Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories
One morning during her training excercises with the other warriors of the Camp Cherry showoing signs of catching up at last in her physical conditioning. She can once more easily keep up with the men without winding herself. Only this one morning in the middle of training while waiting her turn for archery practice, Cherry collasped. Her body convulsed violently in seizure for several minutes. Cherry's fellow warriors could only stand by and watch, perhaps making sure she did not injure herself and call for her grandmother.
This would prove to not be an isolated incedent for Cherry.
William Morrison, Rhistin, and another man were seen headed south into the spider pass, following a white stag. When they are seen later, there are tales of bugbears moving north.
Aurelia has been asking around the camp if anyone knows of anyone that will be willing to assist her training. When asked of what training she says that she is mastering the Bow and her gift of the Arcane to manipulate her arrows, she seeks a mentor gifted both in natural arcana as well as marksmanship, as she hopes to combine both skills.
Cera tips these bards with extra spider eyes she has laying around her tree when they visit Camp to sing of these deeds.
Along the main towns in the nars, all bards sing in the main inns, the tale of three adventurers that go about by the mighty warrior KULL, and the druids Sald and Belia for defending norwick from a possible undead attack. The bards sing about the bravery shown by both Sald and Belia for fighting dozens of undead minions and last but not least their chieftain, they sing about the epic will to resist all the temptions and offers of unlimited power offered by the very master of the undead
KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
Snippets heard over the wash tubs of the Romani women and over mugs of ale at the heartfires late at night
…. no! she never came out of Jonni's tent! Not a soul saw her leave!......
.... Trask, didn't Jonni just eat two hours ago? Why's he taking two more bowls o' stew into his tent?.....
.... aye, he wouldn't let Jeni in to collect up his laundry the other day! He's gonna be smelling ripe enough soon! ......
_For the past few days, Aelthas and his men have been seen wandering around camp, writing down who is in camp and who isn't from the known people.
After a few days, the men report back to Aelthas, a frown coming across his face as he wanders off to find the elders._
Rumors tell of a permanent fixture by the pixie glenn at most hours of the day as well as a rather large bag of apples appearing on jeni's desk that seems to fill up the whole desk.
The number of Legion patrols have been increased along the nars, specially after few Jyiid Merchants have been murdured by allegedly impostors with Romany clothes.
These patrols are lead by Major kull and a small contingent of Legion recruits and privates, the patrols serve the purpose of security and safe passage along the nars and training for the new recruits_________________________________________________________-
KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
_An obviously irritated legion dwarf was seen walking into the camp and going off to speak to Jeni, yelling something about gypsy bandits in the pass killing Jiyyd citizens.
After a short talk in Jeni's tree, the dwarf was seen storming out of the camp and heading towards Jiyyd._
Attached to some trees in the other camp, a couple of poster announce a
Highharvestide Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))
((If there's fees to be paid for the posters, please contact me, so I can pay them. Thanks
_Cherry blushes occasionaly with her personal guards. Given her temperment, she often glad for the extra sense of safety Charlie and the chaperoning guards give her. Like anyone her age though, she occasionaly tries to igive her chaperones the slip to be alone with Aramuil. She often goes off in a huff too when the guards track her down anyway to go sulk by the fires.
OTherwise she still continues to train on her own in addittion to what is required of her as a Prismatic Dragon and maybe it's finally paying off as she can keep up with the rest without winding herself to early. She even finds her regular training with the warriors to be routine.
Cherry seems to have gotten a few of her fellow Prismatic Dragons to take her shield sledding and often can be seen racing some of them on the snowy slopes in the Nars not far fromteh Camp but always with a few warriors keeping watch. She might go sledding eve more often with the one other person she spends most ofh er time with besides her Grandma or Aramuil, Charlie._
_Often an elf leaning heavily on a staff, and wrapped in a tattered cloak with the hood drawn low is seen watching Tala. Though he does not bother to speak to many people, every now and then he walks over during her sparring and is seen to check on her shoulder. Often enough he is seen giving a light prayer that seems to ease some of her pain, but seems unable or unwilling to fully heal the wound and weakness.
Oddly enough, it almost seems he prefers it that way. When one of the Romani ask him why he does not just heal it away entirely, his soft spoken response is simply…_
"But then… what would be learned?"
stands with Raver's assistance pulling raver forward and slapping her on the back as she steps forward and past her
Two can play that game old lady. grins and rubs her smarting hand on her thigh
There are places he could hide in the hall. I think he is young though by elven standards.
For his part, Aramuil seems quite mystified by the sudden attention as the entire camp seems to finally come to ther realization that he is courting Cherry. Though, at least for now, he seems to put up with it.
easily sidesteps the feint, a foot sweeping out to land Tala on her arse
Careful old woman…. yer butt ain't so padded as it could handle landing on it many more time.
chortles and offers a hand to help her up
He'll wait on Miss Cherry, or he'll answer to nae only me…
glances to the sidelines where her Warriors keep watch
He'll be answerin' to the whole Camp.
would hate ta see him fall into the Ravine.
Its not the age that bothers me. Its the way any children from such a union would be treated…As you and I both know first hand. If he's willing to treat her like royalty and wait till she's an adult...Maybe the patience of a elf will out.
Tala makes feint at Raver while she is distracted to see how fast her reflexes are
Raver spars with Tala for short periods, helping her regain the strength she lost. She spares a glance for the dandy, stepping back to let Tala catch her breath… murmuring in her ear
What is it with these old men sniffing about Miss Cherry. Don't they know she's just a child?
Tala has been seen using the combat training areas when they are not in use by the guards. A garish looking scar encircles her left shoulder it is red and raised. She seems to favor that shoulder as if it pains her, but is determined to regain strength in it. Pausing in her practice to wipe her face, she looks to the fires and seeing Aramuil she clucks her tongue
He doesn't know the Romani way. I will talk to him about propriety and ask where are the gifts for her family. He is a good lad, but thats no reason to let him off easy.
she grins almost ferally at those near her
If the elven dandy is close to Cherry, he soon notices that at least 2 Warriors, armed to the teeth are close by as well. Always smiling, always polite, nevertheless, the charming Miss Cherry is well protected by her comrades-in-arms.
And by her bodyguard, the Purple haired Charlie.