x.x))
Once Chaevre' learns of the news she was first seen going to the temple to se if he was being raised, when she was told otherwise she went to the morgue to see his body, afterwards she went to ask the guards where is belongings were taken, shes told they are confiscated and asks if the fallens Spellbook be released to her for archival in Spellweaver Keeps libraries, which she was bluntly refused. She visited the body late at night and when no one was around (or so im told) she removes the body and while invisible takes it to an unknown location.
(Edit by Dorakhan: Sidebar comment removed. That wasn't necessary.)
Rumour has it that the wizard Ezachiel walked up to the guard tower south of Peltarch with a smile on his face, still smiling when he went down with a couple of arrows in his chest. His body and belongings are said to have been removed by the guards.